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Modellering av usikkerhet i numeriske likevektsmodeller med stokastisk scenariometode :
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013) -
Modelling clusters of corporate defaults: Regime-switching models significantly reduce the contagion source
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)In this paper, we report robust evidence that the process of corporate defaults is time-dependent and can be modelled by extending an autoregressive count time series model class via the introduction of regime-switching. ... -
Modelling farmers' labour supply in CGE models
(Working paper, Working paper, 2008-03)In most CGE models with special focus on farm policy, the on-farm wage either follows the ordinary wage in the economy or it is varies according to an assumption of sector specific farm labour. This paper demonstrates a ... -
Modelling fisherman behaviour under new regulatory regimes : methodological report
(Report, Research report, 2004-03)This report one first provides a review of the literature on empirical approaches to investigate fishermen behavior. We then investigate methodologies for modelling fishers’ behaviour under regulatory schemes with individual ... -
Modelling fishermen behaviour under new management regimes: final report
(Report, Research report, 2005-11)A traditional fisheries management scheme generates incentives to maximize a vessels share of the catch and encourages a ‘race to fish’. Individual vessel quota management schemes change the incentives to eliminate the ... -
Modelling probability of default with machine learning : how well does machine learning perform and can it replace the standard methods?
(Master thesis, 2020)In this master thesis we apply a variation of different machine learning techniques on a dataset for credit card clients in Taiwan to model the probability of default. In this master thesis, we apply machine learning ... -
Modelling social welfare effects of relocation and road pricing
(Discussion paper;42/14, Working paper, 2014-12)Road pricing is a popular congestion reduction strategy. However, there may be wider impacts associated with a road toll. We consider a factor which is sometimes overlooked, namely that workers and rms may choose to ... -
Modelling Stock Returns and Risk Management in the Shipping Industry
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)We estimate the impact of macroeconomic risk factors on shipping stock returns, using a quantile regression (QR) model. We regress the excess return of a portfolio for the container, dry bulk, chemical/gas, oil tanker, and ... -
Models for Spatial Consequences of Changes in Commuting Patterns
(Doctoral thesis, 2024-02) -
Moderating effects of asymmetric power on the relation between specific investments and mode of governance : a research proposal
(Master thesis, 2011)This master thesis is a research proposal focusing on the extent to which asymmetric power impacts the effects of specific investments on governance mode. Williamson’s (1975, 1981, 1985, 1991a, 1991b) transaction cost ... -
Moderating role of brand attachment in brand crisis. To what extent does brand attachment affect purchase intention in brand crisis: a study based on Apple’s crisis in China.
(Master thesis, 2012)Brand crisis can often lead to negative publicity which substantially affects purchase intention. Brand attachment, on the other hand, possesses marketing value since it helps the consumer choose a brand from a set of ... -
Modern heroes : an exploratory study of Norwegian leader talents
(Master thesis, 2011)In this paper we ask: “What drives and enables Norwegian Leader Talents, and what virtues do they value?” Based on ten qualitative interviews with leader talents identified by’s 2010 Top 100 Leader Talents ranking ... -
The modern three kingdoms in global automobile industry : a case study of Toyota quality crisis in USA and China market
(Master thesis, 2010)It is predicted that the clash of U.S.A as world only super power, the revenge of lost Japan and the raise of China will bring the whole world into a new era of three kingdoms in 21 century. The novel-Three kingdoms ... -
Modernisert men urettferdig folketrygd?
(Arbeidsnotat;04/12, Working paper, 2012-01)Som et resultat av en aldrende befolkning har det i Norge som i de fleste andre OECD land, tvunget seg fram en reformering av pensjonssystemet. Med bred politisk enighet ble forslaget til modernisert folketrygd vedtatt med ... -
Modernising floodplain agriculture : a study of the green revolution in Bangladesh
(Doctoral thesis, 1993) -
Modulization in the service industry : a case study on modulization tendencies in the Norwegian package tour market
(Master thesis, 2006)The thesis argues that Norwegian package tour companies follow a path towards modulization of their service offerings, meaning that a service is divided into smaller standardized parts so that the customer can put together ... -
Modulization in the service industry : a case study on modulization tendencies in the Norwegian package tour market.
(Master thesis, 2006)The thesis argues that Norwegian package tour companies follow a path towards modulization of their service offerings, meaning that a service is divided into smaller standardized parts so that the customer can put together ... -
Momentum i Norge : en empirisk undersøkelse av autokorrelasjon i aksjeavkastninger på Oslo Børs
(Master thesis, 2011)Denne masterutredningen tar for seg om det har eksistert momentum i aksjeavkastningene perioden 31.12.1997 – 31.12.2009 på Oslo Børs. Momentumstrategien tester om det forligger autokorrelasjon i avkastningene på kort sikt ... -
Momentum in Nordic Stock Returns : Industry Effects and Possible Strategy Improvements
(Master thesis, 2021)This thesis documents a strong momentum effect in the Nordic stock market that does not seem to be explained by traditional risk factors or industry effects, in contrast to the findings of Moskowitz and Grinblatt (1999). ... -
Momentum på Oslo Børs: en empirisk analyse av bransjeforholdenes påvirkning på momentum
(Master thesis, 2015)Denne masterutredningen utforsker om bransjeforhold kan forklare avkastningen til momentumstrategier på Oslo Børs i perioden 1996-2015. Momentumstrategier tar sikte på å unytte at aksjer vil trende i samme retning over ...