Browsing Department of Finance by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 63
An empirical analysis of the KMVMerton model - A case of Swedish real estate companies
(Master thesis, 2015)This thesis examines the contribution of applying the KMV-Merton model on Swedish real estate companies listed at the NASDAQ OMX Nordic Real Estate Index. Comparing the KMV-Merton model credit rating to frequently applied ... -
Arbeidskapitalstyring og aksjonærverdi : en empirisk analyse av sammenhengen mellom arbeidskapitalstyring og aksjonærverdi i Norden
(Master thesis, 2014)In this thesis, we provide an empirical study of the relationship between corporate working capital management and shareholder wealth in the Nordic countries. The focus on working capital management has increased because ... -
Are stock-financed takeovers opportunistic?
(Working paper;2013:4, Working paper, 2013)We find that the probability of all-stock financed takeovers increases with measures of bidder overvaluation. However, when we instrument the bidder's pricing error using aggregate mutual fund flows, the reverse happens: ... -
Bank Recovery & Resolution Directive : Bail-in av usikrede kreditorer og konsekvenser for finansieringen i norske banker
(Master thesis, 2014)Finanskrisen og tidligere bankkriser har påvist svakheter ved myndighetenes krisehåndtering av banker. På grunn av manglende effektive krisehåndteringsmekanismer har myndighetene flere ganger sett seg nødt til å komme med ... -
Bankmarkedet for norske bedriftskunder gjennom og etter finanskrisen
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Bankene er den viktigste eksterne finansieringskilden for mange bedrifters investeringer. I finansdelen av forskningsprogrammet «Krise, omstilling og vekst» har vi blant annet forsket på virkningene av redusert kredittilgang ... -
Behavioral equilibrium and evolutionary dynamics in asset markets
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This paper analyzes a dynamic stochastic equilibrium model of an asset market based on behavioral and evolutionary principles. The core of the model is a non-traditional game-theoretic framework combining elements of ... -
Boyan Jovanovic: recipient of the 2019 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The 2019 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research has been awarded to Professor Boyan Jovanovic at New York University in the USA. Boyan Jovanovic has developed pioneering research that advances our understanding of the ... -
Callable risky perpetual debt with protection period
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)Issuances in the USD 260 Bn global market of perpetual risky debt are often motivated by capital requirements for financial institutions. We analyze callable risky perpetual debt emphasizing an initial protection (‘grace’) ... -
Can an influential and responsible investor indeed be influential through responsible investments? Evidence from a $1 trillion fund
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Consumer attention and company performance: Evidence from luxury companies
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Corporate governance in private equity : do boards really matter? : an empirical study of Norwegian private equity
(Master thesis, 2015)We examine how private equity funds a↵ect corporate governance in Norwegian portfolio companies. We find that general partners do not prioritize the board as long as everything is going according to plan. We also find ... -
Corporate restructuring
(Working paper;2013:3, Working paper, 2013)We survey the empirical literature on corporate nancial restructuring, including breakup transactions (divestitures, spin-o s, equity carveouts, tracking stocks), leveraged recapitalizations, and leveraged buyouts (LBOs). ... -
Does tradeoff theory explain high-frequency debt issuers?
(Working paper, 2015-07)Over the past forty years, one-third of the publicly listed industrial firms in the U.S. raised two- thirds of all public and private debts (net of debt rollovers). We use these high-frequency debt issuers (HFIs) - large ... -
Dynamic portfolio optimization with transaction costs and state-dependent drift
(Working paper;2014:1, Working paper, 2014)We present an efficient numerical method to determine optimal portfolio strategies under time- and state-dependent drift and proportional transaction costs. This scenario arises when investors have behavioral biases or ... -
Essays in Empirical Corporate Finance
(Doctoral thesis, 2023-09) -
Essays in Household Finance
(Doctoral thesis, 2023-09) -
Essays on Asset Pricing
(Doctoral thesis, 2021-05-10) -
Essays on Credit Markets
(Doctoral thesis, 2024-09) -
Essays on Empirical Corporate Finance
(Doctoral thesis, 2020-06)