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  • The interplay between Work Environment and Profitability: Insights from Industry-Level Analysis in Norway 

    Frøyen, Jonas Grotle; Hansen, Eivind Evjeberg (Master thesis, 2024)
    This thesis investigates the relationship between work environment dimensions and industry-level profitability in Norway, addressing the research question: “How are dimensions of the work environment associated with ...
  • Gender Diversity and Financial Performance in Law Firms 

    Nartey, Jarl Michael Ekremsvik; Jøsok, Anders (Master thesis, 2024)
    This thesis sets out to answer the question, “Does gender diversity among partners in law firms impact the financial performance of the firm?”. To address this, a dataset was created comprising the top 20 Norwegian firms ...
  • Why Firms Lay Off Workers Instead of Cutting Wages: Evidence From Linked Survey-Administrative Data 

    Bertheau, Antoine; Kudlyak, Marianna; Larsen, Birthe; Bennedsen, Morten (DP SAM;04/2025, Working paper, 2024-02)
    We use a novel large-scale survey of firms, implemented in Denmark in 2021 and linked to administrative data, to study why firms lay off workers instead of cutting wages. Our questions on layoffs, wage cuts, and the link ...
  • Freedom to Freeride 

    Wedervang, Liselotte Halland; Hovde, Magnus Øystese (Master thesis, 2024)
    This study examines the balance between freedom, fairness, and efficiency when individuals are presented with the opportunity to act paternalistically. Specifically, we study third-party decisions in public goods, focusing ...
  • Rating the Raters 

    Bjerkvik, Theodor; Andersen, Kasper Rau (Master thesis, 2024)
    This thesis investigates the role of credit ratings in financial markets and their reliability and consistency in assessing corporate default risk. Credit ratings serve as vital tools for reducing information asymmetry ...

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