Norges Handelshøyskole
NHH Brage is the institutional repository at NHH Norwegian School of Economics .The repository holds master theses, doctoral theses, scientific articles and other Open Access publications created by the school's faculty and students.
Unless otherwise stated, treat the publications as free to read and download (Open Access). Items published under a creative commons-license will be clearly marked as such.
Sub-communities within this community
Department of Economics [937]
Historical collections [163]
Thesis [4578]
Collections in this community
NHH Bulletin [31]
Recent Submissions
Gender Diversity and Financial Performance in Law Firms
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis sets out to answer the question, “Does gender diversity among partners in law firms impact the financial performance of the firm?”. To address this, a dataset was created comprising the top 20 Norwegian firms ... -
Why Firms Lay Off Workers Instead of Cutting Wages: Evidence From Linked Survey-Administrative Data
(DP SAM;04/2025, Working paper, 2024-02)We use a novel large-scale survey of firms, implemented in Denmark in 2021 and linked to administrative data, to study why firms lay off workers instead of cutting wages. Our questions on layoffs, wage cuts, and the link ... -
Freedom to Freeride
(Master thesis, 2024)This study examines the balance between freedom, fairness, and efficiency when individuals are presented with the opportunity to act paternalistically. Specifically, we study third-party decisions in public goods, focusing ... -
Rating the Raters
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis investigates the role of credit ratings in financial markets and their reliability and consistency in assessing corporate default risk. Credit ratings serve as vital tools for reducing information asymmetry ... -
Merger Remedies: Is the Cure Effective in Restoring Competition? An Assessment Based on Merger Remedy Decisions Across Selected European Jurisdictions
(Master thesis, 2024)The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the structuring and effectiveness of merger remedies by national competition authorities across multiple European OECD countries and industries on a quantitative as well as qualitative ... -
Chasing Superior Returns - An Analysis of the Norwegian Stock Market: Does a dividend yield strategy outperform the market in the long-term?
(Master thesis, 2024)High dividend yields are often associated with strong performance in stock markets, as companies paying higher dividends tend to generate stable returns. The relationship may vary between different markets, and this study ... -
Er hytten din en god investering?
(Master thesis, 2024)Formålet med utredningen er å analysere hyttekjøp i et investeringsperspektiv for perioden 2006 - 2023. Prisveksten er estimert med en hedonisk regresjonsmodell, basert på paneldata fra hyttetransaksjoner i syv utvalgte ... -
Income Equality in The Nordic Countries: Myths, Facts, and Lessons
(DP SAM;03/2025, Working paper, 2025-02)Policymakers, public commentators, and researchers often cite the Nordic countries as examples of a social and economic model that successfully combines low income inequality with prosperity and growth. This article aims ... -
Suksessfaktorer for allianser og partnerskap
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne oppgaven har som formål å bidra med innsikt i sentrale faktorer for å lykkes med allianser og partnerskap. Til tross for at stadig flere virksomheter inngår allianser og partnerskap, viser forskning til høye feilrater. ... -
Lønnsomhet i RAS-teknologi for atlantisk laks: En analyse av økonomiske perspektiver
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne masterutredningen har som formål å analysere lønnsomheten og modenheten til RAS-teknologi (resirkulerende akvakultursystemer) for landbasert oppdrett av atlantisk laks, med et særlig fokus på økonomiske aspekter. ... -
When Ethics Clash with Cash: The Sin Stock Dilemma
(Master thesis, 2024)In this thesis, we study the performance of sin stocks in the European market over the period from 2004 to 2024. Sin stocks are defined as equities of companies operating in traditionally controversial industries, specifically ... -
Bruk av KPP gjennom samhandling for effektiv pasientbehandling
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven studerer hvordan Kostnad Per Pasient (KPP) kan brukes i et samarbeid mellom økonomi- og administrasjonsansatte og klinikere for å effektivisere den operative driften i norske helseforetak. Helseforetakenes ... -
Giving Eyes to Automated Valuation Models
(Master thesis, 2024)Abstract Current Automated Valuation Models (AVMs) for real estate price appraisals often overlook qualitative factors, such as property condition, which can significantly impact valuation performance. This study utilizes ... -
The Cost of Weather: Modeling Weather Delay in Bulk Shipping
(Discussion paper;4/25, Working paper, 2025-02-04)Weather is an ever-present factor influencing shipping operations at every stage, including port operations. This paper examines the determi nants of weather-induced delays in port operations, the probability and duration ... -
Bærekraftig lønn: Kan ESG-kompensasjon kjøpe en grønnere fremtid?
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven undersøker om ESG-kompensasjon har målbar effekt på selskapers prestasjon innenfor miljø, sosial og styringsrelaterte faktorer. Vi definerer ESG-kompensasjon som en insentivordning hvor deler av lønnen ... -
Forutsigbare boligmarkeder og regionale motsetninger
(Master thesis, 2024)I denne masteroppgaven har vi undersøkt forskjellene i boligprisvekst mellom urbane og rurale områder i Norge. Basert på boligprismodellen til Jacobsen og Naug (2004), har vi bygget en revidert boligprismodell basert på ... -
Bridging Risk Perception and the Business Cycle
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis examines the relationships between volatile stocks, risk perceptions, and the business cycle. We retrieve financial data on 572 firms listed on either the Oslo Stock Exchange or Nasdaq Stockholm. Additionally, ... -
From Paris to Profits: How Transparent ESG Reporting Drives Analyst Forecasts and Recommendations
(Master thesis, 2024)In recent years, stricter regulations and governance frameworks around Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors have gained prominence. This thesis investigates the impact of ESG reporting on analyst forecasts ... -
How good are Norwegian fund managers at overweighting and underweighting stocks?
(Master thesis, 2024)The thesis investigates the stock-picking abilities of Norwegian fund managers, focusing on whether their overweight and underweight portfolios contribute to excess return. We find that the main driver of excess return in ... -
The Role of Utility in Cryptocurrency Valuation: An Analysis of Utility’s Influence on Sustained Price Growth and Stability
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis examines the role of network utility in driving price growth and stability within the cryptocurrency market. While the cryptocurrency space is often characterized by volatility and speculative trading, this ...