Browsing Discussion papers (FOR) by Title
Now showing items 516-535 of 575
The Flow-Based Market Coupling Model and the Bidding Zone Configuration
(Discussion paper;15/18, Working paper, 2018-10-24)In May 2015, the Flow-Based Market Coupling (FBMC) model replaced the Available Transfer Capacity (ATC) model in Central Western Europe to determine the power transfer among bidding zones in the day-ahead market. It might ... -
The Green Paradox and learning by doing
(Discussion paper;17/18, Working paper, 2018-12-13)Production of a renewable substitute to fossil fuels is modeled as causing the cost of this backstop technology to fall over time in proportion to the scale of the substitute production and how long it has been in use. The ... -
The Impact of Bunker Risk Management on CO2 Emissions in Maritime Transportation Under ECA Regulation
(Discussion paper;17/16, Working paper, 2016-11-16)The shipping industry carries over 90 percent of the world’s trade, and is hence a major contributor to CO2 and other airborne emissions. As a global effort to reduce air pollution from ships, the implementation of the ECA ... -
The impact of international tax information exchange agreements on the use of tax amnesty: evidence from Norway
(Discussion paper;12/19, Working paper, 2019-10-04)In this paper we develop a model for tax amnesty applications in a multi-period setting. One key insight from the model is that applying for amnesty becomes more attractive at the moment when stricter enforcement is ... -
The Life Cycle Model with Recursive Utility: New insights on optimal consumption
(Discussion papers;19/14, Working paper, 2014-05)We analyze optimal consumption, including pensions, during the life time of a consumer using the life cycle model, when the consumer has recursive utility. The model framework is that of continuous-time with diffusion ... -
The likely impact of Basel III on a bank's appetite for renewable energy financ
(Discussion paper;10/2013, Working paper, 2013-10)The new Basel III regulations are likely to make long-term financing more expensive, which will affect the financing of capital-intensive renewable energy technologies, because they typically rely on long-term financing. ... -
The Method of Leader’s Overthrow in Networks
(Discussion paper;1/16, Working paper, 2016-01-21)Methods for leader’s detection and overthrow in networks are useful tools for decision-making in many real-life cases, such as criminal networks with hidden patterns or money laundering networks. In the given research, we ... -
The Multifactor Model of the Agent’s Power in Social Networks
(Discussion paper;11/2013, Working paper, 2013-10)The analysis of social reasoning is at the core of understanding how to manage social networks. Since interpersonal relations are composed of multiple factors with different nature (i.e., structural and social factors), ... -
The optimal extraction rate versus the expected real return of a sovereign wealth fund: Some simulations
(Discussion paper;7/19, Working paper, 2019-09-06)With reference to funds established for the benefits of the public at large, a university endowment, or other similar sovereign wealth fund, we demonstrate that the optimal extraction rate from the fund is significantly ... -
The Silver Lining of Price Spikes: How electricity price spikes can help overcome the energy efficiency gap
(Discussion paper;07/13, Working paper, 2013-08)Studies have shown that many consumers and businesses fail to invest in energy efficiency improvements despite seemingly ample financial incentives to do so – the so-‐called energy efficiency ... -
The Tax Sensitivity of Debt in Multinationals: A Review
(Discussion paper;29/15, Working paper, 2015-10-30)The OECD in its BEPS action plan 4 addresses tax base erosion by profit shifting through the use of tax deductible interest payments. Their main concern is interest deductions between outbound and inbound investment by ... -
The tenuous relationship between effort and performance pay
(Discussion paper;2012:8, Working paper, 2012-06)When a worker is offered performance related pay, the incentive effect is not only determined by the shape of the incentive contract, but also by the probability of contract enforcement. We show that weaker enforcement ... -
The value of foresight in the drybulk freight market
(Discussion paper;1/18, Working paper, 2018-01-31)We analyze the value of foresight in the drybulk freight market when repositioning a vessel through space and time. In order to do that, we apply an optimization model on a network with dynamic regional freight rate ... -
The Zero Lower Bound and Market Spillovers: Evidence from the G7 and Norway
(Discussion paper;7/17, Working paper, 2017-05-31)This paper investigates mean and volatility spillovers between the crude oil market and three financial markets, namely the debt, stock, and foreign exchange markets, while providing international evidence from each of the ... -
A theory of certification with an application to the market for auditing services
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2004-08)The paper develops a theory which attempts to understand segmentation and fee-setting in certification markets. The basis for the theory is that certifiers offer differentiated tests; for a given object it may be more ... -
Time and frequency dynamics of connectedness between green bonds, clean energy markets and carbon prices
(Discussion paper;18/23, Working paper, 2023-11-07)In this paper, we investigate the time and frequency dynamics of connectedness among green assets such as green bonds, clean energy markets, and carbon prices. Using daily price data, we explore return spillovers across ... -
Time Horizons and Emissions Trading
(Discussion paper;2/24, Working paper, 2024-01-23)We study dynamic cap-and-trade schemes in which a policy of adjustable allowance supply determines the cap on emissions. Focusing on two common supply policies, price and quantity mechanisms, we investigate how the duration ... -
Toeholds and fire-sales in bankruptcy auctions
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2000-11)We study the role of distressed bank debt in affecting the outcome of Swedish bankruptcy auctions. The auction determines the going-concern premium, i.e., the premium over the piecemeal liquidation value to be paid for the ... -
Tournament rewards and risk taking
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2000-06)In a tournament, a principal sets a prize, and several agents then compete to attain the highest observed output, and win the prize. This paper departs from the existing literature on tournaments by assuming that agents ... -
Tournaments with prize-setting agents
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2008-10)In many tournaments it is the contestants themselves who determine reward allocation. Labor-union members bargain over wage distribution, and many firms allow self-managed teams to freely determine internal resource ...