Blar i NHH Brage på emneord "economic analysis"
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Cost function estimation in the Norwegian pelagic fisheries : a study of coastal vessels, purse seiners and pelagic trawlers through a cost minimisation approach
(Master thesis, 2016)This thesis contains a study of cost structures through a cost minimisation approach. Estimations reveal predicted u-shaped unit cost functions for three types of vessels participating in the Norwegian pelagic fisheries: ... -
Cost of living differences and poverty reduction : new evidence for India based on micro data
(Master thesis, 2009)The Indian Planning Commission’s (IPC) state-wise poverty lines are widely used. Yet, the underlying price adjustments are based on outdated studies as well as consumer price indices (re-weighted versions of the CPIAL ... -
Creating a Demand-Based Ticket Model for Eliteserien: How revenue management could save the Norwegian league's attendance rates
(Master thesis, 2022)Dynamic pricing has been a pricing strategy used by many industries with shifting demands. However, sports have just recently started implementing such a strategy. From pricing experiments in the American baseball league ... -
Detection, modelling and implications of non-normality in financial economics : normal inverse Gaussian modelling of Norwegian stock market returns and consumption growth
(Master thesis, 2015)This thesis shows that the Norwegian stock market deviates significantly from what one might think of as a baseline model with identically and independently normally distributed returns. Firstly, the stock market return ... -
Does including more female board members help corporations to reduce non-compliance? A study on California’s mandatory gender quota
(Master thesis, 2023)California enacted the law of SB826 in 2018, which mandates corporate boards to include a minimum number of female directors. I study companies’ reactions to this gender quota from the perspective of board diversity as ... -
Dynamic complementarities in infant health
(Master thesis, 2017)A large literature documents that early-life shocks may substantially affect health and labor market outcomes. However, we do not know much about how different shocks interact. In theoretical work, the idea of dynamic ... -
Economic costs of the Dutch disease: empirical estimates from the Netherlands
(Master thesis, 2015)The discovery of natural gas in the Netherlands in 1959 has long been considered one of the main reasons for the poor performance of the Dutch economy in the 1970s and the 1980s. The term "Dutch disease" has since its ... -
The Effects of a Local Subsidy on the Heat Pump Market : A Study Examining how a Subsidy for Heat Pumps in Bergen Municipality has Affected Price, Demand and Energy Consumption
(Master thesis, 2023)In this thesis, we investigate a municipal heat pump subsidy. We examine the subsidy in two ways: how demand and price is affected, and whether the subsidy achieves its goal of reduced energy consumption. Through interviews ... -
Effort and Honesty: Compensation Contracts in the Presence of Earnings Manipulation
(Master thesis, 2015)Compensating managers with incentive pay may motivate earnings manipulation. In this thesis, we develop models that suggest more efficient compensation con- tracts that incentivize managers to exert effort and report ... -
Empirical Asset Pricing via Neural Networks and Macroeconomic Data
(Master thesis, 2023)This study showcases the benefits of expanding the dimensions of the variable input vector with macroeconomic predictors when predicting monthly out-of-sample stock-level risk premiums. Using 610 predictor variables, we ... -
Environmental speed limits : do temporary speed limits improve air quality?
(Master thesis, 2017)In 2004, Oslo introduced a policy that involved a temporary reduction in the maximum speed limit of 20 km/h (80 – 60 km/h) during the winter. The aim of this policy was to improve local air quality in order to reduce the ... -
Equality before the welfare state : the Norwegian income distribution 1892-1929
(Master thesis, 2017)We estimate the complete income distribution in Norway for 1892, 1906, 1913 and 1929. Compared to previous research, we benefit from better data and more advanced estimation techniques. Our thesis identifies several data ... -
Equity return predictability in Northern European stock exchange markets
(Master thesis, 2017)This thesis presents an analysis of equity return predictability in the stock markets of Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland. In consumption-based asset pricing theory, the investment decisions of an average investor are ... -
ESG News and Stock Market Reactions : Insights from Oslo Stock Exchange
(Master thesis, 2022)awareness of firms’ ESG performance, and the amounts invested in accordance with ESG criteria, have increased substantially in recent years. This thesis examines how the Norwegian stock market reacts to announcements of ... -
Estimating interrelated nonconvex adjustment costs
(Master thesis, 2009)Adjustment costs associated with firms’ acquirement or disposal of factors of production can make the individual firm unresponsive to changes in their environment. This is the reason why costs of adjustments is assumed ... -
Evolution of intergenerational mobility in Norway between 1900 and 1945
(Master thesis, 2019)The 1900s were a century of remarkable changes in the Norwegian society. In socioeconomic terms, Norway went from being a country around the European average, to becoming one of the richest countries in the world with a ... -
Effects of timing and multiple entries in hotelling : a one-sided and two-sided market analysis
(Master thesis, 2018)The purpose of this paper has been to study how timing and multiple entries affect the equilibrium outcome in a Hotelling model for one-sided and two-sided markets. After reviewing relevant theory, we present two models: ... -
Factors affecting the probability of bankruptcy: a panel data approach
(Master thesis, 2015)This paper investigates the importance of firm-specific factors in determining or explaining bankruptcy. By studying Norwegian firms from the period 2005-2012, we are able to examine this using binary regression models. ... -
Fear and Forecasting in Scandinavia : Implied Volatility Indices for the Scandinavian Equity Markets
(Master thesis, 2023)This thesis investigates the use of the model-based and model-free implied volatility index methodologies in Scandinavia from 2018 to 2023, leading to the creation of a composite index for the region: SCANDI-VIX. It ... -
The forward-spot spread in the natural gas market : an empirical investigation of Henry Hub and NBP
(Master thesis, 2010)This study analyses forward-spot relationships at two of the world’s largest hubs for natural gas (Henry Hub and NBP). We find that spot and forward prices are covariance-stationary. Testing the theory of storage shows ...