Now showing items 316-335 of 667

    • Intergenerational risk sharing by means of pay-as-you-go programs : an investigation of alternative mechanisms 

      Thøgersen, Øystein (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2006-06)
      A pay-as-you-go (paygo) pension program may provide intergenerational pooling of risks to individuals’ labor and capital income over the life cycle. By means of illuminating closed form solutions we demonstrate that the ...
    • Intermittent Price Changes in Production Plants: Empirical Evidence using Monthly Data. 

      Nilsen, Øivind A.; Vange, Magne (DP SAM;22, Working paper, 2016-12)
      The price-setting behaviour of manufacturing plants is examined using a large panel of monthly surveyed plant- and product-specific prices. The sample shows a high frequency of zero changes, relatively small price changes, ...
    • Internal wage dispersion and firm performance : white-collar evidence 

      Hunnes, Arngrim (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2006-05)
      Is internal wage dispersion good for firm productivity, or do internal wage differences break the conception of fairness and cause counterproductive behavior among workers? Contrary to previous empirical work that has ...
    • International aspects of public goods provision 

      Sandmo, Agnar (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2002-02)
      This paper considers the extension of the theory of public consumption goods to an international context with public goods whose benefits are global. In one version of the model there are no restrictions on lump sum ...
    • International capital mobility and the taxation of portfolio investments 

      Schjelderup, Guttorm (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2002-06)
      This paper provides an overview of problems related to the taxation of portfolio investments in an open economy. It starts by outlining empirical results on how taxation affects household portfolio structure and proceeds ...
    • International competition for multinational investment 

      Haaland, Jan Ingvald Meidell; Wooton, Ian (Discussion paper, Working paper, 1998-08)
      We examine the economic justification for providing investment subsidies to foreign-owned multinationals. These provide employment opportunities and generate demand for domestic intermediate inputs, produced by domestic ...
    • International complementarities in the Internet : should local access prices be regulated? 

      Foros, Øystein; Kind, Hans Jarle; Sørgard, Lars (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2002-05)
      The Internet can be seen as the convergence of different industries, such as telecommunication, software and media, into an international oligopoly offering complementary products. In most of these industries we have ...
    • International income inequality : measuring PPP bias by estimating Engel curves for food 

      Almås, Ingvild (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2007-07)
      Price-adjusted data on national incomes applied in cross-country compar- isons are measured with bias. By studying micro data, this paper ¯nds that the bias is systematic: the poorer a country is, the more its income ...
    • International trade with competitiveness : effects in R&D 

      Pires, Armando José Garcia (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2006-02)
    • Interrelated factor demand with nonconvex adjustment costs 

      Letterie, Wilko; Nilsen, Øivind Anti; Pfann, Gerard A. (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2008-04)
      In this paper we develop a model to describe a firm’s demand for two production factors which is subject to the presence of nonconvex adjustment costs. In our model simultaneous adjustment of these two production factors ...
    • Is mobility of labour a channel for spillovers from multinationals to local domestic firms? 

      Balsvik, Ragnhild (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2006-08)
      This paper documents the extent of labour mobility from multinationals (MNEs) to non-MNEs in Norwegian manufacturing during the 1990s. On average, each year around one percent of workers in MNEs move to non-MNEs. By the ...
    • Is mobility of technical personnel a source of R&D spillovers? 

      Møen, Jarle (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2001-03)
      Labor mobility is often considered to be an important source of knowledge externalities, making it difficult for firms to appropriate returns to R&D investments. In this paper, I argue that inter-firm transfers of knowledge ...
    • Is recipiency of disability pension hereditary? 

      Bratberg, Espen; Nilsen, Øivind Anti; Vaage, Kjell (Discussion paper;10/2012, Working paper, 2012-04)
      This paper addresses whether children’s exposure to parents receiving disability benefits induces a higher probability of receiving such benefits themselves. Most OECD countries experience an increasing proportion of the ...
    • Is teenage motherhood contagious? Evidence from a Natural Experiment 

      Monstad, Karin; Propper, Carol; Salvanes, Kjell Gunnar (Discussion Papers;12/2011, Working paper, 2011-07)
      There is relatively little research on peer effects in teenage motherhood despite the fact that peer effects, and in particular social interaction within the family, are likely to be important. We estimate the impact ...
    • Is there a development gap in rationality? 

      Cappelen, Alexander W.; Kariv, Shachar; Sørensen, Erik Ø.; Tungodden, Bertil (Discussion paper;8/2014, Working paper, 2014-03)
      We report an experimental test of the four touchstones of rationality in choice under risk – utility maximization, stochastic dominance, expected-utility maximization and small-stakes risk neutrality – with students from ...
    • Job Displacement, Unemployment, and Crime: Evidence from Danish Microdata and Reforms 

      Bennett, Patrick; Ouazad, Amine (DP SAM;32/2018, Working paper, 2018-12)
      This paper estimates the individual impact of a worker’s job loss on his/her criminal activity. Using a matched employer-employee longitudinal data set on unemployment, crime, and taxes for all residents in Denmark, the ...
    • Job Loss and Regional Mobility. 

      Huttunen, Kristiina; Møen, Jarle; Salvanes, Kjell G. (DP SAM;17/2016, Working paper, 2016-11-29)
      It is well documented that displaced workers suffer severe earnings losses, but not why this is so. One reason may be that workers are unable or unwilling to move to regions with better employment opportunities. We study ...
    • Job losses and child outcomes 

      Bratberg, Espen; Nilsen, Øivind Anti; Vaage, Kjell (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2007-06)
      Based on matched employer-employee data from Norway, we analyze the effects of worker displacement in 1986-1987 on their children’s earnings in 1999-2001. Using displacement of fathers to indicate an exogenous earnings ...
    • Jobs and technology in general equilibrium: A three-elasticities approach 

      Baldwin, Richard; Haaland, Jan I.; Venables, Anthony J. (DP SAM;01/2021, Working paper, 2021-01-21)
      The impact of technological progress on jobs and wages has been subject to much empirical and some theoretical work. However, most of this literature has not addressed the general equilibrium interplay between the productive ...
    • A journey for your beautiful mind : economics graduate study and research 

      Ma, Ching-To Albert (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2007-09)
      A lecture to graduate students of the joint Economics Ph.D. program of the Department of Economics, University of Bergen, and the Norwegian School of Economics.