Browsing Department of Finance by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 63
Callable risky perpetual debt with protection period
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)Issuances in the USD 260 Bn global market of perpetual risky debt are often motivated by capital requirements for financial institutions. We analyze callable risky perpetual debt emphasizing an initial protection (‘grace’) ... -
Post IPO performance of private equity backed entities: empirical evidence of the Nordic market
(Master thesis, 2012)Initial public offering of private equity backed entities has been a remarkably popular topic among financial scholars. The allure of growth potential and sophisticated corporate structures has gain private equity backed ... -
For mye eller for lite lån? : Betydningen av banker og kreditt i oppgangs- og nedgangstider
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Betydningen av bankenes rolle som formidler av kreditt til næringslivet fikk spesielt fokus i finanskrisen. Fra et forskningsperspektiv gir virkningene av krisen også en nyttig mulighet til å analysere bankers rolle og ... -
Innovation, competition, and investment timing
(Working paper;2013:3, Working paper, 2013)In our model multiple innovators compete against each other by submitting investment proposals to an investor. The investor chooses the least expensive proposal and when to invest in it. Innovators have to provide costly ... -
Governance in financial distress and bankruptcy
(Working paper;2013:1, Working paper, 2013)This chapter provides a survey of law, economics, and finance scholarship at the intersection of corporate governance and financial distress. In financial distress, both inside and outside of bankruptcy court, formal and ... -
Garantikonto : lavrisiko sparing i bank eller forsikring
(Master thesis, 2013)Utredningen har forsøkt å finne et optimalt sparealternativ for spareaktører innen lavrisikosegmentet. En sammenligning av kapitalforsikringsproduktet Garantikonto mot høyrentekonto har gitt funn som kan ha betydning for ... -
The effect of covered bonds : high encumbrance in banks : a game changer for senior unsecured debt investors?
(Master thesis, 2013)This study examines the effect covered bonds have on the senior bondholders. We discuss how this new funding method is affecting the banks' balances and to which extent the senior bonds credit spread is influenced by ... -
Predicting default in the Norwegian High Yield bond market : a study of defaults in the years 2006-2013
(Master thesis, 2013)This thesis studies determinants of defaults experienced in the Norwegian High Yield bond market from 2006 to 2013. This is done by finding defaulted issuers from the bonds registered in the Norwegian Trustees database ... -
Private equity buyouts in Norway : inferring company valuations from public financial statements, and an analysis of the Norwegan buyout market
(Master thesis, 2013)This thesis presents a framework to infer prices paid for companies from public financial statements. It shows that prices and valuations can be estimated accurately, as long as the buyout is done using common stock and ... -
Are stock-financed takeovers opportunistic?
(Working paper;2013:4, Working paper, 2013)We find that the probability of all-stock financed takeovers increases with measures of bidder overvaluation. However, when we instrument the bidder's pricing error using aggregate mutual fund flows, the reverse happens: ... -
Private equity-backed firms' performance post IPO : an empirical study of private equity- and venture capital funds' ability to facilitate abnormal returns at the Norwegian stock market
(Master thesis, 2013)We assess whether underpricing and long-long performance of Norwegian IPOs differs across private equity-backed and non-backed firms. Our sample consists of 67 backed firms and 298 non-backed firms, floated in the period ... -
Corporate restructuring
(Working paper;2013:3, Working paper, 2013)We survey the empirical literature on corporate nancial restructuring, including breakup transactions (divestitures, spin-o s, equity carveouts, tracking stocks), leveraged recapitalizations, and leveraged buyouts (LBOs). ... -
Hedging without sweat : a genetic programming approach
(Working paper;2013:5, Working paper, 2013)Hedging in the presence of transaction costs leads to complex op- timization problems. These problems typically lack closed-form so- lutions, and their implementation relies on numerical methods that provide hedging ... -
Hedging without sweat: a genetic programming approach
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-06-26)Hedging in the presence of transaction costs leads to complex optimization problems. These problems typically lack closed-form solutions, and their implementation relies on numerical methods that provide hedging strategies ... -
Fragmentation and stability of markets
(Working paper;2013:7, Working paper, 2013-07)Trading skills are highly rewarded in practice but largely ignored in theoretical models of financial markets. This paper demonstrates the importance of skills by exploring their interaction with market fragmentation and ... -
Bankmarkedet for norske bedriftskunder gjennom og etter finanskrisen
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Bankene er den viktigste eksterne finansieringskilden for mange bedrifters investeringer. I finansdelen av forskningsprogrammet «Krise, omstilling og vekst» har vi blant annet forsket på virkningene av redusert kredittilgang ... -
Timing blant investorer i norske aksjefond : en kvantitativ analyse av investorer i norske aksjefond
(Master thesis, 2014)Denne oppgaven omhandler en analyse av investorers timingevne i norske aksjefond for perioden juni 1999 til desember 2013. Vi har benyttet oss av månedlige data for netto tegning og forvaltningskapital, mottatt fra ... -
Pensjon i privat sektor : er innskuddsordningen god nok?
(Master thesis, 2014)Utredningen undersøker hvorvidt dagens kombinasjon av alderspensjon fra folketrygden og tjenestepensjon i form av innskuddspensjon er i stand til å gi god nok pensjon, beregnet både med og uten avtalefestet pensjon (AFP). ... -
The Specialization Effect in Private Equity : an empirical analysis
(Master thesis, 2014)The objective of this thesis is primarily to document the effects of specialization on the success of private equity(PE) funds through an empirical approach. We ex- amine the relationship between a PE-fund's degree of ... -
Bank Recovery & Resolution Directive : Bail-in av usikrede kreditorer og konsekvenser for finansieringen i norske banker
(Master thesis, 2014)Finanskrisen og tidligere bankkriser har påvist svakheter ved myndighetenes krisehåndtering av banker. På grunn av manglende effektive krisehåndteringsmekanismer har myndighetene flere ganger sett seg nødt til å komme med ...