Blar i NHH Brage på forfatter "Sannarnes, Jan Gaute"
Fordelingsvirkninger av merverdiavgiften over livsløpet
Sannarnes, Jan Gaute; Steckmest, Elisabeth (Rapport, Research report, 2002-07)Fordelingsanalyser av inntekt, skatter, overføringer og offentlige tjenester i et livsløpsperspektiv viser at store deler av omfordelingen en finner i tverrsnittsanalyser ikke er overføring av livsinntekt mellom individer, ... -
Insentivbaserte finansieringssystemer for helseforetak
Bjorvatn, Afsane; Kjerstad, Egil; Sannarnes, Jan Gaute; Sunnevåg, Kjell J. (Rapport, Research report, 2002-09)De fem regionale helseforetakene og arbeidsgiverforeningen NAVO ba i mai i år SNF om å utrede hvordan insentivbaserte finansieringssystem for helseforetak kan utformes. Denne rapporten oppsummerer utredningsarbeidet. Et ... -
Investment mechanism design and public policy for a natural gas grid
Sannarnes, Jan Gaute (Working paper, Working paper, 2007-11)This paper discusses how the government can design investment mechanisms to induce a socially optimal capacity increase in a gas grid that is owned by a syndicate of gas producers. Designing the investment mechanisms, the ... -
Network ownership and optimal tariffs for natural gas transport
Hagen, Kåre Petter; Kind, Hans Jarle; Sannarnes, Jan Gaute (Working paper, Working paper, 2004-11)This paper addresses the issue of national optimal tariffs for transportation of natural gas in a setting where national gas production in its entirety is exported to end-user markets abroad. In a situation where the ... -
Network ownership and optimal tariffs for natural gas transport
Hagen, Kåre Petter; Kind, Hans Jarle; Sannarnes, Jan Gaute (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2004-10)This paper addresses the issue of national optimal tariffs for transportation of natural gas in a setting where national gas production in its entirety is exported to end-user markets abroad. In a situation where the ... -
Optimal tariff and ownership structure for a natural gas transportation network
Sannarnes, Jan Gaute (Working paper, Working paper, 2007-11)This paper discusses how the government can set transportation tariffs to induce socially optimal transportation of natural gas in a network owned by a syndicate of gas producers. In a setting where the gas is exported to ... -
Organisering av transmisjonsfunksjonen
Sannarnes, Jan Gaute; Singh, Balbir (Rapport, Research report, 2001-06)Problemstillinger omkring organisering av transmisjonsnett i et markeds-basert kraftsystem er på den internasjonale dagsorden. Dette notatet tar for seg den debatten som har pågått rundt oppsplitting av transmisjonsfunksjonen ... -
Prisregulering av et telenettverk : prinsipiell analyse med særlig fokus på avkastnings- og pristaksregulering
Jensen, Sissel; Sannarnes, Jan Gaute (Rapport, Research report, 2002-09)Formålet med prosjektet har vært å foreta en prinsipiell drøfting av prisreguleringsregimer for telesektoren. I analysen skiller vi mellom pristaksregulering, avkastningsregulering og kostnadsbasert regulering. Ut fra et ... -
Taxation of uncertain business profits, private risk markets and optimal allocation of risk
Hagen, Kåre Petter; Sannarnes, Jan Gaute (Working paper, Working paper, 2004-12)In this paper we explore what happens if the government bears some of the risk through a profit tax when the risk sharing in the venture capital market is incomplete due to non-observability of effort and moral hazard. If ... -
Taxation of uncertain business profits, private risk markets and optimal allocation of risk
Hagen, Kåre Petter; Sannarnes, Jan Gaute (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2005-02)In this paper we explore what happens if the government bears some of the risk through a profit tax when the risk sharing in the venture capital market is incomplete due to non-observability of effort and moral hazard. ...