Browsing NHH Brage by Title
Now showing items 5307-5326 of 8346
Offshore service vessel contribution to the air pollution in a port city : estimation of aggregate emissions for the Port of Bergen
(Master thesis, 2017)The main subject of this thesis are emissions released by an offshore fleet visiting the Port of Bergen. In its first part, a problem of shipping-related pollution is introduced. It includes a description of main emission ... -
Offshore wind and its effect on the Nordic power market : adding power generation from Sørlige Nordsjø II and Utsira Nord
(Master thesis, 2020)An increasing share of renewable energy sources, such as offshore wind power, is expected in the future power markets. Several authors have found that power prices tend to decrease and fluctuate more when integrating ... -
Offshore wind power economics : analysis on the economic utilization of Turkey's offshore wind power potential under the current support mechanisms
(Master thesis, 2012)Climate change and the energy supply security concerns supported the development of wind power growth in the world, which made wind power as one of the fastest growing renewable energy sources. Offshore wind energy attracts ... -
Offshore-borebransjen og verdsettelse av Ocean Rig ASA
(Master thesis, 2006)Offshore-borebransjen er i denne utredningen definert som all virksomhet med mobile offshoreenheter, plattformboring og andre relaterte tjenester som brønnoperasjoner og engineering i tilknytning til boring. Utredningen ... -
Oh Mother: The Neglected Impact of School Disruptions
(DP SAM;30/2018, Working paper, 2018-12)Temporary school closures (TSC) represent a major challenge to policymakers across the globe due to their potential impact on instructional time and student achievement. A neglected but equally important question relates ... -
Oil and gas service companies adapting procurement and sourcing to the volatile oil and gas market
(Master thesis, 2015)The purpose of this paper is to address the increasing importance of supply chain agility for oil and gas service companies. In a highly volatile and complex oil and gas industry, service companies are increasingly ... -
Oil exploration and institutions : do oil companies prefer to drill in democracies?
(Master thesis, 2015)In this master thesis, I investigate the impact institutional quality has on exploration and drilling activities in the oil and gas industry. I use ordinary least square regressions (OLS) and two stage least square ... -
Oil price risk, prudent fiscal policy, and generational accounting
(Report, Research report, 2002-06)Oil price risk, prudent fiscal policy, and generational accounting Erling Steigum This paper proposes a new method for adjusting generational accounts for risk. Generational accounting is a tool that has proven very useful ... -
Oil Price Shocks and Stock Return Predictability
(Discussion paper;13/09, Working paper, 2009-11)Recent research has documented that oil price changes lead the aggregate market in most industrialized countries, and has argued that it represents an anomaly - an underreaction to information that investors can profit ... -
Oil Prices and the Renewable Energy Sector
(Discussion paper;15/17, Working paper, 2017-11-14)Energy security, climate change, and growing energy demand issues are moving up on the global political agenda, and contribute to the rapid growth of the renewable energy sector. In this paper we investigate the effects ... -
Oil Production in a Changing : Climate An Investigation of Optimal Oil Extraction on the Norwegian Continental Shelf under Current and Potential Climate Policies
(Master thesis, 2021)This thesis addresses the challenges of being an oil nation in a time where the world needs to combat climate changes. Emissions from fossil fuels are the dominant cause of global warming, and the need for actions to ... -
OL i Tromsø: Hva koster egentlig et idrettsanlegg?
(Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2008-09)I dette notatet illustreres – ved hjelp av et eksempel – hvordan ulike mål på samfunnsøkonomiske kostnader knyttet til bygging av et OL-relatert idrettsanlegg, kan beregnes. Utgangspunktet er anleggskostnadene vurdert til ... -
Older and wiser? : birth order and IQ of young men
(Working paper, Working paper, 2007-08)While recent research finds strong evidence that birth order affects children’s outcomes such as education and earnings, the evidence on the effects of birth order on IQ is decidedly mixed. This paper uses a large dataset ... -
Older and wiser? : birth order and IQ of young men
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2007-08)While recent research finds strong evidence that birth order affects children’s outcomes such as education and earnings, the evidence on the effects of birth order on IQ is decidedly mixed. This paper uses a large dataset ... -
Older or wealthier?: the impact of age adjustment on cross-sectional inequality measures
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2010-03)Differences in individual wealth holdings are widely viewed as a driving force of economic inequality. However, as this finding relies on cross-section data, a concern is that one confuses older with wealthier. We propose ... -
Oljefeltets livsløp: en kvantitativ analyse av lønnsomhetsforskjeller mellom olje- og gassrelaterte bransjer på Oslo Børs
(Master thesis, 2010)I denne oppgaven har vi analysert 42 olje- og gassrelaterte selskaper notert på Oslo Børs med hensikt å undersøke om det eksisterer lønnsomhetsforskjeller på tvers av bransjer i petroleumssektoren. Regnskapsdataene ... -
Oljemarkedets påvirkning på tankmarkedet
(Master thesis, 2011)I denne utredningen har jeg undersøkt hvilke faktorer som påvirker tilbud og etterspørsel i oljemarkedet og hvilken effekt det har på volum og pris av olje. Videre har jeg undersøkt hvordan dette påvirker tilbud og ... -
Oljepris og Oslo Børs : kan endringer i oljepris forklare utviklingen på Oslo Børs?
(Master thesis, 2006)Denne utredningen søker å gi et svar på hvorvidt det eksisterer kausalitet mellom endringer i oljepris og utviklingen i enkeltselskaper og indekser på Oslo Børs, ved hjelp av regresjonsmodeller. Innledningsvis har vi ... -
Oljepris og riggrater : en empirisk analyse
(Master thesis, 2010)I denne oppgaven blir det utført en empirisk undersøkelse av sammenhengen mellom oljepris og riggrater. Det blir i tillegg undersøkt om sammenhengen er forskjellig avhengig av hvilken geografisk region riggene opererer ... -
Oljepris – makroøkonomi eller geopolitikk? : en studie av WTI-oljens avkastning og volatilitet fra 1987 til 2013
(Master thesis, 2014)Denne utredningen har som formål å ta for seg utviklingen i oljeprisen fra januar 1987 og fram til desember 2013. Hovedmålet er å undersøke hvordan makroøkonomiske og geopolitiske faktorer har påvirket oljeprisens avkastning ...