• Labour market adjustments to globalization : unemployment versus relative wages 

      Eckel, Carsten (Working Paper, Working paper, 2001-04)
    • Lakseavtalen mellom Norge og EU 1997-2002 : en samfunnsøkonomisk analyse 

      Lorentzen, Torbjørn (Rapport, Research report, 2006-06)
      Oppdrettsnæringen i Norge eksporterte for 13.5 mrd. kroner i 2005. Næringen har mellom 7 og 8000 direkte og indirekte sysselsatte. Verdiskapningen er høy og den er en typisk eksportnæring. Det betyr at verdiene blir først ...
    • Landing fees versus fish quotas 

      Hannesson, Rögnvaldur; Kennedy, John (Working paper, Working paper, 2003-04)
      The relative efficiency of landing fees versus quota controls to achieve given escapement levels is examined. The criterion is profit per year over a given time horizon. The model employed is a discrete version of the ...
    • Langtidsledighet : et bruker- og etatsperspektiv 

      Rusten, Grete; Hansen, Hans-Tore (Rapport, Research report, 2003-03)
      Hensikten med dette prosjektet har vært å studere det arbeidet arbeidsmarkedsetaten (Aetat) gjør for å få langtidsledige tilbake i ordinært arbeid. Hva fungerer, hva er problemene og hva kan gjøres bedre? Rapporten har to ...
    • Language management : in multinational companies 

      Gundersen, Sigrid Louise (Report, Research report, 2009-11)
      The aim of the present thesis is to explain the concept of strategic language management and why this field of study deserves increased attention in international business. It is argued that Language Management deserves ...
    • Large firm dynamics on the Nordic-Baltic scene : implications for innovation and growth 

      Braunerhjelm, Pontus; Halldin, Torbjörn; Heum, Per; Kalvet, Tarmo; Pajarinen, Mika; Pedersen, Torben; Ylä-Anttila, Pekka (Report, Research report, 2010-12)
      This report is the result of a joint Nordic project funded by NICe – Nordic Innovation Centre. Focus is on the largest firms operating from Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Norway. In addition the largest firms of Estonia are ...
    • Late careers and career exits in Norway 

      Aakvik, Arild; Dahl, Svenn-Åge; Vaage, Kjell (Working paper, Working paper, 2005-08)
      We used matched employer-employee data for the period 1992-1997 to analyse the transition from work to early retirement in Norway. We focus on the effect of a new early retirement scheme ("AFP") of which some 60 percent ...
    • Lead lag relationships between futures and spot prices 

      Asche, Frank; Guttormsen, Atle G. (Working Paper, Working paper, 2002-01)
      In this paper we examine the relationship between spot and futures prices. This is traditionally done by testing for cointegration with the Engle and Granger methodology, before one specifes an error correction models in ...
    • Leadership and following in a public bad experiment 

      Heijden, Eline van der; Moxnes, Erling (Report, Research report, 2000-05)
      With regard to global or regional environmental problems, do nations that take unilateral actions inspire other countries to curtail emissions? Using game theory, it has been shown that in a competitive situation, unilateral ...
    • Leadership development programmes and the development of social capital in MNEs 

      Gooderham, Paul N.; Rønning, Rune (Working paper, Working paper, 2008-01)
      The setting of this paper is the internal training programme of a major Norwegian multinational enterprise (MNE). The programme is aiming at greater MNE-wide integration in order to promote knowledge sharing. It is shown ...
    • Learning firm specific knowledge and skills : conceptual issues and empirical results 

      Døving, Erik; Nordhaug, Odd (Working Paper, Working paper, 2002-04)
      The paper discusses the significance of firm specific knowledge and skills resources among employees, discusses strategies for measurement, and reports the results of an empirical study of learning and competence acquisition. ...
    • Ledelsesutvikling i norske bedrifter : HR-ledernes og linjeledernes sprikende oppfatninger 

      Haueng, Anne Cathrin; Gooderham, Paul N.; Lange, Birthe Kåfjord (Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2002-12)
      Et hovedfunn er at det er et relativt stort gap mellom HR-ledernes og linjeledernes oppfatning omkring ledelsesutvikling. Stort sett er linjeledernes oppfatninger atskillig mindre positive enn HR-ledernes. Ikke minst gjelder ...
    • Lederes bruk av informasjon i styringssystemet : en studie av beyond budgeting i StatoilHydro 

      Ribe, Susann (Rapport, Research report, 2009-09)
      Denne rapporten omhandler hvordan Beyond Budgeting som styringssystem fungerer og praktiseres i StatoilHydro. StatoilHydro har innført Beyond Budgeting som styringssystem i hele sin virksomhet, og i den forbindelse blant ...
    • Lederlegitimitet : en eksplorativ studie 

      Bulukin, Kristijane Cook (Rapport, Research report, 2005-04)
      I avhandlingen drøftes lederlegitimitet. Forhold som kan bidra til lederlegitimitet er blant annet lederens personlige egenskaper, fagkompetanse, anvendelse av belønningssystemer og bruk av regler. I avhandlingen utforskes ...
    • Licensing technology and foreclosure 

      Clark, Derek J.; Foros, Øystein; Sand, Jan Yngve (Working paper, Working paper, 2007-12)
      We consider an industry where one firm with a superior technology competes for market shares with several rivals. The owner of the superior technology (the dominant firm) can license or transfer the source of its dominance ...
    • Like barn leker best : en casestudie av hvordan diversitet påvirker kunnskap i team 

      Holter, Katrin Mjeldheim (Rapport;2013:13, Research report, 2013-11)
      Stadig flere bedrifter benytter tverrfaglige team som organiseringsform for å oppnå effektiv kunnskapsdeling på tvers av fagdisipliner. I min masterutredning søker jeg å stille spørsmålstegn ved den faktiske effekten av ...
    • Linkages among interest rates in the United States, Germany and Norway 

      Bremnes, Helge; Gjerde, Øystein; Sættem, Frode (Report, Research report, 2000-10)
      The Johansen multivariate cointegration methodology is utilized to analyze relationships among short-term and long-term interest rates in the United States, Germany and Norway. A variance decomposition approach is applied ...
    • "Linking products, industries and place" : synergy effects from the interaction of tourism and other local industries in Lofoten and Hardanger 

      Holmefjord, Kari (Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2000-12)
      The overall theme of this working paper is how businesses within all industries in a region can make use of characteristics and special resources at their location to increase their long-term profit. The more specific topic ...
    • Liquidity : concepts, ideas and the financial crisis 

      Nyborg, Kjell G.; Östberg, Per (Working paper, Working paper, 2010-04)
    • Local autonomy and interregional equality 

      Cappelen, Alexander W.; Tungodden, Bertil (Working paper, Working paper, 2004-11)
      This paper shows how two important interregional transfer schemes, the foundation grant and the power equalization grant, can be seen as two different interpretations of equal opportunity ethics. It provides characterizations ...