Now showing items 5645-5664 of 8599

    • Optimal petroleum taxation subject to mobility and information constraints 

      Osmundsen, Petter (Working Paper, Working paper, 2001-10)
      Two recent noticeable international developments in the petroleum industry have been mergers and acquisitions, and the opening of new oil producing provinces for transnational oil companies. Both factors contribute to ...
    • Optimal population and capital dynamics in fisheries with irreversible investments 

      Sandal, Leif Kristoffer; Steinshamn, Stein Ivar; Hoff, Ayoe (Working paper, Working paper, 2007-06)
      A multi-dimensional, non-linear dynamic model in continuous time is presented for the purpose of finding the optimal combination of exploitation and capital investment in optimal renewable resource management. Non-malleability ...
    • Optimal portfolio selection with both fixed and proportional transaction costs for a CRRA investor with finite horizon 

      Zakamouline, Valeri I. (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2002-01)
      In this paper we study the optimal portfolio selection problem for a constant relative risk averse investor who faces fixed and proportional transaction costs and maximizes expected utility of end-of-period wealth. We use ...
    • Optimal portfolio selection with transaction costs for a CARA investor with finite horizon 

      Zakamouline, Valeri I. (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2002-12)
      In this paper we study the optimal portfolio selection problem for a CARA investor who faces fixed and/or proportional transaction costs and maximizes expected utility of end-of-period wealth. We use a continuous time model ...
    • Optimal provision of public goods : implications for support to agriculture 

      Brunstad, Rolf Jens; Gaasland, Ivar; Vårdal, Erling (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2007-01)
      This paper summarises a decade of research by the authors into the welfare economic foundations for agricultural policy. The main results are that the levels of support to agriculture in rich developed countries like ...
    • Optimal redistribution and monitoring of labor effort 

      Zoutman, Floris T.; Jacobs, Bas (Discussion paper;33/14, Working paper, 2014-09)
      This paper extends the Mirrlees (1971) model of optimal non-linear income taxation with a monitoring technology that allows the government to verify labor effort at a positive, but non-infinite cost. We analyze the joint ...
    • Optimal redistributive taxation with both extensive and intensive responses 

      Jacquet, Laurence; Lehmann, Etienne; Van der Linden, Bruno (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2010-02)
      This paper characterizes the optimal income taxation when individuals respond along both the intensive and extensive margins. Individuals are heterogeneous in two dimensions: their skills and their disutility of ...
    • Optimal Risk Adoption and Capacity Investment in Technological Innovations 

      Sendstad, Lars Hegnes; Chronopoulos, Michail; Hagspiel, Verena (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Technological innovations often formulate new market regimes and create incentives to abandon existing, less attractive ones. However, this decision depends not only on market forces, such as economic and technological ...
    • Optimal risk sharing 

      Aase, Knut K. (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2003-01)
      Optimal risk sharing is considered from the perspective of the risk sharing model introduced by Karl Borch in the late 50ies. First we introduce, in a modern setting, the main concepts from this theory. These we apply ...
    • Optimal risk sharing : expected utility theory versus the dual theory of choice under risk 

      Fjærvik, Thomas Michael (Master thesis, 2018)
      An introduction to the dual theory of choice under risk is given. Optimal risk sharing under both expected utility theory and the dual theory of choice under risk is reviewed. Central results to insurance in pure demand ...
    • Optimal Risk Sharing in Society 

      Aase, Knut K. (Discussion paper;10/21, Working paper, 2021-12-30)
      We consider risk sharing among individuals in a one-period setting under uncertainty, that will result in payoffs to be shared among the members. We start with optimal risk sharing in an Arrow-Debreu economy, or equivalently, ...
    • Optimal Risk-Sharing and Deductables in Insurance 

      Aase, Knut K. (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2006)
      Risk-sharing in insurance is analyzed, with a view towards explaining the prevalence of deductibles. First we introduce, in a modern setting, the main concepts of the theory of risk-sharing in a group of agents. This theory ...
    • Optimal Scale in Different Environments – The Case of Norwegian Electricity Distribution Companies 

      Cheng, Xiaomei; Bjørndal, Endre; Bjørndal, Mette (Discussion paper;22/15, Working paper, 2015-09-17)
      We study returns to scale in Norwegian electricity distribution companies. The scale issue of this sector has become an important political question, and it was for instance discussed by the Reiten commission (OED, 2014) ...
    • Optimal Scheduling of Nursing Shifts : A Case Study on Work Scheduling at Haukeland University Hospital 

      Bergsvik, Natalie Alsaker; Bjøru, Linnéa Marie Wahlman (Master thesis, 2022)
      This thesis presents a nurse scheduling problem tailored to characteristics common of Norwegian hospitals. The problem involves allocating nurses to specific shifts to ensure coverage of demand, while respecting work ...
    • Optimal spending of a wealth fund in the discrete time life cycle model 

      Aase, Knut K. (Discussion paper;7/23, Working paper, 2023-06-09)
      The paper analyses optimal spending of an endowment fund. We use the life cycle model for both expected utility and recursive utility in discrete time. First we find the optimal consumption and investment policies for both ...
    • The optimal spending rate versus the expected real return of a sovereign wealth fund 

      Aase, Knut K.; Bjerksund, Petter (Discussion paper;1/21, Working paper, 2021-02-04)
      We consider a sovereign wealth fund that invests broadly in the international financial markets. The influx to the fund has stopped. We adopt the life cycle model and demonstrate that the optimal spending rate from the ...
    • Optimal tariff and ownership structure for a natural gas transportation network 

      Sannarnes, Jan Gaute (Working paper, Working paper, 2007-11)
      This paper discusses how the government can set transportation tariffs to induce socially optimal transportation of natural gas in a network owned by a syndicate of gas producers. In a setting where the gas is exported to ...
    • Optimal Taxation with Multiple Incomes and Types 

      Spiritus, Kevin; Lehmann, Etienne; Renes, Sander; Zoutman, Floris T. (Discussion paper;3/22, Working paper, 2022-01-24)
      We analyze the optimal nonlinear income tax schedule when taxpayers earn multiple in comes and differ along many unobserved dimensions. We derive the necessary conditions for the government’s optimum using both a tax ...
    • Optimal tilpasning til nye bankreguleringer - En analyse av optimal balansestruktur i Sparebanken Vest 

      Stav, Petter; Vist, Jørgen Bellingmo (Master thesis, 2014)
      Finanskrisen avdekket svakheter og mangler ved den gjeldende reguleringen av bankene. Ut av denne blottgjøringen har det kommet en rekke nye reguleringer og direktiver bankene må forholde seg til. De siste årene har ...
    • Optimal trade policy with monopolistic competition and heterogeneous firms 

      Haaland, Jan I.; Venables, Anthony J. (Discussion paper;33/14, Working paper, 2014-11)
      This paper derives optimal trade and domestic taxes for a small open economy containing a monopolistically competitive (MC) sector in which firms may have heterogeneous productivity levels. Analysis encompasses cases in ...