Browsing Master Thesis by Subject "finance"
Now showing items 41-60 of 225
Determinants of successful M&As : an empirical study of listed companies in the United States
(Master thesis, 2019)Since 1985, the U.S. market has been facing an increase in merger and acquisition activity. In addition to detect potential determinants of M&A success, this thesis does not only examine the short-term performance ... -
Digitalitalization of the shipbroking market : changing tides, a new wave of digital platforms entering the shipbroking market
(Master thesis, 2018)This thesis contributes with an overview of the market landscape for digital platforms in the shipbroking industry and a typology to classify these platforms. Further, it examines the value proposition of digital platforms ... -
Disagreement in the Norwegian housing market
(Master thesis, 2016)Do differences of opinion affect house prices? This thesis investigates how disagreement affects house prices and housing turnover. We construct a disagreement index using household’s beliefs on future house price ... -
Do agency costs of free cash flow impact private equity acquisitions : an empirical analysis of the free cash flow hypothesis’ impact on US private equity transactions
(Master thesis, 2019)The bidders in the acquisition market can be divided into two groups, strategic and financial acquirers, where the majority of the latter group consists of private equity firms. The two groups have different purposes for ... -
Do interest rates really respond to financial stability concerns? : an analysis of monetary policy in Norway 1999-2018
(Master thesis, 2018)This master thesis estimates monetary policy reaction functions for the Norwegian economy from 1999 to 2018 using a Taylor rule. In a Taylor rule the interest rate is typically set dependent on inflation and the output ... -
Do investors reward gender diversity? An event study of the MSCI World Women’s Leadership Index
(Master thesis, 2021)The aim of this thesis is to study how global markets value companies that exhibit a commitment towards gender diversity among their board of directors and among the leadership positions. We investigate how stock returns ... -
Does a country`s corruption level affect the outcome of a corruption scandal?: An event study of the effects of a country`s level of corruption on firms`s cumulative abnormal returns resulting from the news about corruption
(Master thesis, 2015)By investigating the phenomenon of corruption, we found that corruption represents a huge cost on society. There exists extensive theory and literature on the costs of corruption, but costs on firm-level has been limited. ... -
The effect of commodity prices on deforestation in Brazil : an empirical analysis investigating the effect of futures and spot prices for soy and maize on deforestation in Brazilian municipalities
(Master thesis, 2019)In this thesis we aim to provide empirical evidence of the effect of spot and futures prices on municipal land transition in Brazil. We take advantage of newly developed, detailed, municipality-level data on land transition, ... -
The Effect of Cross-border M&A on Shareholder Wealth : a European event study
(Master thesis, 2022)This thesis aims to examine the effect of cross-border M&A transactions in the EU /EFTA. First, we find no cumulative abnormal return (CAR) differences between domestic and foreign acquirers. However, we discover a ... -
The effects of fiscal policy in a small, open economy : a structural VAR analysis of fiscal shocks in Norway employing sign restrictions
(Master thesis, 2020)This thesis investigates how fiscal policy affects output (GDP) in a small, open economy. The analysis utilizes data on Mainland GDP, government spending and taxes in Norway from 1978 to 2017. In order to identify and ... -
The Effects of Oil Price Shocks on Bank Profitability and Financial Stability in Norway
(Master thesis, 2022)This thesis examines how oil price shocks affect bank profitability. We use this examination to assess the implications for financial stability in Norway. Our analysis employs a sample of commercial banks from 2012 to ... -
Efficiency and working capital improvement after acquisition : do private equity firms focus on working capital management to improve static efficiency after buyout?
(Master thesis, 2019)It is not easy to track increment in efficiency and its reasons for an organization, especially after acquisition. However, several techniques are used as proxies to evaluate them. Working Capital Management is one of the ... -
Efficiency in the Nordic futures power market : an empirical study of the Nordic futures power market
(Master thesis, 2020)In this thesis, we investigate if the Nordic futures power market is efficient. To answer this question, we will perform cointegration tests, test the unbiasedness hypothesis and check the causal relationships between the ... -
Efficiency in the salmon futures market : an empirical study based on fish pool 2006-2016
(Master thesis, 2016)This thesis assesses efficiency in the salmon futures market by testing for cointegration between spot and futures prices, and tests whether futures prices are the best forecast of subsequent spot prices, which is referred ... -
Empirical Analysis of AIS Data‘s Ability to Detect Suspected Dark Oil Tankers in Russian Ports and Waters : An analysis in light of the Russian and Ukrainian conflict
(Master thesis, 2023)This master´s thesis investigates the ability of AIS data to detect suspected dark tankers in Russian ports and waters in light of the ongoing Russian and Ukranian conflict. The thesis aims to serve as a stepping stone ... -
Employing deep learning for stock return prediction on the Oslo Stock Exchange : a comprehensive test of deep learning models for predictive purposes and applicability to trading
(Master thesis, 2018)We predict daily out-of sample directional movements of the constituent stocks of the Oslo Stock Exchange Benchmark Index (OSEBX) using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) net works, benchmarked against other machine learning ... -
Energy efficiency and voyage rates : an assessment of a potetntial two-tier market. The case of the VLCC spot market
(Master thesis, 2016)This thesis presents the first analysis of the two-tier market hypothesis, regarding realized operational efficiency in the VLCC spot freight rates. Investigating this hypothesis is an important objective, because the ... -
Enhancing financial performance through strategic cost reduction initiatives : an investigation into cost efficiency gains related to print- and distribution processes in a global newspaper supply chain
(Master thesis, 2019)In this thesis, we investigate different approaches to enhance financial performance through strategic cost reduction initiatives related to print- and distribution processes in a newspaper supply chain. First, we examine ... -
Enhancing momentum with volatility and risk management : an empirical analysis of momentum in US equities
(Master thesis, 2018)In this thesis, we examine two approaches to enhance the performance of a momentum strategy. First, we investigate if stocks with similar cumulative returns but different daily standard deviation during the formation period ... -
The equity premium puzzle and stochastic population
(Master thesis, 2006)This thesis aims to examine the link between the equity premium and demographic uncertainty. First I will present the theoretical background for the equity premium puzzle and overlapping generations models, before building ...