Browsing Discussion papers (FOR) by Title
Now showing items 203-222 of 575
Greening the Vehicle Fleet: Evidence from Norway’s CO2 Differentiated Registration Tax
(Discussion paper;14/16, Working paper, 2016-08-31)Fiscal policies are used to improve vehicle fuel efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions in the transport sector. Years of forceful reform in Norway may be seen as informative. From 2007, Norway has linked its new vehicle ... -
Guaranteed investment contracts: distributed and undistributed excess return
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2000)Annual minimum rate of return guarantees are analyzed together with rules for distribution of positive excess return, i.e. investment returns in excess of the guaranteed minimum return. Together with the level of the annual ... -
Guarantees of Origin and Competition in the Spot Electricity Market
(Discussion paper;24/23, Working paper, 2023-12-15)We study the effect of introducing a market for green energy attributes on the market for the energy itself. In Europe, renewable energy producers receive Guarantees of Origin (GOs) that they can sell to consumers who wish ... -
Harmonization of Corporate Tax Systems and its Effect on Collusive Behavior
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2007-01)We study how harmonization of corporate tax systems affects the stability of international cartels. We show that tax base harmonization reinforces collusive agreements, while harmonization of corporate tax rates may ... -
Heterogeniety and limited stock market participation
(Discussion paper;05/14, Working paper, 2014-02)We derive the equilibrium interest rate and risk premiums using recursive utility with heterogeneity in a continuous time model. Two ordinally equivalent versions are considered, each associated with a di erent set of ... -
Hidden semi-Markov models for rainfall-related insurance claims
(Discussion paper;17/23, Working paper, 2023-11-06)We analyze the temporal structure of a novel insurance dataset about home insurance claims related to rainfall-induced damage in Norway, and employ a hidden semi-Markov model to capture the non-Gaussian nature and temporal ... -
A hit-and-run interloper model for a regional fisheries management on the high sea
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2002-07)The 1993 U.N. Straddling Stock Agreement prescribes a multi-national organizational structure for management of an exploited marine fish stock, one whose range straddles both .Extended Economic Zones. (EEZs) and high seas ... -
Home bias in shareholder voting
(Discussion paper;21/23, Working paper, 2023-11-10)Institutional investors’ proxy voting decisions are influenced by their geographic proximity to portfolio firms. Using a sample of over 50 million votes cast by U.S. and non-U.S. investors globally, I find that investors ... -
Hotelling competition with multi-purchasing
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2010-12)We analyze a Hotelling model where consumers either buy one out of two goods (single-purchase) or both (multi-purchase). The firms pricing strategies turn out to be fundamentally different if some consumers multi-purchase ... -
How time preferences differ : evidence from 45 countries
(Discussion paper;2011:18, Working paper, 2011-10)We present results from the first large-scale international survey on time discounting, conducted in 45 countries. Cross-country variation cannot simply be explained by economic variables such as interest rates or ... -
How to extend the RiskMetrics market risk universe
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2002)RiskMetrics™ (RM) represents a framework for measuring market risk founded on the Value at Risk concept, and offer daily updated estimates of standard deviations and correlations of the assets within their market risk ... -
How to measure greenhouse gas emissions by fuel type for binary sustainability standards: Average or Marginal emissions? An example of fertilizer use and corn ethanol
(Discussion paper;3/17, Working paper, 2017-02-28)This study proposed a modelling framework which addresses various issues such as decreasing marginal yield of corn with respect to fertilizer use in biofuel production and the resulting greenhouse gas emissions. Particularly, ... -
How to Use One Instrument to Identify Two Elasticities
(Discussion paper;2/17, Working paper, 2017-02-27)We show that an insight from taxation theory allows identification of both the supply and demand elasticities with only one instrument. Ramsey (1928) and subsequent models of taxation assume that a tax levied on the demand ... -
Human capital, multiple income risk and social insurance
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2008-09)We set up an OLG-model, where households both choose human capital investment and decide on investing their endogenous savings in a portfolio of riskless and risky assets, exposing them to (aggregate) wage and capital risks ... -
A hybrid method based on linear programming and tabu search for routing of logging trucks
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2007)In this paper, we consider an operational routing problem to decide the daily routes of logging trucks in forestry. The industrial problem is difficult and includes aspects such as pickup and delivery with split pickups, ... -
Hybrid Pricing in a Coupled European Power Market with More Wind Power
(Discussion paper;28/15, Working paper, 2015-10-28)In the European market, the promotion of wind power leads to more network congestion. Zonal pricing (market coupling), which does not take the physical characteristics of transmission into account, is the most commonly ... -
Hydrogen in Renewable-Intensive Energy Systems: Path to Becoming a Cost-Effective and Efficient Storage Solution
(Discussion paper;01/25, Working paper, 2025-01-13)This paper examines the integration of hydrogen storage in renewable-intensive energy systems. Current hydrogen storage technology is too costly and inefficient, but reducing hydrogen costs to 12.5% of current levels and ... -
Immobilizing Corporate Income Shifting: Should It Be Safe to Strip in the Harbor?
(Discussion paper;31/15, Working paper, 2015-11-18)Many subsidiaries can deduct interest payments on internal debt from their taxable income. By issuing internal debt from a tax haven, multinationals can shift income out of host countries through the interest rates they ... -
The impact of pecuniary costs on commuting flows
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2010-05) -
The impact of variable renewables on the distribution of hourly electricity prices and their variability: A panel approach
(Discussion paper;4/22, Working paper, 2022-02-02)This paper investigates the impact of intermittent renewable generation on the distribution of electricity prices and their variability in Denmark and Germany. We exploit hourly data from 2015 to 2020 and employ a novel ...