Browsing NHH Brage by Subject "natural resources and the environment"
Now showing items 1-16 of 16
Bi-level electricity market models : the impact of irrelevant constraints on pool-based electricity mrket equilibria under strategic bidding
(Master thesis, 2016)Advancements in optimization solvers lead to an increased use of complex bi-level problems (BLP) in operations research (OR). For electricity market modelling, BLPs are applied to simulate physical pool-based markets ... -
Breaking the barriers : operational measures for the decarbonization of shipping : a study on barriers to operational energy efficiency measures
(Master thesis, 2020)Energy efficiency is a key strategy to address the issue of climate change. Operational measures that increase energy efficiency are widely used in shipping, but there is evidence of a gap between the actual implementation ... -
China catching up in EV-related technologies : evidence from patent quality analysis
(Master thesis, 2019)Developing countries technologically catching up with leading countries within sectoral systems exhibit a set of common patterns, besides a series of case-specific behaviours. The attention that China has increasingly ... -
The cost of extreme weather : an analysis of the physical climate risk in Hordaland
(Master thesis, 2019)Climate change is expected to have numerous societal impacts in the years to come through an increase in the intensity and frequency of extreme weather events. The climate impact is of socio-economic interest, as extreme ... -
Empirical comparison of load forecasting methods for Skagerak energilab : a perspective of the operational and economic efficiency gain as a result of increased forecasting accuracy in a microgrid environment
(Master thesis, 2020)This master thesis is analyzing short-term load forecasting. Power consumption in kW will be forecasted 24 hours ahead, for each day of a week and finally averaged to derive mean performance. The forecast will be conducted ... -
Encouraging sustainable behaviour in the wine market : the effect of carbon labeling on the choice of wine contained in climate-smart packaging
(Master thesis, 2021)The purpose of this study is to investigate if carbon labels can be used to encourage consumers to act more sustainably in the wine market. As most of the CO2-emissions of a bottle of wine are linked to the packaging, ... -
How has the EU ship recycling regulation affected European shipbreaking?
(Master thesis, 2020) -
Investment analysis of rooftop solar photovoltaic panels for energy-efficient residential areas in Norway, under different regulatory scenarios : Zero Village Bergen as a case study
(Master thesis, 2016)In Norway, buildings are responsible for 50% of stationary energy consumption; therefore reducing their carbon-footprint is an important area of research. Solar photovoltaic (PV) panels have seen significant technological ... -
Kampen mot matsvinn i dagligvarebransjen : en empirisk undersøkelse av innføringen av Too Good To Go i Meny
(Master thesis, 2019)Med bakgrunn i FNs bærekraftsmål om å redusere matsvinn med 50 prosent innen 2030, har myndighetene og matbransjen iverksatt tiltak for å redusere matsvinn gjennom hele matverdikjeden. I den forbindelse har det kommet ... -
Market evaluation for the business model of an electric vehicle aggregator : an analysis of the value of flexibility in the German power markets
(Master thesis, 2019)With a rising share of electric vehicles in the German market, adequate adoption of those vehicles through a smart charging approach becomes crucial for the successful integration into the grid. Market integration of ... -
The Norwegian EV policy : a local-level study on the impact of subsidies
(Master thesis, 2019)Norway is the country in the world having the highest percentage of electric vehicles on the roads, with a stunning 31.2% market share in 2018 (Karagiannopoulos and Solsvik, 2019). Part of the reason behind such high ... -
Operations research as a tool to decrease the environmental impact of freight transport in Norway
(Master thesis, 2019)Over the past decades, the volume of freight transported over the world has increased a lot. It has allowed the freight transport sector to develop itself. Transporting commodities has become very efficient thanks to the ... -
Recent developments and future trends in Germany’s electricity market : an assessment of recent market developments on electricity prices and market stakeholders
(Master thesis, 2016)As Europe’s largest economy and as one of the most industrially and technologically advanced countries in the world, Germany has long been at the forefront of managing and implementing change in the electricity sector. ... -
The effects of environmental regulation and technological advancement on labor Demand : evidence from the norwegian primary aluminum industry
(Master thesis, 2019)The motivation to implement environmental regulations is to increase environmental quality, as well as to promote higher quality of life and health benefits, for citizens. But how do environmental regulations affect labor ... -
Understanding the guarantees of origin and their impacts on the electricity value chain : a comparative case study of Norway and Germany
(Master thesis, 2019)The Renewable Energy Directive 2001/77/EC (2001) introduced a system of Guarantees of Origin (GOs) to be able to track the renewable electricity consumption in Europe. By purchasing a GO which is an electronic certificate, ... -
Wind power production and electricity price volatility : an empirical study of the effect of increased wind power production on electricity price volatility in Norway
(Master thesis, 2020)As renewable energy sources are gaining increasing importance on the global electricity scene, the importance of understanding their implications increases accordingly. This thesis aims to increase electricity market ...