Blar i NHH Brage på forfatter "Nyland, Harald Inge"
The cost of multiple sclerosis in Norway – (and how certain can we be?)
Svendsen, Bjørn; Myhr, Kjell-Morten; Nyland, Harald Inge; Aarseth, Jan Harald (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2006-08)The research question initially formulated for this study was to attempt to set a numerical target for the total yearly cost of MS to the Norwegian society, and relate the cost and patients´ experienced quality of life to ... -
The cost of multiple sclerosis in Norway
Svendsen, Bjørn; Myhr, Kjell-Morten; Nyland, Harald Inge; Aarseth, Jan Harald (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)Health economic aspects have been increasingly important during introduction of new treatments for multiple sclerosis. As a partial response for Norway, a costof- illness study was carried out to estimate the yearly ... -
Økonomisk analyse av behandling av MS-pasienter med Tysabri® i Norge
Svendsen, Bjørn; Aarseth, Jan Harald; Nyland, Harald Inge; Myhr, Kjell-Morten (Rapport, Research report, 2007-05)Økonomien i behandling av personer med multippel sklerose med Tysabri® er analysert. Hovedkonklusjonen er at behandling med Tysabri® mest sannsynlig vil gi reduserte kostnader for samfunnet og økte helsegevinster for ...