Blar i CELE - Master thesis på tittel
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Skulekvalitet og segregasjon : ein analyse av bustadmønster i Stor-Oslo
(Master thesis, 2015)I denne mastergradsavhandlinga er det gjort rede for utvikling i bustadmønster i Stor-Oslo og Oslo kommune. Gjennom resultat frå segregasjonsindeksar konkluderast det med at Stor-Oslo er moderat segregert, og at det har ... -
The long term impact of the 1918 influenza pandemic in Norway
(Master thesis, 2016)A growing literature show the negative effect of prenatal health shocks on childhood and adult outcomes. Several studies exploit disease outbreaks to find causal effects of in utero exposure on various outcomes. We build ... -
Using exogenous tax variation to identify the effect of municipalities’ financial condition on the integration outcome of refugees in Norway.
(Master thesis, 2016)The inflow of refugees to Europe in the past few years has motivated us to study the outcome of integration of refugees. The Norwegian settlement policy of refugees implies that refugees are assigned to municipalities ...