Browsing NHH Brage by Author "Bivand, Roger S."
Now showing items 1-16 of 16
After "Raising the Bar'': applied maximum likelihood estimation of families of models in spatial econometrics.
Bivand, Roger S. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Elhorst (2010) shows how the recent publication of LeSage and Pace (2009) in his expression “raises the bar” for our fitting of spatial econometrics models. By extending the family of models that deserve attention, Elhorst ... -
After “Raising the Bar”: applied maximum likelihood estimation of families of models in spatial econometrics
Bivand, Roger S. (Discussion Papers;22/2011, Working paper, 2011-11)Elhorst (2010) shows how the recent publication of LeSage and Pace (2009) in his expression “raises the bar” for our fitting of spatial econometrics models. By extending the family of models that deserve attention, Elhorst ... -
Comparing estimation methods for spatial econometrics techniques using R
Bivand, Roger S. (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2010-10)Recent advances in spatial econometrics model fitting techniques have made it more desirable to be able to compare results and timings. Results should correspond between implementations using different applications, ... -
Computing the Jacobian in spatial models : an applied survey
Bivand, Roger S. (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2010-08)Despite attempts to get around the Jacobian in fitting spatial econometric models by using GMM and other approximations, it remains a central problem for maximum likelihood estimation. In principle, and for smaller data ... -
Dynamic externalities and regional manufacturing development in Poland
Bivand, Roger S. (Geografi i Bergen, Research report, 1999)The impact of localization and urbanization economies on regional manufacturing development in Poland 1976-96 is assessed in terms of employment and the regional convergence or divergence of the economy. Current research ... -
Exploiting parallelization in spatial statistics: an applied survey using R
Bivand, Roger S. (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2010-10)Computing tasks may be parallelized top-down by splitting into per-node chunks when the tasks permit this kind of division, and particularly when there is little or no need for communication between the nodes. Another ... -
Geocomputation and open source software:components and software stacks
Bivand, Roger S. (Discussion Papers;23/2011, Working paper, 2011-11)Geocomputation, with its necessary focus on software development and methods innovation, has enjoyed a close relationship with free and open source software communities. These extend from communities providing the ... -
Implementing functions for spatial statistical analysis using the R language
Bivand, Roger S.; Gebhardt, Albrecht (Geografi i Bergen, Research report, 1998)R is a language similar to S for statistical data analysis, based on modern programming concepts and released under the GNU General Public License. It permits the integration of program scripts with compiled dynamically ... -
Integrating GRASS 5.0 and R: GIS and modern statistics for data analysis
Bivand, Roger S. (Geografi i Bergen, Research report, 1999)With the release of the open-source GIS GRASS 5.0 in early 1999, opportunities are presented for integration with the open-sourcestatistical data analysis programming environment. After reviewing these two software ... -
Open Source software and the knowledge economy: virtually free and virtually immeasurable
Bivand, Roger S. (230, Research report, 1999)One of the most striking innovations to emerge with full vigour in the late 1990's, but building on earlier precedent, is Open Source software. While there are good technical reasons for releasing the source code of computer ... -
Progress in the R ecosystem for representing and handling spatial data
Bivand, Roger S. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Twenty years have passed since Bivand and Gebhardt (J Geogr Syst 2(3):307–317, 2000. indicated that there was a good match between the then nascent open-source R programming language ... -
Regional growth in Western Europe : an empirical exploration of interactions with agriculture and agricultural policy
Bivand, Roger S.; Brunstad, Rolf Jens (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2002-01)Studies of convergence of regional growth in Western Europe have given varying results, depending on the addition of conditioning variables and estimation methods, as well as underlying models. This exploration adds ... -
Regional growth in Western Europe : detecting spatial misspecification using the R environment
Bivand, Roger S.; Brunstad, Rolf Jens (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2006-01)The work discussed in Bivand and Brunstad (2003) was an attempt to throw light on apparent variability in regional convergence in relation to agriculture as a sector subject to powerful political measures, in Western ... -
A review of spatial statistical techniques for location studies
Bivand, Roger S. (Geografi i Bergen, Research report, 1998)While the new economic geography of trade and location has, understandably enough, concentrated on developing models of stylised relationships, it now seems that a review of some techniques which may be applied in empirical ... -
Spaces beyond the horizon? Alternative imaginative geographies between Europe and the Orient
Bivand, Roger S. (Geografi i Bergen, Research report, 1999)Post-structuralist and post-colonial discourses in contemporary human geography often make reference to the works of Joseph Conrad, albeit not infrequently in an iconized fashion. This essay reviews some grounds for feeling ... -
Using the R statistical data analysis language on GRASS 5.0 GIS data base files
Bivand, Roger S. (Geografi i Bergen, Research report, 1999)With the release of the open-source GIS GRASS 5.0 in early 1999, opportunities are presented for integration with the open-source R statistical data analysis programming environment (Ihaka and Gentleman, 1996, code obtained ...