Browsing Thesis by Title
Now showing items 1379-1398 of 4584
Exploring the Role of Industrial Symbiosis in Advancing the Green Transition: A Case Study of Maritime Clusters in Western Norway
(Master thesis, 2024)Introduction: While industrial symbiosis is gaining international recognition, research in a Norwegian and maritime context remains limited. This thesis addresses this literature gap by exploring the role of industrial ... -
Exploringbubble tendenciesin the lithium-ion battery market
(Master thesis, 2023)We applied structural time series econometrics and correlation analysis to key macroeconomic and sector-specific indicators to detect potential bubbles in the lithium-ion battery market in the United States and Europe. ... -
Export strategy : how will Tuan Phong insert itself into the apparel global value chain?
(Master thesis, 2010)This paper gives an overview of the garment industry in Vietnam, describes the apparel company Tuan Phong, based in Ho Chi Minh City. Then, I use Integrated Strategy Model framework of Svein Ulset to shed light on the ... -
External consultants and knowledge sharing : a comparative study of permanent employees and external consultants
(Master thesis, 2012)This empirical study is an examination of permanent employees and external consultants and the factors that affect their knowledge sharing behavior. It aims at answering the research question: What factors enhance ... -
Extracting value from lightweight IT : a new approach to benefits management? : a case study of the implications lightweight IT has on benefits management
(Master thesis, 2019)This thesis aims to answer the following research question: “What are the implications of lightweight IT on benefits management?”. The motivation to this thesis is that there is extensive literature on how to conduct ... -
Én valutaunion, to tilsynelatende ulike land: En empirisk analyse av offentlig gjelds bærekraft i Portugal og Tyskland
(Master thesis, 2016)Formålet med oppgaven er å studere gjeldsutviklingen i Portugal og Tyskland fra et bærekraftig perspektiv. En beskrivelse av forløpet til tapet av finansiell stabilitet i de nevnte landene, samt to teoretiske rammeverk ... -
Effects of timing and multiple entries in hotelling : a one-sided and two-sided market analysis
(Master thesis, 2018)The purpose of this paper has been to study how timing and multiple entries affect the equilibrium outcome in a Hotelling model for one-sided and two-sided markets. After reviewing relevant theory, we present two models: ... -
Facilitating & inhibiting effects of comparative & non-comparative advertising on recall of competing brands
(Master thesis, 2010)This research examines the role played by comparative and non comparative advertising formats on recall inhibition of competing brands in a product category. Category characteristics of open (awareness of multiple brands) ... -
Facilitating innovation in an ecosystem :an exploratory case study
(Master thesis, 2019)This study has examined the research question; In what way can the establishment of an ecosystem facilitate innovation in the construction and real estate industry? by conducting an exploratory case study of a recently ... -
Facing the crowd : an assessment of credit quality in crowdlending platform portfolios
(Master thesis, 2018)Crowdlending is a new form of lending, where platforms act as intermediaries between borrowers and lenders. The industry is gaining traction across Europe and the US. However, there has been little research into this ... -
Factor Momentum in the U.S. and Norwegian Markets : An emprical study investigating momentum in factor returns using stock data of the U.S. and Norwegian markets
(Master thesis, 2023)Factors exhibit momentum as strong as that in individual stocks. Importantly, momentum in factor returns has strong and robust predictive power for future performance of factors. This thesis finds that the impact of ... -
Factors affecting the probability of bankruptcy: a panel data approach
(Master thesis, 2015)This paper investigates the importance of firm-specific factors in determining or explaining bankruptcy. By studying Norwegian firms from the period 2005-2012, we are able to examine this using binary regression models. ... -
Factors influencing the adoption of self-service technologies : a study of the benefits and risks of self-service technologies and trust beliefs of service providers
(Master thesis, 2016)Self-service technologies (SSTs) are largely introduced and promoted to replace traditional service encounters and researchers have been investigating the influencers of SST adoption. This paper incorporates the fresh ... -
Factors influencing the willingness to pay for insurance in Norway : An empirical study of the willingness to pay for small insurance contracts
(Master thesis, 2023)The purpose of this study is to investigate how the choice of deductible, degree of risk aversion and the level of income influence the willingness to pay for small insurance contracts in Norway. We use data from a ... -
Fagbokforlaget : an offshoring case study
(Master thesis, 2011)This thesis is written as part of Master’s degree of Science in Economics and Business Administration at the Norwegian School of Economics. Inspiration for this thesis came when attending a course in Outsourcing and ... -
Fair shares among children : experimental evidence from Norway and Shanghai exploring adults behaviour in a distributive conflict of inequality
(Master thesis, 2019)This paper is written as the final thesis of our master’s degree at Norwegian School of Economics, NHH, and as a contribution to “Development of Fairness Preferences” – a large scale experimental project launched by Centre ... -
Fair value measuring in the private equity industry
(Master thesis, 2010)The objective of this thesis is to address the question of how fair value reporting is implemented in the private equity industry, and how good fair value estimates (FV) are compared to the intrinsic value of the ... -
Faktoreksponering i det norske fondsmarkedet : en empirisk studie av aktive aksjefond og systematiske risikofaktorer
(Master thesis, 2016-03-29)Denne utredningen analyserer aktivt forvaltede norske aksjefond i perioden 1983-2014. Formålet med oppgaven er å se om faktorer fra utvalgte flerfaktormodeller kan forklare avkastningen til fondene. Herunder om noen ... -
Faktorer bak bankers suksess basert på kundenes perspektiv : empirisk undersøkelse av privatbankkunder i en filialbank og en internettbank
(Master thesis, 2010)Formålet med denne utredningen har vært å undersøke de kausale sammenhengene mellom ulike faktorer som anses å ha en innvirkning på bankers suksess. Vi har valgt å fokusere på privatbankmarkedet, og har sett på bakenforliggende ... -
Faktorer som kan forklare netto tegning i norske aksjefond
(Master thesis, 2007)Denne utredningen er en empirisk analyse av hvilke faktorer som kan spille inn i investorenes valg av norske aksjefond, med vekt på avkastning og kostnader. To forskjellige datamaterialer ble satt sammen til en ny database ...