Browsing Thesis by Title
Now showing items 4066-4085 of 4448
Trade externalities of anti-dumping duties in the salmon industry : Do changes in the U.S. average AD duty on fresh and chilled Atlantic salmon from Norway lead to trade diversion, product trade diversion and trade deflection within the period 1988 to 2011?
(Master thesis, 2012)This thesis examines three trade externalities associated with the use of antidumping (AD) measures by the U.S. on fresh and chilled Atlantic salmon from Norway. This is performed by analyzing the relationship between the ... -
Trade in times of conflict and sanctions : A gravity model analysis on the trade between the Scandinavian countries and Russia during the Russian-Ukrainian conflict
(Master thesis, 2023)In this thesis we study trade flows between the Scandinavian countries Denmark, Norway and Sweden and Russia. Particularly, we investigate the trade flows in light of the Russian- Ukrainian conflict and the following ... -
Trading on Inside Track : An Event Study of Market Reactions to Legal Insider Trading on the Oslo Stock Exchange
(Master thesis, 2023)This master thesis investigates the market reactions to legal insider trading on the Oslo Stock Exchange using the methodology outlined by MacKinlay (1997). The analysis is based on a sample of 2419 insider trades publicly ... -
Tradisjonell budsjettering eller Beyond Budgeting : disharmoni eller harmoni : et casestudie av styringssystemet i Eidsiva bredbånd
(Master thesis, 2016)In this study, we seek to understand different management systems. Furthermore, we evaluate what kind of management system will be productive and create value for Eidsiva bredbånd, which is a company in a dynamic business ... -
Tradisjonell og aktivitetsbasert budsjettering i ideel sektor : en kvalitativ studie av norske bibelskoler og folkehøgskoler
(Master thesis, 2014)Temaet for denne masterutredningen er bruk av tradisjonell og aktivitets basert budsjettering i ideell sektor, nærmere bestemt i norske bibel - og folkehøgskoler. I den forbindelse har det tradisjonelle budsjettets ... -
Transfer pricing practices in Norwegian multinationals : a comparison of theory and practice
(Master thesis, 2011)During the last two decades there has been an increasing focus on transfer pricing both from firms and authorities. Today, many CFOs identify transfer pricing as their most important tax issue, and more and more countries ... -
Transformasjonsledelse i nedgang : en empirisk studie av bruken av transformasjonsledelse i nedgangstider
(Master thesis, 2015)Det siste året har vært preget av store fall i oljeprisen, hvilket har resultert i at investeringene på norsk sokkel har stoppet opp. Dette har i sin tur ført til massiv nedgang i en rekke bedrifter i oljeservicebransjen, ... -
Transformational Leadership and Innovative Climate: Examining the congruence of leader and follower perceptions
(Master thesis, 2021)Previous research has overlooked the leader-follower relationship as an essential aspect of how leadership can promote innovation. The purpose of this study is to determine how congruent LMX perceptions must be in order ... -
Transformative Effects of Tokenization and Wholesale CBDC on Bonds : An exploratory study of the technologies’ interplay and disruptive effects on the bond market's value chain
(Master thesis, 2023)Distributed ledger technology (DLT) and tokenization are emerging technologies with the potential to transform financial markets through digitization and programmability. Presenting assets as digital tokens on blockchain ... -
Transforming data into profit : building a transformer neural network to predict Golden Ocean stock price based on forward freight agreements
(Master thesis, 2020)The purpose of this study is to investigate the predictive relationship between Forward Freight Agreements (FFA) and the Golden Ocean Group stock price, using a Transformer Neural Network. Under the assumptions that the ... -
Transitioning to the New Normal : How has the transition to a virtual workplace been and how do employees handle working full-time in virtual teams?
(Master thesis, 2021)This thesis seeks to explore how virtual teams experienced the transition to a virtual workplace and how they managed working full-time under extraordinary circumstances that caused them to work virtually involuntarily. ... -
Transnational partnerships : assessment of Norway-Romania cooperation in waste management
(Master thesis, 2012) -
Transparency and its relation to sustainability performance : aA textual mining approach to sustainability performance of mutual funds and disclosure in underlying companies
(Master thesis, 2019)Over the last decade, sustainability has truly moved from niche to mainstream when it comes to attracting attention among investors and policymakers. The number of funds investing under environmental, social and governance ... -
Transparency and the sustainability reporting practice of Norwegian Companies
(Master thesis, 2015)The world’s climate is changing, and companies around the world are irreversibly impacting societies and the environment. Regulators are increasingly turning to non-financial disclosure regulations as a tool to increase ... -
Transparency Criteria for the Construction of Corporate Sustainability Ratings : An Analysis Based on the Composite Indicator Framework
(Master thesis, 2014)Corporate sustainability ratings or sustainability ratings (SRs) are applied to integrate sustainability in investment decisions. In order to evaluate the contribution to tackling sustainability challenges and in order ... -
Tre kokker Voss : hvordan oppnå økt effektivitet, ytterligere vekst, og positiv bunnlinje
(Master thesis, 2007)Tre Kokker Voss (TKV), som ble etablert av tre kokker, er en bedrift som har opplevd kontinuerlig vekst fra de ble etablert i 2000. Resultatet i bedriften har vært negativt, men etter flere innskudd og en attraktiv ... -
Tregheter i arbeidsmarkedet : teori om virkninger av faste kostnadskomponenter, og empiriske resultater for aggregerte sammenhenger
(Master thesis, 2008)I den teoretiske delen av denne oppgaven drøfter jeg hvordan ulike kostnadskomponenter knyttet til variasjoner i antall ansatte kan føre til tregheter i bedriftenes respons på eksogene sjokk. Kostnader ved justert bemanning ... -
Trepartsrelasjoner i prosjektteam : ansatte og eksterne konsulenter i IKT -sektoren om samarbeid i prosjektteam
(Master thesis, 2013)I denne masteroppgaven studerer jeg ansattes og eksterne konsulenters opplevelser av å samarbeide i prosjektteam. Informantene mine består av ansatte og konsulenter som jobber i prosjektteam innenfor IKT-sektoren. Som ... -
Trust and mutual gains approach : negotiations between Westerners and Chinese
(Master thesis, 2006)The Chinese economy has experienced an exceptional growth and an increasing number of Western companies are negotiating agreements with Chinese business partners. Cross-cultural difficulties are obstacles in achieving ... -
Trust and the future of financial intermediation
(Master thesis, 2021)The purpose of this thesis is to explore how trust affects the future of financial intermediation following the PSD2-regulation. To research this topic we draw on a broad theoretical foundation involving research on ...