Browsing NHH Brage by Author "Mæland, Jøril"
Now showing items 1-17 of 17
Asymmetric information and irreversible investments : real option valuation and strategies
Mæland, Jøril (Doctoral thesis, 2001) -
Bør den norske personkunden velge aktivt forvaltede fond eller indeksfond? En empirisk studie av norske aksjefond i perioden 2001-2019
Bjørhovde, Vegard Gjelsvik; Kase, Christian Graue (Master thesis, 2021)I denne oppgaven undersøker vi om norske personkunder bør plassere forvaltningskapitalen sin i aktive eller passive aksjefond. Undersøkelsen omfatter fondskategorien Norge-fond over perioden 2001-2019, og vi benytter et ... -
Credit ratings in the Norwegian investment grade corporate bond market : a qualitative exploration
Grønn, Cecilie Gørbitz; Viga, Karoline Hobbelstad (Master thesis, 2020)The Norwegian bond market is relatively well-functioning despite a low prevalence of credit ratings. In order to define the creditworthiness of issuers, other sources of information have developed. The Norwegian Fund and ... -
Determinants of Private Equity Exit Strategies: An Empirical Study of the Nordic Private Equity Market
Hagen, Arnt Herman; Mundal, Øyvind Skare (Master thesis, 2022)This thesis seeks to uncover the determinants of private equity (PE) exit strategies in the Nordics by examining the three most common exit routes available to PE firms: secondary buyouts (SBOs), initial public offerings ... -
A Different Perspective On Volatility? An Empirical Analysis of the Effects of Volatility-Management in a Norwegian
Pham, David An Tran; Jaldar, Herman Rosand (Master thesis, 2022)To raise awareness of volatility-management - that is, improving portfolio performance by adjusting exposure according to volatility information, this thesis aims to provide empirical evidence on the effects of ... -
Fungerte regjeringens ‘one size fits all’– tilnærming for økonomisk støtte under pandemien? Virkningen av COVID-19-støtteordninger på selskapsstørrelse
Klavestad, Henrik; Agnalt, Sigurd (Master thesis, 2023)Denne masteroppgaven har som mål å undersøke og analysere effekten av støtteordningene som ble introdusert i Norge som en respons på Covid-19-pandemien. Spesifikt ønsker vi å analysere forholdet mellom selskapsstørrelse ... -
The impact of carbon emissions on investment performance : an empirical analysis of how carbon footprint affects risk-adjusted return for stocks listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange
Midttun, Maria Sunde; Gjengedal, Linnea Øynebråten (Master thesis, 2019)Climate change have led to a rising interest in how climate risks affect investors portfolios. The purpose of this thesis is to increase investors understanding of how climate change can influence investment returns. ... -
The impact of MiFID II/R on market liquidity : a quantitative analysis of secondary corporate bond markets
Botnevik, Esben; Lid, Sander Tveiterås (Master thesis, 2020)In this thesis, we investigate effects on market liquidity in the secondary corporate bond market in Norway, following MiFID II/R. To measure market liquidity, we use Roll’s approximation to bid-ask spreads, Amihud’s ... -
Innovasjon og innovasjonskonkurranser
Mæland, Jøril (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Bedrifter og offentlige virksomheter bruker i økende grad innovasjonskonkurranser til å løse teknologiske utfordringer og fremme nye produkter og tjenester. Gjennom en innovasjonskonkurranse inviterer oppdragsgiver uavhengige ... -
Innovation, competition, and investment timing
Koskinen, Yrjö; Mæland, Jøril (Working paper;2013:3, Working paper, 2013)In our model multiple innovators compete against each other by submitting investment proposals to an investor. The investor chooses the least expensive proposal and when to invest in it. Innovators have to provide costly ... -
Lønner det seg å SPACulere?: En studie av SPACer i det amerikanske markedet og relevans for Norge
Torp, Hedda Roscher; Schrödter, Lena Christine Rasmussen (Master thesis, 2021)Et SPAC (Eng. = Special Purpose Acquisition Company) er et selskap som opprettes og børsnoteres med intensjonen om å identifisere et målselskap, og børsnotere dette gjennom et oppkjøp. Sammenlignet med fjoråret har antall ... -
Performance of Initial Coin Offerings, before and during COVID-19: A comperative analysis of [CO performance before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
Hasanrash, Surush Mohammad; Shrestha, Ashish (Master thesis, 2022)The research carried out in this thesis looks at the performance of Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. ICOs listed before and after COVID-19 pandemic were collected and later compared to ... -
Product development in IT and telecommunications information acquisition strategies
Lund, Arne-Christian; Mæland, Jøril (Working paper, Working paper, 2007-10)Investment projects within information technology and telecommunication industries face high uncertainty with respect to future cash flows, especially due to technological innovations and changing markets. Competition among ... -
Skaper forskjeller i bankregulering ulike konkurransevilkår? En empirisk analyse av IRB-metodens påvirkning på lønnsomhet og risiko i norske banker
Stengrimsen, Herman; Storsletten, Christoffer (Master thesis, 2023)I denne utredningen undersøker vi hvordan implementeringen av «Internal Ratings-Based (IRB)»-metoden påvirker lønnsomhet og risiko for norske banker, og om den har noen implikasjoner for konkurransevilkårene. Ved hjelp ... -
Understanding credit risk in Norwegian real estate crowdlending : Analysis of credit quality among Norwegian real estate crowdlending borrowers across FundingPartner, Kameo and Monio
Kvile, Rasmus; Kristoffersen, Kristian K. (Master thesis, 2023)The Norwegian crowdlending industry has grown rapidly in the last decade, resulting in the emergence of several platforms of notable sizes. Regulations are lagging, and government instances are discussing incorporating EU ... -
Valuation of irreversible investments : private information about the investment cost
Mæland, Jøril (Discussion paper, Working paper, 1999-11)This article examines dynamic investment decisions when there is an agency problem. A principal delegates the decision of an investment strategy of a project to an agent. The agent has private information about the investment ... -
Verdsettelse av Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA : fundamentalanalyse og verdivurdering av Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA
Jacobsen, Fredrik Havikbotn (Master thesis, 2016)Denne masteroppgaven er en fundamentalanalyse og verdsettelse av egenkapitalen til Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA (Norwegian). Formålet med oppgaven å vurdere Norwegians egenkapitalverdi. Oppgavens problemstilling er som følger: ...