Browsing Norges Handelshøyskole by Title
Now showing items 8387-8406 of 8610
"We care, and we meant it": Psychological mechanisms influencing perceptions of sincerity in CSR communication
(Doctoral thesis, 2016-09)The overarching topic in this dissertation is psychological mechanisms involved in the perceptions of sincerity in CSR communication. The dissertation consist of three papers, all revolving around sincerity-perceptions in ... -
The wealth effect of banking merger announcements : an event study of the Nordic financial services industry
(Master thesis, 2006)The purpose of this paper is to provide further empirical evidence on merger gains in the financial services industry. This is done by means of an “event study” of the Nordic market. The data sample underlying the analysis ... -
Wealth Effects on Demand for Insurance
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2007-01)A standard result states that under decreasing absolute risk aversion the indifference premium of the insured is a decreasing function of wealth. This has been interpreted to mean that insurance is an inferior good, which ... -
Wealth mobility in Norway : An event study ofwealth tax change in Bø
(Master thesis, 2022)In this thesis we examine the effect of a wealth tax on mobility. The lower wealth tax rate in Bø, implemented January 2021, presents an opportunity to add an empirical study to the scarce literature on wealth ... -
The Wealth of a Nation: Norways Road to Prosperity
(DP SAM;17/2020, Working paper, 2020-09)The present paper discusses Norway’s way to prosperity during the two last centuries. The main reason for its wealth seems to have been the ability to meet international demand by utilizing its rich natural resources, ... -
Wealth Taxation, Non-listed Firms, and the Risk of Entrepreneurial Investment
(Discussion paper;5/18, Working paper, 2018-04-27)How to incorporate hard-to-value assets into the wealth tax? We analyze the effect of an optimal wealth tax on risk-taking behavior and welfare when investors do not only have the standard portfolio choice with a ... -
Wealth Taxation: The Key to Unlocking Capital Gains
(Discussion paper;10/24, Working paper, 2024-09-30)We study how wealth taxes affect portfolio choice in the presence of a realization-based tax on capital gains. We develop a two-period model with heterogeneous investors. Capital gains taxations distort portfolio choice ... -
The Wealth Tax’ Impact on Stock Exchange Listings : A comparative case study of wealth tax abolition’s effect on stock exchange listings through the synthetic control method
(Master thesis, 2021)The valuation basis for the wealth tax generally differs between listed and non-listed companies, where listed companies are valued at market value and non-listed companies are valued at book value. We analyze the 2007 ... -
Wearables i forsikring: en analyse av persontilpassede helseforsikringer i Norge
(Master thesis, 2017)Teknologisk utvikling åpner for å persontilpasse tjenester i stadig større grad, og det er i ferd med å skje store endringer innenfor forsikringsbransjen. I 2016 ble Norges første persontilpassede bilforsikring lansert, ... -
Weather shocks and English wheat yields, 1690-1871
(Discussion paper;02/15, Working paper, 2015-03)We estimate a time series model of weather shocks on English wheat yields for the early nineteenth century and use it to predict weather effects on yield levels from 1697 to 1871. This reveals that yields in the 1690s were ... -
Weathering the Market : Analyzing the Impact of Climate Change on the Norwegian Electricity Market : A Price Volatility Time Series Analysis
(Master thesis, 2023)This thesis investigates the dynamics of the Norwegian electricity market, focusing on how hydro and wind generation affect average price levels and volatility. In addition, the analysis investigates how the increased ... -
Web 2.0 et genres discursifs : l’exemple de blogs sur le changement du climat
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Les données du Web constituent un terrain de recherche précieux pour la linguistique, mais elles posent également de nouveaux défis, entre autres pour la caractérisation des données en termes de genre discursif. Cet ... -
Weber revisited: A literature review on the possible Link between Protestantism, Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth
(DP SAM;08/2020, Working paper, 2020-06)The present paper looks at the Weber-Tawney thesis on the positive link between Protestant ethic and economic growth. Both scholars observed that Protestant areas in the Western world seemed to gain faster and more wealth ... -
Weibull Wind Worth: Wait and Watch?
(Discussion paper;2/16, Working paper, 2016-01-27)This paper considers a decision problem in the context of the worth of a wind mill project with profitability dependent on the average wind speed. This is partly known and the issue is whether to go on with the project now ... -
Weight functions and sign regularity
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 1999-03)We examine the question of how the ranking between different distributions with respect to a one-parameter family of weight functions depend on the parameter. We argue that in this context sign regularity of the family of ... -
Weight restrictions in the DEA benchmarking modul for Norwegian electricity distribution companies : size and structural variables
(Report, Research report, 2009-11)We have previously, in report 33/08, looked at possible weight restrictions for the so-called “geography” variables in the DEA model for the distribution networks. In this report we consider weight restrictions for the ... -
Weight restrictions on geography variables in the DEA benchmarking model for Norwegian electricity distribution companies
(Report, Research report, 2008-12)The DEA model for the distribution networks is designed to take into account the diverse operating conditions of the companies through so-called “geography” variables. Our analyses show that companies with difficult operating ... -
The welfare economics of global public goods
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2007-11)This paper studies the conditions for a welfare-maximizing allocation of resources to the production of global public goods, such as biodiversity, the global climate, the cultural heritage, knowledge, and world peace. A ... -
Welfare effects of one-sided regulation when internationally traded complements are unregulated
(Working Paper, Working paper, 2005-10)We consider the effects of a one-sided price regulation of one of two complementary inputs. The provider of the regulated component is a domestic firm, while the provider of the other component is a foreign firm. This ... -
The welfare effects of tax competition reconsidered : politicians and political institutions
(Report, Research report, 2008-06)