Browsing NHH Brage by Title
Now showing items 7975-7994 of 8610
Ulovlig samarbeid etter Konkurranselovens § 10 : hvordan forebygge og begrense forekomsten av ulovlig samarbeid i norsk næringsliv?
(Master thesis, 2011)"Tiltak mot konkurransekriminalitet må skjerpes" (NHO, 2007: 72-80). Dette er tittelen på en artikkel forfattet av tidligere konkurransedirektør Knut Eggum Johansen. I artikkelen fokuserer han på utfordringer knyttet til ... -
Uncertain Electric Vehicle Incentives :Does It Affect Vehicle Choice? An exploratory study on how uncertainty impacts the sale of new electric vehicles, using media intensity as a measure of uncertainty
(Master thesis, 2022)This thesis explores whether uncertainty regarding electric vehicle incentives impacts electric vehicle sales. In the late 1990s, the first incentives for electric vehicles were implemented, and throughout the 2000s, ... -
Uncertainty in real estate development : a real options framework
(Master thesis, 2016)We develop a real options framework to facilitate optimal decision making and valuation for local real estate development projects in Bergen. With uncertain time to completion, the investor must continuously trade off the ... -
Uncertainty in the theory of public finance
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2009-09)This paper discusses the role that the economics of uncertainty has played in the theory of public finance. From being mostly concerned with its choice-theoretic foundations in the 1950s and ‘60s, the theory of expected ... -
Uncertainty modeling and spatial positioning in tramp shipping
(Doctoral thesis, 2018-11) -
Unconventional monetary policy at the zero nominal bound : a case study of United States, United Kingdom and Japan
(Master thesis, 2010)The objective of this paper is to assess unconventional monetary policy at the zero nominal bound: First, we assemble a framework for implementing and evaluating unconventional monetary policy. Second, we use the framework ... -
Uncovered interest parity and the forward premium puzzle : implications for market efficiency and carry trade
(Master thesis, 2012)Uncovered interest parity is a fundamental concept in foreign exchange and implies that the same deposit placed at home or abroad should yield equal returns. The forward premium puzzle refers to a well known empirical ... -
Uncovering preferences from patient list data using benefit efficient models
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)In this paper it is shown how the benefit efficient patient list model of Ubøe and Lillestøl [1] can be used to infer strength of preferences from patient list data. It is proved that the model allows the construction of ... -
Uncovering the Value of Green Innovation in the Context of Cost of Equity : An Empirical Study of how Green Innovation Efforts Impact the Cost of Equity
(Master thesis, 2022)This thesis investigates the relationship between green innovation and the cost of equity for the 500 largest European public firms from 2000 to 2019. The findings show that more green innovation is associated with a ... -
Under pressure? : the effect of peers on outcomes of young adults
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2010-05)A variety of public campaigns, including the “Just Say No” campaign of the 1980s and 1990s that encouraged teenagers to “Just Say No to Drugs”, are based on the premise that teenagers are very susceptible to peer influences. ... -
Underpricing and aftermarket performance of IPOs in the UK : an empirical review
(Master thesis, 2018)This thesis contributes to the literature on Initial Public Offerings (IPOs). It seeks to uncover and explain underpricing and aftermarket performance for companies that go public for the first time in the United Kingdom ... -
Underpricing and long-run performance of Norwegian initial public offerings : An empirical investigation of factors that impacts short and longterm returns of Norwegian initial public offerings
(Master thesis, 2023)In this master's thesis, we have investigated several factors that could account for the underpricing and long-term performance of initial public offerings in Norway. We used size, equity beta, and a PE/VC dummy variable ... -
Underpricing and Long-Term Performance of Private Equity-Backed IPOs in the U.S. : An empirical study of the underpricing and long-term performance of private equity- and venture capital-backed IPOs in the U.S. stock market from 2000-2022
(Master thesis, 2023)This thesis aims to investigate the underpricing and long-term performance of private equity-backed initial public offerings (IPOs) relative to non-sponsored IPOs. We use a sample of 2.509 IPOs on the New York Stock ... -
Underprising av IPOs i det norske obligasjonsmarkedet : empirisk studie fra 01.01.2006 til 31.12.2013
(Master thesis, 2014)I denne avhandlingen undersøker vi prissettingen av selskapers IPOs i det norske obligasjonsmarkedet fra starten av 2006 og ut 2013. Basert på tidligere empiriske studier fra det amerikanske obligasjonsmarkedet har vi ... -
Underrapportering av inntekt blant selvstendig næringsdrivende - Et utgiftsbasert estimat
(Master thesis, 2015)I denne masterutredningen undersøker vi graden av underrapportering av inntekt i Norge fra 1975 til 2012 blant selvstendig næringsdrivende. Analysene bygger på en utgiftsbasert estimeringsmetode, utviklet av Pissarides ... -
Underreporting of income by self-employed? : a meta-analysis studies building on Pissarides & Weber 1989
(Master thesis, 2017)This meta-analysis has investigated the relative income underreporting (k) in a sample of 30 international empirical studies, adding up to 342 estimates, which are based on Pissarides & Weber’s expenditure-based approach. ... -
Underrepresentation, Quotas and Quality: A dynamic argument for reform
(SAM DP;08/2023, Working paper, 2023-05)The trade-off between increased representation and perceived quality is central to the debate on how to address underrepresentation in high-profile professions. We address this trade-off using a dynamic model of career ... -
Understanding changes in performance of an oil-sector joint venture in an unstable context : the impact of control-collaboration mechanisms and inter-firm diversity dimensions
(Master thesis, 2016)The purpose of this thesis is to understand the variations on the performance of an oil-sector International Joint Venture (IJV) when facing changes in political and legal contexts that affected its equity structure. The ... -
Understanding credit risk in Norwegian real estate crowdlending : Analysis of credit quality among Norwegian real estate crowdlending borrowers across FundingPartner, Kameo and Monio
(Master thesis, 2023)The Norwegian crowdlending industry has grown rapidly in the last decade, resulting in the emergence of several platforms of notable sizes. Regulations are lagging, and government instances are discussing incorporating EU ... -
Understanding determinants of government and consumer behavior relative to product safety : an application of the theory of planned behavior to China and the United States
(Master thesis, 2008)The following thesis applies Icek Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behavior to explain consumer and government response to safety of Chinese-made products sold in China and the United States. The thesis relies on secondary data ...