Now showing items 804-823 of 887

    • Time-Dependency in Producers’ Price Adjustments: Evidence from Micro Panel Data. 

      Nilsen, Øivind Anti; Pettersen, Per Marius; Bratlie, Joakim (DP SAM;12/2018, Working paper, 2018-06)
      Existing micro evidence of firms’ price changes tends to show a downward sloping hazard rate – the longer the price of a product has remained the same, the less likely it is that the price will change. Using a panel of ...
    • The Timing of Parental Job Displacement, Child Development and Family Adjustment 

      Carneiro, Pedro; Salvanes, Kjell G.; Willage, Barton; Willén, Alexander (SAM DP;12/2022, Working paper, 2022-09)
      This paper examines if the effect of parental labor market shocks on child development depends on the age of the child at the time of the shock. To address this question, we leverage rich Norwegian population-wide register ...
    • To invest or not to invest : a real options approach to FDIs and tax competition 

      Panteghini, Paolo M.; Schjelderup, Guttorm (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2006-01)
    • To peg or not to peg? : a simple model of exchange rate regime choice in small economies 

      Berger, Helge; Jensen, Henrik; Schjelderup, Guttorm (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2000-10)
      The choice of an exchange rate peg often points to a trade-off between gaining credibility and losing flexibility. We show that the flexibility loss may be reduced if domestic and foreign shocks are correlated and more ...
    • Too young to leave the nest ? : the effects of school starting age 

      Black, Sandra E.; Devereux, Paul J.; Salvanes, Kjell Gunnar (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2008-06)
      Does it matter when a child starts school? While the popular press seems to suggest it does, there is limited evidence of a long-run effect of school starting age on student outcomes. This paper uses data on the population ...
    • Towards a competitive society? : the promotion of competition as a goal of economic policy 

      Sandmo, Agnar (Discussion paper, Working paper, 1999-04)
      This paper discusses the problems involved in considering competition policy as a separate area of economic policy. Two problems are given special attention. The first is the doubtful efficiency gain from enforcing ...
    • Trade and development : is south-south co-operation a feasible strategy? 

      Møen, Jarle (Discussion paper, Working paper, 1998-10)
      The first part of this article gives a brief overview of the main problems facing the developing countries in the present international trading system, and reviews the debate on import substitution vs. export promotion. ...
    • Trade and multinationals : the effect of economic integration on taxation and tax revenue 

      Kind, Hans Jarle; Midelfart, Karen Helene; Schjelderup, Guttorm (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2003-12)
      The rising importance of multinationals in the world economy has been accompanied by a rise in trade between affiliates of multinationals located in different countries, and by profits being shifted to low tax countries. ...
    • Trade crisis? What trade crisis? 

      Behrens, Kristian; Corcos, Gregory; Mion, Giordano (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      We investigate the 2008–2009 trade collapse using microdata from a small open economy, Belgium. Belgian exports and imports mostly fell because of smaller quantities sold and unit prices charged rather than fewer firms, ...
    • Trading off Welfare and Immigration in Europe 

      Hansen, Ole-Petter Moe; Legge, Stefan (Discussion paper;22/15, Working paper, 2015-10)
      In this paper, we explore the trade-off Europe faces when choosing between immigration from poor countries and welfare spending. Using data from the European Social Survey on sixteen countries from 2002{2012, we document ...
    • Turbulens i stor høyde 

      Norman, Victor (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Det er seks år siden verdens finansmarkeder klappet sammen og verdensøkonomien falt utfor stupet. Krisen som fulgte, er ennå ikke over. Veksten i verdensøkonomien som helhet er langt svakere og mer ujevn enn før; i deler ...
    • TV advertising, programming investments, and product-market oligopoly 

      Nilssen, Tore; Sørgard, Lars (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2000-06)
      We present a model of the TV-advertising market that encompasses both the product markets and the market for TV programs. We argue that the TV industry has several idiosyncratic characteristics that need to be modeled, ...
    • Two centuries of economic growth: Norwegian GDP 1816-2020 

      Grytten, Ola Honningdal (DP SAM;10/2020, Working paper, 2020-06)
      Existing historical GDP series for Norway do not always coincide with our historical knowledge of the economic development. This is to a large extent a result of lack of calculations from the production side and in addition ...
    • Two hegemonies – two technological regimes : American and Norwegian whaling in the 19th and 20th Century 

      Basberg, Bjørn L. (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2006-09)
      The 19th century whaling industry was dominated by the United States while the 20th century industry had its origins in Norway and was dominated for years by that nation. The focus of the paper, is to explore the ...
    • Two part tariffs with partial product bundling 

      Jensen, Sissel (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2001)
      When a firm operates in an industry with very large differences in consumers' willingness to pay for the service it offers, it faces a challenge in the pricing decision. It wants to engage in price discrimination, but ...
    • Two-part pricing, consumer heterogeneity and Cournot competition 

      Jensen, Sissel; Sørgard, Lars (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2001)
      We analyze two-part tariffs in an oligopoly, where each firm commits to a quantity and a fixed fee prior to the determination of unit prices. In the case of homogeneous consumers, Harrison and Kline (2001) showed that the ...
    • Two-part tariffs with partial unbundling 

      Jensen, Sissel (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2001-10)
      The paper explores second degree price discrimination in a multidimensional good context. There are two types of consumers with demand described by a two-dimensional vector, a quantity dimension and a service attribute ...
    • Two-part tariffs with quality degradation 

      Jensen, Sissel (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2006-03)
      There is a gap between the recommendations of the theory of second degree price discrimination and the practices of firms that target consumer segments with varying willingness to pay with two or more distinct tar- iffs. ...
    • Two-part tariffs, consumer heterogeneity and Cournot competition 

      Jensen, Sissel; Sørgard, Lars (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2001-10)
      We analyze two-part tariffs in oligopoly, where each firm commits to a certain quantity. The model is an extension of the one introduced in Har (2001). We show that their main results are reversed when the model is extended ...
    • Types of absence from work and wages of young workers with apprenticeship training. 

      Kunze, Astrid (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)
      This paper explores the short-and long-term effects on wages of absence from work for young highly attached skilled male and female workers in West Germany. The analysis distinguishes different types of career absence: ...