Browsing Thesis by Title
Now showing items 3498-3517 of 4560
Risk management in the crude oil market : market efficiency and hedging strategies
(Master thesis, 2010)This thesis aims to explore two main issues. First we study crude oil prices in view of weak-form efficiency. Thereupon we look into different hedging strategies that could be used to stabilize income in a market with high ... -
Risk-adjusted index for private equity evaluation based of predictive firm characteristics : An empirical study of the public firms taken private by financials buyers from 1997 to 2017 in the U.S.
(Master thesis, 2018)The objective of this thesis is to assess if there is a risk-adjusted index which could give a better understanding of the opportunity cost for private equity investments. Private equity has become a more professional ... -
Risks and returns of ship operators
(Master thesis, 2015)This thesis aims to shed some light on the risks and returns of asset-light ship operators, who are in the business of executing voyages mainly through chartered vessels, by applying principles from basic maritime economics ... -
Risky business: the impact of the economic crisis of 2008 on renewable energy investments in Canada and Norway
(Master thesis, 2009)The economic crisis of 2008 brought uncertainty to all markets. As credit markets experienced growing constraints on liquidity, debt financing became increasingly difficult to find. This had a greater impact on some ... -
Robust likviditetsstyring : en sammelikning av Den europeiske sentralbank og Norges Bank
(Master thesis, 2013)I denne utredningen har vi sammenliknet likviditetsstyringen til Den europeiske sentralbank (ECB) og Norges Bank. Vi drøfter de to systemene, samt analyserer systemenes påvirkning på korte og l ... -
ROCE/WACC og meravkastning : anerkjenner og belønner aksjemarkedet verdiskapning riktig?
(Master thesis, 2013)Formålet med denne masterutredningen har vært å undersøke om markedet priser verdiskapning riktig og dermed om markedet er effisient. Tilnærmingen til verdiskapning er gjort ved å se på ROCE/WACC. Problemstillingen for ... -
The role of brand sustainability and self-brand image congruity in developing brand trust and brand loyalty : A study on luxury brands for Generation consumers
(Master thesis, 2023)Generation Z consumers are forecasted to become the most influential generation in the next years for the purchase of luxury goods. Understanding their needs and behaviors is becoming more and more crucial for luxury ... -
The Role of Central Bank Monetary Policy on Green Innovation : An empirical analysis on the impact of real policy rates on green innovation among OECD countries
(Master thesis, 2022)This thesis investigates the relationship between policy rates and green innovation among OECD countries. The study uses patent application data as a proxy for innovation and examines the impact of real policy rates on ... -
The Role of Leadership in Managing Tensions and Ambivalence in a Coopetitive Innovation Strategy. A Case Study from the Insurance Industry
(Master thesis, 2021)In today’s dynamic, competitive, and complex business world, cooperating with your competitor is increasingly used as a firm-strategy to achieve innovation. However, such a relationship, known as coopetition, is paradoxical, ... -
The role of M&A in managing emission risk: Do acquirers use M&A to improve their emission risk, and how does emission risk affect equity performance?
(Master thesis, 2022)We study if companies use, or can use, M&A to reduce their emission risk and how this affects their short and long-term returns accounting for the materiality of emission-related issues. Our findings suggest that acquirers, ... -
The role of patents in M&A transactions in Scandinavia : An event study of patents´ effect on short-term shareholder return for acquirers and targets
(Master thesis, 2021)This thesis investigates whether patents affect the acquirer´s or the target´s cumulative average abnormal returns on M&A announcements in Scandinavia. The event study methodology check for the abnormal shareholder returns ... -
The role of projected synergies in M&A : an empirical study on management projected synergies, and its implications for bid premiums and overpayment
(Master thesis, 2019)This master thesis examines different aspects of projected synergies made by the management of acquiring firms. We study how synergies are estimated, how they affect bid premiums, and if disclosing acquirers are likely ... -
The Role of Sustainability Indicators and their Impact on Decision-making and Control: A Case Study of Mestergruppen
(Master thesis, 2021)The climate crisis is happening much faster than anticipated and the construction industry has a big responsibility to become more sustainable since it stands for more than 15% of Norway’s total emissions. While the ... -
Rollen som bærekraftsansvarlig i Norge : hvordan kan de oppnå innflytelse? : en studie av bærekraftsansvarlige i norske virksomheter
(Master thesis, 2020)Verden står i dag overfor store utfordringer knyttet til bærekraftig utvikling. Det forventes i økende grad at virksomheter bidrar til å løse utfordringene og i den forbindelse har mange opprettet egne stillinger som ... -
Rotasjon i revisjonsbransjen : hvordan påvirker firma- og partnerrotasjon revisjonskvalitet og revisors uavhengighet?
(Master thesis, 2014)I Norge er det allerede fastsatt lovgivning om rotasjon av revisor. Bestemmelsen finnes i Revisorloven § 5a-4, og krever at børsnoterte selskap skal rotere ansvarlig revisor hvert syvende år. Den 17. desember 2013 kom ... -
Route Planning for Tourists and Scoring Systems Metaheuristic Approach and DEA Optimization for Designing One-Day Tourist Route with Bergen as a Case
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis indicates the challenges travelers face when planning trips in cities they are unfamiliar with and proposes a method to help travelers plan their routes. It would use Bergen as an example. The main issues in ... -
RPA i norske kommuner : hvordan kan norske kommuner benytte robotisert prosessautomatisering til å automatisere oppgaver til nytte for brukere, ansatte og for å nå sine overordnede mål.
(Master thesis, 2017)Kommunal sektor opplever et økt press for å tilby bedre tjenester og oppnå bedre ressursbruk gjennom mer effektive prosesser. Da arbeidsmengden på områder som helse og omsorg er forventet å øke betraktelig de neste tiårene ... -
Rullerende gjennomsnittlig MTB : konsekvenser av et endret reguleringsregime for produksjons- og markedstilpasningen for norsk laksenæring og for utfordringer knyttet til miljømessig bærekraft
(Master thesis, 2014)Fiskeri- og kystdepartementet sendte høsten 2013 ut et høringsbrev om en mulig endring av reguleringsregimet for oppdrettsnæringen hvor dagens system med en fast maksimalt tillatt biomasse (MTB) ble vurdert erstattet ... -
The Russian private equity sector in the aftermath of the current economic crisis
(Master thesis, 2010)How has the modern financial crisis impacted Private Equity sector in Russia? This thesis argues that although the implications of the global economic recession on Russia are significant, in certain ways more so than for ... -
Røde penger, grønne tall? : en femfaktoranalyse av det uetiske investeringsuniverset i Europa
(Master thesis, 2018)Vi har i denne utredningen undersøkt om investeringer i uetiske selskaper i Europa gir høyere avkastning enn markedet generelt, og i så fall i hvilke sektorer man kan oppnå høyest avkastning. Vi undersøker dette ved å ...