Browsing NHH Brage by Author "Bjørndal, Endre"
Now showing items 21-40 of 67
Evaluation of the StoNED method for benchmarking and regulation of Norwegian electricity distribution companies
Bjørndal, Endre; Bjørndal, Mette (Report;2016:11, Research report, 2016-12)We evaluate the StoNED methodology for benchmarking and regulation of network companies, and we compare StoNED to the two-stage DEA method currently used by the Norwegian regulator. We find that the estimated values for ... -
Evaluering av energileddet i sentralnettstariffen og bruk av marginaltapssatser
Bjørndal, Endre; Bjørndal, Mette (Rapport, Research report, 2010-11)I denne rapporten foretar vi en evaluering av energileddet i sentralnettstariffen og bruken av marginaltapssatser. Vi går først gjennom teorien for optimale overføringstariffer og beskriver hvordan marginaltapssatser ... -
Finding core allocations for fixed cost games in electricity networks
Bjørndal, Endre; Stamtsis, Georgios C.; Erlich, István (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2003)We discuss the cost allocation problem faced by a network operator, where the fixed (residual) cost of the network has to be allocated among its users. Usage-based methods, such as the postage stamp rate method and the ... -
Finding the Right Yardstick: Regulation under Heterogeneous Environments
Bjørndal, Endre; Bjørndal, Mette; Cullmann, Astrid; Nieswand, Maria (Discussion paper;4/16, Working paper, 2016-02-25)Revenue cap regulation is often combined with systematic benchmarking to reveal the managerial inefficiencies when regulating natural monopolies. One example is the European energy sector, where benchmarking methods are ... -
Flexible hydrogen production : a comprehensive study on optimizing cost-efficient combinations of production and storage capacity to exploit electricity price fluctuations
Strømholm, Lars Skaugen; Rolfsen, Raag August Sandal (Master thesis, 2021)Due to the high costs related to green hydrogen, most of the world’s hydrogen today is supplied from grey hydrogen, resulting in a substantial carbon footprint. However, with decreasing capital costs, and the possibility ... -
Flexible Production of Green Ammonia : An Optimisation Approach to Cost-Efficient and Adaptable Power to Ammonia Production in Denmark
Ellertsen, John Kristian; Haugen, Sondre Gunnar (Master thesis, 2023)The majority of global ammonia production relies on non-renewable energy, as green ammonia is substantially more expensive. However, the energy landscape is changing, and countries like Denmark are expanding their capacity ... -
Flow-Based Market Coupling in the European Electricity Market – A Comparison of Efficiency and Feasibility
Bjørndal, Endre; Bjørndal, Mette; Cai, Hong (Discussion paper;14/18, Working paper, 2018-10-23)In May 2015, the Flow-Based Market Coupling (FBMC) model replaced the Available Transfer Capacity (ATC) model in Central Western Europe to determine the power transfers between countries or price areas. The FBMC model aims ... -
Flow-based market coupling in the nordic power market : implications for power generators in NO5
Brose, Eirik Braaten; Haugsbø, Andreas Sandal (Master thesis, 2019)The aim of this thesis is to study the effect of the introduction of flow-based market coupling in the Nordic power market, with specific focus on the impact on power generators in the NO5 price area. The analysis is ... -
Går samfunnet i pluss med plusskunder? : en litteraturstudie av plusskunders samfunnsøkonomiske verdi i Norge, hvilken utvikling man kan forvente i antall plusskunder fremover og betydning for regulering
Vestby, Line; Dvergsnes, Alexander (Master thesis, 2017)Plusskunder er et relativt nytt fenomen i Norge og en ser allerede i dag vekst i dette segmentet. Det er derfor av stor interesse å undersøke hvilke virkninger plusskunder vil ha for kraftsystemet og samfunnet for øvrig. ... -
Guarantees of Origin and Competition in the Spot Electricity Market
Blázquez, Mario; Hovdahl, Isabel; Arve, Malin; Bjørndal, Endre; Bjørndal, Mette (Discussion paper;24/23, Working paper, 2023-12-15)We study the effect of introducing a market for green energy attributes on the market for the energy itself. In Europe, renewable energy producers receive Guarantees of Origin (GOs) that they can sell to consumers who wish ... -
Hybrid Pricing in a Coupled European Power Market with More Wind Power
Bjørndal, Endre; Bjørndal, Mette; Cai, Hong; Panos, Evangelos (Discussion paper;28/15, Working paper, 2015-10-28)In the European market, the promotion of wind power leads to more network congestion. Zonal pricing (market coupling), which does not take the physical characteristics of transmission into account, is the most commonly ... -
Innovatører i norsk lakseoppdrett : en ikke-parametrisk effektivitetsanalyse av norsk lakseoppdrett
Fossberg, Per Christian; Fredriksen, Tor-Arne (Master thesis, 2016)Denne oppgaven har til hensikt å analysere effektivitets og produktivtetsendringer oppdrett 2010-2014. På grunnlag av effektivitets- og produktivitetsestimeringene av bransjen har innovatørene blitt identifisert, og ... -
Insentiver for investering i distribusjons- og regionalnett under ulike modellalternativer
Haugen, Erik; McGeorge, Kristian (Master thesis, 2017)Nettbransjen i Norge er et naturlig monopol og reguleres av Norges vassdrags- og energidirektorat (NVE). Strømnettet består av tre ulike nettnivå; sentral-, regional- og distribusjonsnett. Selskapene i regional- og ... -
Investeringer og usikkerhet i strømnettet : en studie av implikasjoner ved endringer i behovet for nett
Hæsken, Viktoria Vikan; Wormsen, Martine Ore (Master thesis, 2018)Store deler av det norske strømnettet nærmer seg slutten av sin levetid, og behovet for utbedringer er stort. Totalt foreligger planlagte investeringer i det norske nettverket til en verdi av 140 milliarder kroner. Beløpet ... -
Justeringsparameteren i inntektsreguleringen : vurdering av behov for endringer
Bjørndal, Endre; Bjørndal, Mette; Johnsen, Thore (Rapport, Research report, 2008-07)Tidsforsinkelser i reguleringsmodellen gjør det nødvendig å kompensere for rentetap som skyldes at avskrivning og avkastning på en investering genererer en forsinket inntektsramme i forhold til en ren ”Rate of Return” ... -
Kostnadsoptimal bekjempelsesstrategi mot lakselus : en simuleringsmodell for optimalisering av lakseproduksjon
Lindqvist, Thea; Solemdal, Gunnhild (Master thesis, 2018)Den norske lakseoppdrettsnæringen har stått overfor en kraftig vekst og er i dag en av Norges største industrier. Samtidig opplever næringen store utfordringer knyttet til bekjempelse av lakselus. Frem til nå har oppdretterne ... -
Lokal lagring : lokal energilagring i distribusjonsnettet, en del av mastergradprosjektet «Fremtidens nett»
Miftari, Valdrin; Schiøtz, Stian (Master thesis, 2018)Lokal lagring er et sentralt tema i diskusjonen om fremtidens kraftsystem, særlig bruken av batterier i strømnettet. Ny teknologi og fallende priser gjør det mer attraktivt å ta i bruk lokal lagring i stadig flere ... -
Lower and upper bounds for linear production
Bjørndal, Endre; Jörnsten, Kurt (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2002-11)We study a model of a production economy in which every set of agents owns a set of resources, and where they all have access to the same technology. The agents can cooperate by pooling their resources, and the total profit ... -
Malmquist Productivity Analysis based on StoNED
Cheng, Xiaomei; Bjørndal, Endre; Bjørndal, Mette (Discussion paper;25/15, Working paper, 2015-09-24)We construct a Malmquist productivity index based on stochastic non-parametric envelopment of data (StoNED) method, and we study how the distributional assumptions in the second StoNED stage affect productivity change ... -
Market evaluation for the business model of an electric vehicle aggregator : an analysis of the value of flexibility in the German power markets
Zipf, Marius (Master thesis, 2019)With a rising share of electric vehicles in the German market, adequate adoption of those vehicles through a smart charging approach becomes crucial for the successful integration into the grid. Market integration of ...