Browsing NHH Brage by Author "Lien, Lasse B."
Now showing items 1-20 of 48
Artificial Intelligence and Firm Performance in Norway : "Which Norwegian firms are adopting Artificial Intelligence, and how does the adoption of AI affect firm performance?"
Storkås, Eirik; Einarsen, Simon Aa. (Master thesis, 2023)This thesis investigates firms’ adoption of artificial intelligence technology and its effects on firm performance. Due to the rapid technological advances of artificial intelligence, this field of research is still ... -
Biokarbon som Klimaløsning i Norsk Metallurgisk Industri : En eksplorativ casestudie av en overgang til En eksplorativ casestudie av en overgang til Biokarbon
Blakstad, Bjørn Olav; Tollefsen, Bendik Kaarby (Master thesis, 2023)I dag står metallurgisk industri for en betydelig del av Norges totale klimagassutslipp. Det er dermed et økende behov for å utforske bærekraftige alternativer til fossilt kull for å nå klimamålene. I denne sammenheng ... -
Business cycles and capital structure : can firms strategically adapt their capital structure in order to gain superior profits?
Arnesen, Stian Frøsland (Master thesis, 2017)This paper tests whether firm capital structure can be strategically adapted to the different phases of the business cycle. Relevant theoretical works are presented. Data sourced from SNF/NHH on all firms registered in ... -
Change of Roles and Structures in Ecosystems : An Exploratory Case Study
Oberschachtsiek, Moritz; Haffer, Franziska (Master thesis, 2021)This thesis investigates the research question: “Why and how do roles and structures in an ecosystem change as it matures?” The methodological approach chosen to answer this research question is an explorative single case ... -
Deregulating the Norwegian railway: a survey of empirical experiences abroad
Røstadli, Caroline (Master thesis, 2015)Portraying implications of deregulation, this thesis presents an extensive review of deregulation in the European railway. It targets various decision variables concerning the introduction of competitive tendering in the ... -
The determinants of industry concentration : two new empirical regularities
Lien, Lasse B.; Foss, Nicolai Juul (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2009)This paper reports two new empirical regularities relating to industry concentration. First, concentration levels closely correlate in related industries. Second, the correlation is moderated by the degree of relatedness ... -
Digital Competition and the market for corporate control :a theoretical study on how digital competition affects the market for corporate control
Grinvoll, Jakob; Røsstad, Tord (Master thesis, 2018)Mergers and acquisitions are a fundamental part of the corporate world. This is also the case for digital companies. How the competition in the digital market affects the acquisition patterns of digital companies is a ... -
Diversification, industry structure, and firm strategy : an organizational economics perspective
Klein, Peter G.; Lien, Lasse B. (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2009-03) -
Effekten av kapitalstruktur og finansielle reserver på investeringer under en økonomisk krise :eEn empirisk analyse av koronakrisen i norske bedrifter i 2019
Zivkovic, Danijela; Rolfsen, Christer Gjøse (Master thesis, 2020)Hovedformålet med masterutredningen er å undersøke hvordan kapitalstruktur og finansielle reserver påvirker bedrifters investeringer i humankapital og innovasjon, forskning og utvikling under koronakrisen. Masterutredningen ... -
Effekter og valg av respons ved teknologiske sjokk : en studie om hvordan Posten Norge AS ble rammet av, og responderte da brevvolumene begynte å avta ved årtusenskiftet
Boge, Hanne; Hübert, Mathea Grønseth (Master thesis, 2016)Hensikten med denne masterutredningen har vært å analysere hvordan Posten ble rammet av, og responderte på det teknologiske sjokket som inntraff ved årtusenskiftet. Utredningen inngår som et delprosjekt for S T O P, som ... -
The emergence of digital ecosystems : an exploratory case study
Hagen, Marius; Melbye, Herman (Master thesis, 2020)This thesis investigates the research question; What factors need to be in place for the emergence of a digital ecosystem and how can the key mechanisms evolve? The study is based on an explorative single case study of ... -
ESG Scores and Firm Performance in the Nordics: An Empirical Study of the Link Between ESG Scores and Profitability, Firm Value and Cost of Capital in the Nordics
Jama, Kadar; Horstad, Andreas (Master thesis, 2022)The relationship between environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) performance and profitability, firm value, and cost of capital in the Nordics is explored in this thesis. The influence of ESG is examined ... -
The evolution of (inter-organizational) projects to (micro-) ecosystem : an ecosystem emergence
Chenthanyakorn, Pariyaporn; Maneesai, Saifon (Master thesis, 2020)This thesis is an exploratory case study on how projects evolve to ecosystems. The research study is demonstrated by two empirical cases provided by Telenor in a context of smart city; namely water infrastructure and air ... -
Fra interorganisatorisk samarbeid til digitalt økosystem : en eksplorativ casestudie
Fornes, Martine; Karoliussen, Ingrid Grønli (Master thesis, 2020)Denne utredningen har hatt som formål å besvare følgende forskningsspørsmål: Hvordan utvikler et interorganisatorisk samarbeid seg til et digitalt økosystem, og hva skal til for at denne overgangen kan realiseres? Vi har ... -
Hvordan kan norske bedrifter lykkes internasjonalt? En casestudie av internasjonaliseringsprosessen til innovative og nyetablerte bedrifter
Zietek, Malgorzata W.; Hoen, Victoria (Master thesis, 2023)Regjeringen har et mål om at norske bedrifter skal øke sin eksport til utlandet, men det er i den sammenheng viktig å også ta hensyn til fysisk etablering i utlandet. Det er fordi mange norske bedrifter velger en kombinasjon ... -
Hvorfor velger teknologigiganter å kjøpe opp lavdigitaliserte selskaper? - Et trendskifte? : en flercasestudie av Amazon sitt oppkjøp av Whole Foods og Airbnb sitt oppkjøp av Luxury Retreats
Neteland, Anna Søndenå; Lundgaard, Helene (Master thesis, 2017)Hensikten med denne utredningen har vært å analysere hvorfor to høydigitaliserte selskaper som Amazon og Airbnb, har kjøpt opp to lavdigitaliserte selskaper, henholdsvis Whole Foods og Luxury Retreats. Den digitale ... -
Incumbent responses to disruptive business models : a case study from the German sports rights broadcastingmarket
Rosenbach, Clemens Jakob (Master thesis, 2021)When disruptive technologies become incorporated in new business models (BMs) by entrants, they pose a significant threat to incumbents. But how do established firms respond to the entry of disruptive BMs? This thesis ... -
Innovation in recessions : effects on firm performance
Ratvik, Helge Jystad; Svergja, Kristian (Master thesis, 2016-09-05)This thesis investigates how a firm’s innovation activities affect performance outcomes during recessions. The thesis uses a heteroskedasticity-robust multiple regression model to analyse a large sample of Norwegian firms ... -
Innovation, human capital and exogenous shocks
Knudsen, Eirik Sjåholm; Lien, Lasse B. (Working paper;33/13, Working paper, 2013-12)Strategic entrepreneurship is about the simultaneous exploitation of existing advantages and the creation and exploitation of new opportunities. These are often referred to as the strategy-and the entrepreneurship dimension, ... -
Investigating firms’ innovation behavior during the COVID-19 crisis
Klesse, Lars (Master thesis, 2022)This thesis examines the COVID-19 crisis through the lens of innovation. A particular emphasis is placed on how innovation differs between firms based on firm size, age, and level of digitalization. The COVID-19 pandemic ...