Browsing Thesis by Title
Now showing items 2233-2252 of 4560
Is the U.S subprime credit crisis a predictable surprise?
(Master thesis, 2008) -
Is there a consensus trap in earnings forecasts? : an empirical study
(Master thesis, 2018)This paper revisits Grüner (2009) and seeks to establish whether there is a consensus trap in earnings forecasts. There is a consensus trap if analysts’ forecasts are more likely to be wrong when forecasts are homogeneous, ... -
Is there a distress risk puzzle in the Norwegian market? : a hazard model approach
(Master thesis, 2018)A fundamental principle in the financial literature is that assets with exposure to systematic risk should be compensated with a risk premium in returns. Thus, assuming financial distress risk is systematic, rational ... -
Is there a flight to quality? : a study on flight to quality within the equity markets
(Master thesis, 2021)Much of the research on flight to quality use different definitions of "flight" and "quality", making the findings difficult to compare. The coherent story behind this phenomenon is that investors become risk-averse ... -
Is there a FTSE 100 index effect? : An empirical study of price and volume effects for stocks included in the FTSE 100 index
(Master thesis, 2017)In this study, we examine quarterly inclusions in the FTSE 100 index which should not reveal new information regarding stock performances. Using the market model, we investigate returns and trading volume around the ... -
Is there a relationship between export reliance and stock performance on Oslo Stock Exchange after an interest rate change? : an event study
(Master thesis, 2013)In this thesis we have conducted an event study to investigate if stocks of companies which are reliant on export are more sensitive to interest rate changes compared to companies which mainly get their revenue from the ... -
Is there an "Optimal Share" of Private Label Brands for a Grocery Retailer? : A qualitative analysis of Private Label Shares
(Master thesis, 2014)The underlying master thesis was developed to answer the question “Is there an “optimal share” of private label brands for a grocery retailer?” and “What factors determine the variation of the private label brands share ... -
Is there an ESG anomaly? Using textual analysis to detect market mispricing
(Master thesis, 2022)This thesis investigates the relationship between stock returns and ESG scores on primary listed firms on the three major Scandinavian stock exchanges between 2017 and 2021. In conducting the analysis, we have collected ... -
Is There Gold in Green? A Modified Perspective of Income Developments in Active Agriculture
(Master thesis, 2023)This thesis seeks to answer how active agricultural incomes in Norway have evolved from 1970 to 2021, by modifying the aggregated account. The calculation of the farmer’s income has been a contentious debate for a longer ... -
Is There Skill Among Norwegian Fund Managers? An Empirical Analysis of Managerial Skill in Active Fund Management
(Master thesis, 2023)In this study, we examine the ability of Norwegian actively managed mutual fund managers in identifying and exploiting market mispricing. We find that fund managers exhibit skill in identifying and capturing mispricing in ... -
Is there value in complicating volatility management?
(Master thesis, 2019)Volatility managed portfolios take less risk when volatility is high, and more risk when volatility is low. Moreira and Muir (2017) employ a simple methodology which scales factor exposure by the inverse of realized variance. ... -
Islamske rentefrie instrumenter i rentebaserte systemer : studie av Islamske finansieringsmetoder
(Master thesis, 2013)Denne masterutredningen handler om islamske rentefrie finansieringsmetoder, og da spesielt hvordan islamske finansielle produkter kan sammenlignes med rentebaserte finansielle produkter, og hvordan de islamske produktene ... -
ITIL : practice and theory – an empirical study
(Master thesis, 2010)Through this thesis we attempt to acquire general knowledge about how to make the best use of ITIL and how to implement it sensibly in real-life situations. This aim is achieved by studying relevant literature, ... -
ITIL sin innvirkning på prosessledelse : en kvalitativ multicasestudie
(Master thesis, 2013)Det er en vedvarende trend at virksomheter inntar et tjenesteperspektiv når de organiserer driften av sine IT-systemer. IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) er et rammeverk som ivaretar et slikt perspektiv, og som ligger til ... -
«Jeg tror lederutdanningen vil gi meg styrke, kompetanse i rollen.» En kvalitativ undersøkelse av hvilken innvirkning lederutdanning har på psykologisk trygghet for skoleledere i konteksten av lederteam
(Master thesis, 2023)Å være psykologisk trygg betyr at man tør å ta sosial risiko uten redsel for negative konsekvenser for selvbilde, status eller karriere. Effekten av dette blir bedre kommunikasjon, læring, innovasjon, kreativitet og ... -
Jet fuel hedging in the European airline industry : determinants and value of hedging
(Master thesis, 2009)This master thesis examines the jet fuel hedging behavior in the European airline industry using publicly available information. US companies are also included for comparisons between the markets. The thesis concludes ... -
Job satisfaction and organizational commitment in multicultural work environments in Norway
(Master thesis, 2014)This research investigates whether the classical determinants of job satisfaction and organizational commitment are valid in a Norwegian context, with emphasis on multicultural work environments. Furthermore, this study ... -
”A Journey Beyond Budgeting” – Påvirker det mellomlederes adferd og beslutninger? : en casestudie i StatoilHydro
(Master thesis, 2009)Bedrifter og organisasjoner søker gjennom sine styringssystem å påvirke ansattes adferd og beslutninger i retning av et ønsket utfall og resultat. Dette er komplekse prosesser som i begrenset grad har vært forsket på ... -
Judging Corporate Ostriches? A Study of Consumers’ Attitude Towards the Chain Liability and Green Characteristics of a Focal Firm during Sustainability Crises
(Master thesis, 2022)When sustainability crises occur, and these are revealed to the consumers, scandals may arise, triggering reactions among the consumers. Even though the crisis may happen far away, both geographically and organizationally, ... -
Jump-Diffusion Models for Option Pricing versus the Black Scholes Model
(Master thesis, 2014)In general, the daily logarithmic returns of individual stocks are not normally distributed. This poses a challenge when trying to compute the most accurate option prices. This thesis investigates three different models ...