Browsing NHH Brage by Subject "wind power"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Dead battery? Wind power, the spot market, and hydro power interaction in the Nordic electricity market
(Discussion paper;2011:16, Working paper, 2011-09)It is well established within both the economics and power system engineering literature that hydro power can act as a complement to large amounts of intermittent energy. In particular, hydro power can act as a "battery" ... -
Future of Kenyan electricity generation : an analysis of physical and economical potential and least cost sources
(Master thesis, 2014)Kenya has always had a renewable energy mix, with over 80 percent of electricity generated from renewable sources. As the country continues to develop, and in order to meet the growing demand for electricity, Kenya is ... -
Investment in transmission
(Working paper, Working paper, 2007-11)Transmission is an integral part of the electricity system. However, even within a centralised system of generation and transmission it has never been a trivial exercise to perform coordination of expanding loads, generation ... -
Pricing wind: A revenue adequate, cost recovering uniform price for electricity markets with intermittent generation
(Discussion paper;15/16, Working paper, 2016-09-06)With greater penetration of renewable generation, the uncertainty faced in electricity markets has increased substantially. Conventionally, generators are assigned a pre-dispatch quantity in advance of real time, based on ... -
The decision to scrap a wind turbine : opportunity cost, timing and policy
(Discussion paper;2011:17, Working paper, 2011-09)This paper attempts to empirically identify the key factors involved in the decision to scrap a wind turbine using data from Denmark. The importance of the opportunity cost of operating an older wind turbine is shown to ... -
The Local Economic Impact of Wind Power Deployment
(Discussion paper;09/15, Working paper, 2015-04)Globally installed wind power capacity has grown tremendously since 2000. This study focuses on the local economic impacts of wind power deployment. A theoretical model shows that wind power deployment is not necessarily ... -
Wind power, network congestion and hydro resource utilisation in the Norwegian power market
(Working paper, Working paper, 2007-11)Capacity constraints in electricity networks can have important impacts on utilisation of new renewable energy capacity and incumbent generation resources. Neglect of such impacts in development of renewable energy resources ...