Fear and Forecasting in Scandinavia : Implied Volatility Indices for the Scandinavian Equity Markets
This thesis investigates the use of the model-based and model-free implied volatility index
methodologies in Scandinavia from 2018 to 2023, leading to the creation of a composite
index for the region: SCANDI-VIX. It confirms a significant negative contemporaneouss
relationship between the Scandinavian implied volatility indices (NORVIX, DANVIX,
SWEVIX, SCANDI-VIX) and their underlying index returns, validating their role as
a "fear gauge." The study reveals an asymmetric response of these implied volatility
indices to market returns, aligning with the leverage effect theory. We investigate the
structural changes in the underlying market time-series as a consequence of the COVID-19
pandemic, and it’s implications for EGARCH forecasting. With a final key finding being
the increased forecasting quality observed when utilising implied volatility as an input
feature in the Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) machine learning model.