Browsing Norges Handelshøyskole by Title
Now showing items 8556-8575 of 8628
Women directors, firm performance, and firm risk: A causal perspective
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Norway was the first of ten countries to legislate gender quotas for boards of publicly traded firms. There is considerable debate and mixed evidence concerning the implications of female board representation. In this paper, ... -
Women Helping Women? Evidence from Private Sector Data on Workplace Hierarchies
(Discussion paper;14/15, Working paper, 2015-06)This paper studies gender spillovers in career advancement using 11 years of employer-employee matched data on the population of white-collar workers at over 4,000 private-sector establishments in Norway. Our data include ... -
Women’s choices of STEM degrees and careers : a comparison of Norway and UK
(Master thesis, 2018)The aim of this thesis is to answer the two research questions whether more women in Norway choose STEM degrees and careers than in the UK, and why do we observe gender differences in the choices of STEM degrees and ... -
Women’s Wages and Empowerment: Pre-industrial Japan, 1600-1890
(SAM DP;18/2022, Working paper, 2022-11-16)Using new evidence from servant contracts, 1600-1890, we estimate women’s wages in Japan. Women’s wages could only sustain 1.5-2 people up to 1900, the lowest recorded in the pre-industrial world. We then show the gender ... -
Work and wage dynamics around childbirth
(Discussion paper;4/2012, Working paper, 2012-03)This study investigates how the first childbirth affects the wage processes of women who are well-established in the labour market. We estimate a flexible fixed-effects wage regression model extended by post-childbirth ... -
Work design and change : a study of the implementation of operational excellence in Accenture Stavanger
(Master thesis, 2012)During the last few years there has been a renewed interest in work design, and a major focus on the study of organisational change. This thesis combines the two by attempting to answer the research question “will an ... -
Work requirements and long term poverty
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 1999)We study how work requirements can be used to target transfers to the long term poor. Without commitment, time consistency requires all screening measures to be concentrated in the first phase of the program. We show ... -
Worker Power, Immigrant Sorting, and Firm Dynamics
(DP SAM;13/2024, Working paper, 2024-07-05)This paper examines how worker power shapes the allocation of immigrants across firms, and the subsequent consequences of such sorting on firm performance and the careers of incumbent workers. Our analysis highlights several ... -
Workforce or workfare?
(Discussion paper, Working paper, 2011-04) -
Working Capital Management and Firm Performance : An empirical study of the relationship between net working capital and firm performance in Europe
(Master thesis, 2023)Considering the magnitude of working capital as a proportion of a firm's total assets, working capital management should interest corporate managers. We will, in our master's thesis, examine if working capital management ... -
Working for the Best or Bracing for the Worst? Approach and Avoidance Motivation in Planning
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Working or shirking from home? : an empirical case study of home office performance and implications for the future of work
(Master thesis, 2020)In 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic required hundreds of thousands of Norwegian employees to primarily work from home. Many companies are now considering their future practice of home office. We report the results from analyzing ... -
Working Under the Gun: A Theoretical Analysis of Stressors Associated With the Re-negotiation of Norms and Control of Work Tasks During COVID-19
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Work’s intrusion in home affairs : evidence on work–family conflict from a german nationwide panel
(Master thesis, 2018)Recent research in the fields of management and labor economics suggest that multiple work-specific features affect work–family conflict. The intent of this thesis is to extend the empirical evidence on the ramifications ... -
Writing and Translation in Expert – Non-expert Communication. Methods, Guidelines and Quality Assessment
(Journal article, 2010)This article consists of two parts. The first section is a rather theoretical approach of what communication between experts and non-experts consists of. It deals with how this form of communication is investigated; ... - : er det mulig å globalisere Per Bufast?
(Lecture, 1999) -
XXL ASA : strategisk regnskapsanalyse og verdivurdering
(Master thesis, 2018)Utredningen omhandler en fundamental verdivurdering av XXL ASA. Målet med utredningen var å estimere egenkapitalverdien til selskapet, samt tilhørende aksjeverdi per 08.06.2018. Verdivurderingen er basert på offentlig, ... -
XXL ASA : strategisk regnskapsanalyse og verdivurdering
(Master thesis, 2018)Formålet med masterutredningen var å verdsette egenkapitalen til XXL ASA den 30. November 2018, og finne tilhørende aksjekurs. Fundamental verdivurdering ble valgt som hovedmetode og ble supplert av en komparativ ... -
XXL ASA : strategisk regnskapsanalyse og verdsettelse
(Master thesis, 2015)Målet med denne masterutredningen var å estimere XXLs egenkapitalverdi og det tilhørende verdiestimatet per enkeltaksje. Til dette formålet ble rammeverket for en fundamental verdsettelse valgt som hovedteknikk. Valget ... -
Young unemployed, single mothers and their children
(Doctoral thesis, 2014-12)Young unemployed and single mothers are natural target groups for labour market policy interventions. At young age, people are particularly prone to unemployment. Figure 1 depicts unemployment rates for the OECD countries ...