• Cooperative equilibria in fisheries : how many players? 

      Hannesson, Rögnvaldur (Working paper, Working paper, 2007-04)
      This paper investigates conditions under which fisheries agreements between states are self-enforcing. Cooperative solutions can be self-enforcing if parties to the agreement punish those who depart from the cooperative ...
    • A Descriptive Analysis of the Seafood Market in Sweden 

      Lorentzen, Torbjørn (Working paper, Working paper, 2007-03)
      The background for the paper is the analysis of determinants influencing the Norwegian export of smoked salmon to Sweden. The conditions for export of smoked salmon from Norway have deteriorated after Sweden became a member ...
    • Klimaendringer og havbruk 

      Steinshamn, Stein Ivar (Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 2009-09)
      Vi ser på noen mulige konsekvenser av klimaendringer, og spesielt temperaturøkning som følge av global oppvarming, på havbrukssektoren. Dette blir gjort ved at en først går gjennom litteraturen på området og oppsummerer ...
    • Konsesjonar og konsesjonsverdi i norsk oppdrettsnæring 

      Bjørndal, Trond; Aaker, Harald (Arbeidsnotat, Master thesis, 2006-11)
      På same måte som ei rekkje andre næringar som er tufta på utvinning av naturressursar, er fiskeoppdrett i Noreg underlagt konsesjonsregulering. Verdien på ein konsesjon for oppdrett av laks er høg. I dette notatet startar ...
    • The premium of marine protected areas : a simple valuation model 

      Kvamsdal, Sturla Furunes; Sandal, Leif Kristoffer (Working paper, Working paper, 2007-03)
      Marine Protected Areas are considered as a hedging tool against some of the uncertainties that trouble many fisheries today. Such tools are always connected with a cost; a premium. An optimal harvest rule is combined with ...
    • A statistical analysis of the swedish import of smoked salmon from Norway 

      Lorentzen, Torbjørn (Working paper, Working paper, 2007-03)
      The analysis adresses the question of whether Sweden's membership in the EU has had any influence on the import of smoked salmon from Norway. After Sweden became a member of EU in 1995, the trade conditions changed from ...