Browsing Thesis by Title
Now showing items 4471-4490 of 4584
Vurdering av budsjett og alternative styringsverktøy : hvordan budsjett og alternative verktøy bidrar til verdiskapning, sett fra controllernes perspektiv
(Master thesis, 2009)Temaet for utredningen er hvordan budsjett og alternative styringsverktøy påvirker verdiskapning i bedrifter, sett fra controllernes perspektiv. Det har med tiden vokst frem en omfattende kritikk av budsjett, og utredningen ... -
En vurdering av finanstilsynets retningslinjer for forsvarlig utlånspraksis for lån til boligformål
(Master thesis, 2012)Denne masterutredningen har til hensikt å vurdere Finanstilsynets kapitalkrav for forsvarlig utlånspraksis som ble innført 1. desember 2011. Utredningen starter med å se på sammenhengen mellom gjeld, boligpriser og ... -
En vurdering av innføring av egenkapitalkrav ved boliglån : mulige implikasjoner for husholdninger, banker og finansiell stabilitet
(Master thesis, 2013)Denne utredningen er en vurdering av innføring av egenkapitalkrav ved boliglån. Utredningen tar sikte på å finne svar på om innføringen av egenkapitalkravet har en effekt på husholdningenes og bankenes bidrag til risiko ... -
WallStreetBets on Wall Street An Empirical Analysis of the Market Power of WallStreetBets
(Master thesis, 2021)In this thesis, we apply sentiment analysis techniques to test whether sentiment on WallStreetBets has had an impact on stock returns, trading volume, option volume, and implied volatility from January 01, 2020, to March ... -
The War in Ukraine: A Turning Point for Sustainable Investing? An empirical study of investor preferences, performance and downside risk in the European mutual fund market
(Master thesis, 2023)This thesis examines the impact of the war in Ukraine on sustainability-related investor preferences, performance, and exposure to downside risk in the European mutual fund market. We analyse a sample of 1,952 actively ... -
A warning to equity crowdfunding investors! : you might overpay
(Master thesis, 2020)Equity crowdfunding is a relatively new phenomenon that allows non-professional investors to invest in potentially high-value startups. Although some view this as an opportunity to decrease societal inequalities, others ... -
Was the euro a good idea for European trade?
(Master thesis, 2011)In this thesis I have studied the effect that the euro has had on European Union trade patterns among its members. The data used in from different 26 EU countries that go from 1993 to 2010. During this period several ... -
The way exchange of information impacts money laundering : empirical analysis on how exchange of information agreements impacts trade gaps between tax havens
(Master thesis, 2021)Is there a trade gap between tax havens, and is this trade gap affected by exchange of information agreements? This thesis aims to show that value preserving objects can be used as a mean for money laundering or tax evasion ... -
The wealth effect of banking merger announcements : an event study of the Nordic financial services industry
(Master thesis, 2006)The purpose of this paper is to provide further empirical evidence on merger gains in the financial services industry. This is done by means of an “event study” of the Nordic market. The data sample underlying the analysis ... -
Wealth mobility in Norway : An event study ofwealth tax change in Bø
(Master thesis, 2022)In this thesis we examine the effect of a wealth tax on mobility. The lower wealth tax rate in Bø, implemented January 2021, presents an opportunity to add an empirical study to the scarce literature on wealth ... -
The Wealth Tax’ Impact on Stock Exchange Listings : A comparative case study of wealth tax abolition’s effect on stock exchange listings through the synthetic control method
(Master thesis, 2021)The valuation basis for the wealth tax generally differs between listed and non-listed companies, where listed companies are valued at market value and non-listed companies are valued at book value. We analyze the 2007 ... -
Wearables i forsikring: en analyse av persontilpassede helseforsikringer i Norge
(Master thesis, 2017)Teknologisk utvikling åpner for å persontilpasse tjenester i stadig større grad, og det er i ferd med å skje store endringer innenfor forsikringsbransjen. I 2016 ble Norges første persontilpassede bilforsikring lansert, ... -
Weathering the Market : Analyzing the Impact of Climate Change on the Norwegian Electricity Market : A Price Volatility Time Series Analysis
(Master thesis, 2023)This thesis investigates the dynamics of the Norwegian electricity market, focusing on how hydro and wind generation affect average price levels and volatility. In addition, the analysis investigates how the increased ... -
What affects migration and does immigration affect the labor market? : a Norwegian outlook
(Master thesis, 2010)Today immigration affects most us in some way. In this thesis it is the effects which immigration has on the domestic labor market which is in focus. With basis in a Norwegian outlook the question I wish to answer is ... -
What are the channel preferences of different experiential types of customers?
(Master thesis, 2011)Experiences occur every time a customer interacts with a company, and can be either positive or negative. When positive, experiences can lead to an increase in customer satisfaction and loyalty. By decomposing the ambiguous ... -
What are the effects of digitalization on service-based business models? : an exploratory study into the concept of digitalization, and its impacts on business models
(Master thesis, 2017)Digitalization, in the form of new digital technologies, is disrupting various service-based industries, such as the traditional music industry. However, it is not always clear what impact digitalization has on the ... -
What are the implications of dividend changes? : an empirical study of dividend signaling in the Norwegian stock market
(Master thesis, 2019)The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the dividend signaling theory’s relevance at the Oslo Stock Exchange in the period from 2006 to 2018. First, we analyze the short-term effects of dividend changes, measured by ... -
What can explain Taiwan’s growth miracle over the period 1950-2000? : export promotion, capital accumulation, policies and institutions
(Master thesis, 2010)This thesis surveys the literature on the sources and explanations of Taiwan‟s growth miracle in the period 1950-2000. The empirical literature on the decomposition of Taiwan‟s growth experience indicates that a large ... -
What causes abnormal returns following stock splits? : the impact of institutional and retail ownership over time
(Master thesis, 2020)In this study we investigate to what degree the composition of ownership, retail and institutional, has an effect on the already established abnormal returns following stock splits. We look at time periods of 1 month, 3 ...