• Konkurransemessige virkninger av noen utvalgte NRK-tjenester 

      Gabrielsen, Tommy Staahl; Jakubanecs, Alexander; Kind, Hans Jarle; Nilsen, Øivind Anti; Skjeret, Frode André; Sørgard, Lars; Thorbjørnsen, Helge; Østbye, Helge (Rapport;2015:2, Research report, 2015-03)
      Formålet med denne studien har vært å analysere de konkurransemessige virkningene av noen utvalgte NRK-tjenester. Vi finner at nrk.no er noe differensiert fra andre store nasjonale nettsteder for nasjonale nyhets- og ...
    • Malaysia : the lucky man of Asia? 

      Kind, Hans Jarle; Ismail, Mohd Nazari (Working Paper, Working paper, 2001-12)
      Malaysia has been labelled the Lucky Man of Asia due to its wealth of natural resources, such as tin, rubber, palm oil, pepper, tropical timber, petroleum and a very fertile soil. There is no doubt that this richness has ...
    • Managerial incentives and access price regulation 

      Foros, Øystein; Kind, Hans Jarle; Sørgard, Lars (Working paper, Working paper, 2004-10)
      Policy makers have identified the non-discrimination principle as a key instrument to regulate vertically integrated firms in control of upstream bottlenecks. Economists argue that the non-discrimination principle may ...
    • Markedssegmentering innenfor telekommunikasjonsbransjen : en studie om hvordan Telenor Norge AS segmenterer sine kunder. 

      Holberg, Erlend; Willard, Ådne Thorsrud (Master thesis, 2016)
      Aktøren Telenor Norge AS eier i dag operatører som Telenor, Djuice og Talkmore. Aktøren kontrollerer til sammen 51 % av det norske mobilmarkedet. Problemstillingen i oppgaven er: Hvordan differensierer Telenor, Talkmore ...
    • Market segmentation in two-sided markets : tv rights for premier league 

      Kind, Hans Jarle; Sørgard, Lars (Working paper;31/12, Working paper, 2012-12)
      This paper analyzes market segmentation in a two-sided market that consists of media consumers and advertisers. The analysis is motivated by a European Court of Justice Decision in October 2011, which allowed viewers to ...
    • Market shares in two-sided media industries 

      Kind, Hans Jarle; Stähler, Frank (Working paper, Working paper, 2009-03)
      This paper generalizes the frequently used Hotelling model for two-sided markets in order to determine the equilibrium market shares. We show that independent of whether consumers are uniformly or non-uniformly distributed, ...
    • Market shares in two-sided media industries 

      Kind, Hans Jarle; Stähler, Frank (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2009-03)
      This paper generalizes the frequently used Hotelling model for two-sided markets in order to determine the equilibrium market shares. We show that independent of whether consumers are uniformly or non-uniformly distributed, ...
    • Media competition on the Internet 

      Barros, Pedro P.; Kind, Hans Jarle; Nilssen, Tore; Sørgard, Lars (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2004-08)
      This paper presents a model of competition between two advertisingfinanced media firms, and we apply the model to analyze competition between portals on the Internet. First, we show that equilibrium prices of advertising ...
    • Media competition when the audience dislikes advertising : a theory of vertical alliances on the internet 

      Barros, Pedro P.; Kind, Hans Jarle; Nilssen, Tore; Sørgard, Lars (Working Paper, Working paper, 2002-12)
      This paper presents a model of media competition in a situation where the media is advertising-financed, but where the media consumers dislike commercials. It is shown that equilibrium prices of advertising are actually ...
    • Media firm strategy and advertising taxes 

      Kind, Hans Jarle; Koethenbuerger, Marko; Schjelderup, Guttorm (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2011-02)
    • Media market concentration, advertising levels, and ad prices 

      Anderson, Simon P.; Foros, Øystein; Kind, Hans Jarle; Peitz, Martin (Discussion Papers;24/2011, Working paper, 2011-12)
      Standard media economics models imply that increased platform com- petition decreases ad levels and that mergers reduce per-viewer ad prices. The empirical evidence, however, is mixed. We attribute the theoretical predictions ...
    • Media market concentration, advertising levels, and ad prices 

      Anderson, Simon P.; Foros, Øystein; Kind, Hans Jarle; Peitz, Martin (Working paper;2012:02, Working paper, 2012-01)
      Standard media economics models imply that increased platform competition decreases ad levels and that mergers reduce per-viewer ad prices. The empirical evidence, however, is mixed. We attribute the theoretical predictions ...
    • Mergers and partial ownership 

      Foros, Øystein; Kind, Hans Jarle; Shaffer, Greg (Working paper, Working paper, 2010-01)
      In this paper we compare the profitability of a merger to the profitability of a partial ownership arrangement and find that partial ownership arrangements can be more profitable for the acquiring and acquired firm because ...
    • Mergers and partial ownership 

      Foros, Øystein; Kind, Hans Jarle; Shaffer, Greg (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2010-12)
      In this paper we compare the profitability of a merger between two firms (one firm fully acquires another) and the profitability of a partial ownership arrangement between the same two firms in which the acquiring firm ...
    • Mergers and partial ownership 

      Foros, Øystein; Kind, Hans Jarle; Shaffer, Greg (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2010-01)
      In this paper we compare the profitability of a merger to the profitability of a partial ownership arrangement and find that partial ownership arrangements can be more profitable for the acquiring and acquired firm because ...
    • Network ownership and optimal tariffs for natural gas transport 

      Hagen, Kåre Petter; Kind, Hans Jarle; Sannarnes, Jan Gaute (Working paper, Working paper, 2004-11)
      This paper addresses the issue of national optimal tariffs for transportation of natural gas in a setting where national gas production in its entirety is exported to end-user markets abroad. In a situation where the ...
    • Network ownership and optimal tariffs for natural gas transport 

      Hagen, Kåre Petter; Kind, Hans Jarle; Sannarnes, Jan Gaute (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2004-10)
      This paper addresses the issue of national optimal tariffs for transportation of natural gas in a setting where national gas production in its entirety is exported to end-user markets abroad. In a situation where the ...
    • News sources and media bias 

      Garcia-Pires, Armando J.; Kind, Hans Jarle; Sørgard, Lars (Working paper;21/12, Working paper, 2012-08)
      In this paper we investigate the relationship between news sources and media firms. Although empirically important, this channel for supply-driven media bias has not previously been analyzed in economics literature. We ...
    • Newspaper Differentiation and Investments in Journalism: The Role of Tax Policy 

      Kind, Hans Jarle; Schjelderup, Guttorm; Stähler, Frank (Discussion Papers;16/2011, Working paper, 2011-09)
      Many countries levy reduced-rate indirect taxes on newspapers, with proclaimed policy goals of stimulating investment in journalism and ensuring low newspaper prices. However, by taking into account the fact that the ...
    • Newspaper Differentiation and Investments in Journalism: The Role of Tax Policy 

      Kind, Hans Jarle; Schjelderup, Guttorm; Stähler, Frank (Discussion paper;12/09, Working paper, 2009-11)
      Newspapers are considered to be important providers of information, culture and language, and are taxed at a reduced VAT rate in most countries. This paper shows that such a policy may a¤ect newspaper differentiation and ...