Browsing Norges Handelshøyskole by Title
Now showing items 5007-5026 of 8610
Metso’s opti rebranding : focus on the promotion of the renewed opti product families in China
(Master thesis, 2013)Metso Paper Mills Business Unit abridged as “Metso” in this paper, assigned this study. Metso is a global supplier of technology and services in the pulp and paper process industry, and it focuses on delivering profitability ... -
Mexico´s Energy Reform : an analysis of the market, new policy and integration of renewable energy for economic and sustainable development
(Master thesis, 2016)In the framework of the approved Energy Reform in 2013, Mexico puts an end to seven decades of centralized control of the energy and electricity markets within the government through the State governed companies CFE ... -
Mémoire transculturelle et discours multimodaux sur la migration - une analyse exploratoire de l’exemple de la « Jungle » de Calais
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Abstract: Recent trends in patterns of mobility, and specifically the spatial exclusion of exiles into detention centers and camps, point to an urgent need to re-examine different forms of narratives on migration and exile, ... -
Micro-moments : new context in information system success theory
(Master thesis, 2017)Recent technological advancements, such as smartphones and mobile internet, are changing the consumer behaviour. One of such changes is the emergence of micro-moments concept: the moments of high intent and engagement ... -
A microeconomic approach to distance-deterrence functions in modeling journeys to work
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2001)In this paper we suggest a microeconomic model for how commuting flows relate to traveling distance. Commuting is the preferred choice of a worker whenever he can obtain an increase in wages greater than the cost of ... -
Microeconomic determinants of secondhand vessel prices
(Master thesis, 2016) -
Micronutrient strategies for marginal areas
(Geografi i Bergen, Research report, 2003)Micronutrient deficiencies in human nutrition, especially of iron and zinc, occur often in marginal mountain regions. The main cause is poverty, resulting in low nutrient diets. Poor nutrition is one of the main causes ... -
Middle managers’ role as change agents - Variations in approaches and their contributions to the progress of change
(Doctoral thesis, 2018-06)The purpose of this thesis is to explore the various ways in which middle managers approach their role as change agents. Existing research on organizational change has primarily emphasized the implementation of change as ... -
Midtveisevaluering av Arena-programmet
(Rapport, Research report, 2007-03)I samarbeid med NIBR har SNF gjennomført en midtveisevaluering av Arena-programmet. Programmet har henvendt seg til regionale næringsmiljøer hvor det er en konsentrasjon av bedrifter innenfor en verdikjede eller bransje ... -
Midtveisevaluering av Sivas Inkubatorprogram og Næringshageprogram
(Rapport;2017:1, Research report, 2017-05)På oppdrag fra Siva har Mohnsenteret for innovasjon og regional utvikling ved Høgskulen på Vestlandet, sammen med Ideas2Evidence og Samfunns- og næringslivsforskning (SNF) gjennomført en midtveisvaluering av Inkubatorprogrammet ... -
Migrantnarrativer som interkulturell døråpner? En pilotanalyse av læreverktekster i fransk, italiensk og spansk
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Artikkelen tar opp fremmedspråkenes formidling av interkulturell kompetanse, og hvordan denne er knyttet til skolens samlede danningsprosjekt. Artikkel-forfatterne diskuterer hvordan migrantnarrativer kan brukes som ... -
Migrasjon og romlege representasjonar : ein eksempelstudie av migrasjonspraksisar og -prosessar eit spansk kystsamfunn
(Geografi i Bergen, Research report, 2002)This paper argues that migration must be understood as social and spatial practices. This understanding emphasises both the migrant’s and places’ biography, which means that migration must be related to the narrative of ... -
Migration and remittances : an analysis of the determinants of remittances in Mexico
(Master thesis, 2011)The objective of this thesis is to investigate the determinants of international remittances at a household and community level. It analyses both the determinants of which households that receives remittances and the amount ... -
Migration policy, illegal migrants, self-selection and brain drain
(Working paper, Working paper, 2008-12)We compare two migration policies: an open migration policy, where all migrants can migrate legally; and a selective migration policy, where migrants are selected according to skills. We show that since the selective ... -
Migration, economic growth and spatial distribution : the case of Norway
(Master thesis, 2009)Norway has the largest share of immigration applicants compared to the other Nordic countries. With the addition of the EU-8 in the last round of member admissions in the EU and EEA, the distribution of immigrants from ... -
Migropolis : migration networks and formation of ethnic clusters in cities
(Working paper, Working paper, 2003-12)In this paper we extend previous models of migration networks and ethnic cluster formation by considering migration as an ethnic-community wide phenomena where established migrants strategically provide support to newcomers. ... -
Mikrofinans : en kilde til økonomisk vekst?
(Master thesis, 2009)Denne utredningen undersøker om stor utbredelse av mikrofinans i et land fører til økt økonomisk vekst. Utredningen er i hovedsak bygget på data fra en av de fremste kildene til data fra mikrofinanssektoren – The MIX Market. ... -
Mikrokreditt og subsidier : bistandsorganisasjoners rolle i utviklingen av en bærekraftig mikrokredittsektor
(Master thesis, 2007)Målsetningen om finansiell bærekraft, å dekke sine operasjonelle og finansielle kostnader, er sentral for en betydelig andel mikrofinansaktører. Mikrofinans rommer et spekter av små-skala finansielle tjenester. Denne ... -
Mikronett : muligheter og utfordringer i det norske kraftsystemet
(Master thesis, 2018)Den tradisjonelle modellen for kraftsystemet er i endring, og beveger seg bort fra sentralisert produksjon av kraft som transporteres til forbrukere langt borte. Bevegelsen går mot et mer desentralisert kraftsystem der ... -
Miljømerking av fisk
(Rapport, Research report, 2001-02)Miljømerker for fisk ble tatt i bruk for første gang i år 2000. Miljømerking er et markedsbasert forvaltningssystem som flere mener er ønskelig fordi de mener tradisjonelle forvaltningssystemer ikke virker på en tilfredstillende ...