Browsing Thesis by Title
Now showing items 4106-4125 of 4448
Uncovered interest parity and the forward premium puzzle : implications for market efficiency and carry trade
(Master thesis, 2012)Uncovered interest parity is a fundamental concept in foreign exchange and implies that the same deposit placed at home or abroad should yield equal returns. The forward premium puzzle refers to a well known empirical ... -
Uncovering the Value of Green Innovation in the Context of Cost of Equity : An Empirical Study of how Green Innovation Efforts Impact the Cost of Equity
(Master thesis, 2022)This thesis investigates the relationship between green innovation and the cost of equity for the 500 largest European public firms from 2000 to 2019. The findings show that more green innovation is associated with a ... -
Underpricing and aftermarket performance of IPOs in the UK : an empirical review
(Master thesis, 2018)This thesis contributes to the literature on Initial Public Offerings (IPOs). It seeks to uncover and explain underpricing and aftermarket performance for companies that go public for the first time in the United Kingdom ... -
Underpricing and long-run performance of Norwegian initial public offerings : An empirical investigation of factors that impacts short and longterm returns of Norwegian initial public offerings
(Master thesis, 2023)In this master's thesis, we have investigated several factors that could account for the underpricing and long-term performance of initial public offerings in Norway. We used size, equity beta, and a PE/VC dummy variable ... -
Underpricing and Long-Term Performance of Private Equity-Backed IPOs in the U.S. : An empirical study of the underpricing and long-term performance of private equity- and venture capital-backed IPOs in the U.S. stock market from 2000-2022
(Master thesis, 2023)This thesis aims to investigate the underpricing and long-term performance of private equity-backed initial public offerings (IPOs) relative to non-sponsored IPOs. We use a sample of 2.509 IPOs on the New York Stock ... -
Underprising av IPOs i det norske obligasjonsmarkedet : empirisk studie fra 01.01.2006 til 31.12.2013
(Master thesis, 2014)I denne avhandlingen undersøker vi prissettingen av selskapers IPOs i det norske obligasjonsmarkedet fra starten av 2006 og ut 2013. Basert på tidligere empiriske studier fra det amerikanske obligasjonsmarkedet har vi ... -
Underreporting of income by self-employed? : a meta-analysis studies building on Pissarides & Weber 1989
(Master thesis, 2017)This meta-analysis has investigated the relative income underreporting (k) in a sample of 30 international empirical studies, adding up to 342 estimates, which are based on Pissarides & Weber’s expenditure-based approach. ... -
Understanding changes in performance of an oil-sector joint venture in an unstable context : the impact of control-collaboration mechanisms and inter-firm diversity dimensions
(Master thesis, 2016)The purpose of this thesis is to understand the variations on the performance of an oil-sector International Joint Venture (IJV) when facing changes in political and legal contexts that affected its equity structure. The ... -
Understanding credit risk in Norwegian real estate crowdlending : Analysis of credit quality among Norwegian real estate crowdlending borrowers across FundingPartner, Kameo and Monio
(Master thesis, 2023)The Norwegian crowdlending industry has grown rapidly in the last decade, resulting in the emergence of several platforms of notable sizes. Regulations are lagging, and government instances are discussing incorporating EU ... -
Understanding determinants of government and consumer behavior relative to product safety : an application of the theory of planned behavior to China and the United States
(Master thesis, 2008)The following thesis applies Icek Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behavior to explain consumer and government response to safety of Chinese-made products sold in China and the United States. The thesis relies on secondary data ... -
Understanding responsible artificial intelligence : a case study on the considerations to made and how they can be addressed
(Master thesis, 2019)The aim of this thesis is to contribute with new insights on the concept of responsible artificial intelligence (RAI), by answering the following main research question: How can we understand responsible artificial ... -
Understanding risk appetite : what is it, what pressures shape it and how is it institutionalized
(Master thesis, 2016)The purpose of this thesis is to understand the concept of risk appetite in terms of what it is, what institutional pressures influence it, and how it is institutionalized in an organization. We try to understand what ... -
Understanding the guarantees of origin and their impacts on the electricity value chain : a comparative case study of Norway and Germany
(Master thesis, 2019)The Renewable Energy Directive 2001/77/EC (2001) introduced a system of Guarantees of Origin (GOs) to be able to track the renewable electricity consumption in Europe. By purchasing a GO which is an electronic certificate, ... -
Undersøkelse av internprispraksis i Norge : benyttes internprising som et effektivt styringsverktøy?
(Master thesis, 2009)Denne utredningen har undersøkt internprispraksis i Norge, og drøftet praksis opp mot internprisingteorien. 109 bedrifter svarte på vår undersøkelse, og foretakene er godt spredt både bransjemessig og i størrelse. Denne ... -
Undervurderes risikoen i forbrukslånsbranjen? : en gjennomgang av bransjens risikofaktorer og påvirkning av nye IFRS 9-regler
(Master thesis, 2017)Den siste tiden har vi sett en forholdsvis kraftig vekst i forbrukslånsbransjen. Dette har ført til økt oppmerksomhet fra medier og politikere, som er bekymret for konsekvensene. Hovedmålet med denne utredningen har vært ... -
Underwriters put : evidence from the Norwegian, Swedish and Danish market
(Master thesis, 2011)Rights issues are a common way to raise equity in the Scandinavian market (Norway, Sweden and Denmark). We have investigated underwritten rights issues in the Scandinavian countries for the period 2002-2010. Our full sample ... -
Unge investorer og finfluensere: En studie av unge investorer sitt forhold til finfluensere
(Master thesis, 2022)I løpet av de to siste årene (2020-2021) har det vært en stor økning av unge voksne som har begynt å investere. I samme periode har det oppstått en ny form for finansiell rådgiving fra såkalte finfluensere. Hensikten med ... -
Unitech Wireless : verdiødeleggende for Telenors aksjonærer?
(Master thesis, 2009)Hovedformålet med denne masterutredningen er å vurdere om Telenors nylige kjøp av Unitech Wireless er verdiødeleggende for selskapets ex ante aksjonærer. Det indiske mobilselskapet har i dag ingen kundemasse, men ... -
United in the fight against a-krim : a case study of an interorganizational collaboration between Norwegian public entities
(Master thesis, 2018)In this master’s thesis we study the interorganizational collaboration (IoC) between Norwegian public entities in the fight against labor crime, or arbeidslivskriminalitet in Norwegian, further referred to as a-krim. The ... -
Unleashing the potential in ambassador programs : identifying concrete measures to improve the efficiency of ambassador programs
(Master thesis, 2021)This thesis aims to analyze how SafetyWing can improve the efficiency of its ambassadors and what the implications are for ambassador programs in general. Ambassador programs are an expanding part of digital marketing ...