Browsing NHH Brage by Author "Schjelderup, Guttorm"
Now showing items 1-20 of 124
Abusive transfer pricing and economic activity
Nielsen, Søren Bo; Schindler, Dirk; Schjelderup, Guttorm (Discussion papers;21/14, Working paper, 2014-05)This paper investigates how concealment costs of transfer pricing and the prob- ability of detection affect transfer pricing and firm behavior. We find that transfer pricing in intermediate production factors does not ... -
Advertising and newspaper differentiation : on the role of readers’ advertising taste
Kind, Hans Jarle; Koethenbuerger, Marko; Schjelderup, Guttorm (Working paper, Working paper, 2006-12)Newspapers have an incentive to moderate their profile in order to gain a larger readership and thus higher advertising revenue. We show that this incentive is weakened both if readers are ad-haters and if they are ad-lovers. -
Advertising and Newspaper Differentiation: On the Role of Readers’ Advertising Taste
Kind, Hans Jarle; Koethenbuerger, Marko; Schjelderup, Guttorm (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2007-01)Newspapers have an incentive to moderate their profile in order to gain a larger readership and thus higher advertising revenue. We show that this incentive is weakened both if readers are ad-haters and if they are ad-lovers. -
Allokering av forvaltningskapital i norske sparebanker : en analyse av hvordan kapitalreguleringer og skatt på rentemarginen påvirker bankenes allokering av forvaltningskapital mellom person- og bedriftsmarkedet
Løkås, Yngve Øye; Stensland, Morten (Master thesis, 2015)I denne utredningen viser vi hvordan kapitalreguleringer påvirker norske sparebankers fordeling av forvaltningskapital mellom utlån til person- og bedriftsmarkedet. I tillegg studerer vi hvordan en foreslått skatt på ... -
Arveavgiften : ny arveavgift i Norge? : utfordringer og utforming.
Haakonsen, Frida Fjelde; Lømo-Hansen, Kjersti Løvstad (Master thesis, 2021)Etter åtte år uten arveavgift i Norge er den igjen aktuell på den politiske dagsorden i sammenheng med stortingsvalget 2021. Arveavgiften ble i sin tid avviklet fordi den traff skjevt og opplevdes urettferdig av ... -
Bitcoin: En analyse av Bitcoins implikasjoner og hvordan norske skattemyndigheter utfordres
Standal, Lene; Hageløkken, Julie H. (Master thesis, 2017)Bitcoin er en virtuell og desentralisert valuta som for første gang muliggjør betalinger direkte fra person til person, uten at betalingen må verifiseres av noen sentral, finansiell institusjon. Siden Bitcoin ble introdusert ... -
Bruken av blokkjede-teknologi i transaksjoner : en kvalitativ analyse av kryptovalutaen XRP og betalingsnettverket RippleNet
Berntsen, Mathias A.; Halleland, Henrik S. (Master thesis, 2018)Utredningen tar for seg kryptovalutaen XRP og betalingsnettverket RippleNet og avdekker deres egenskaper, muligheter og utfordringer tilknyttet transaksjoner. XRP-nettverket baserer seg på blokkjede-teknologi, hvilket i ... -
Capital structure and international debt shifting: a comment
Møen, Jarle; Schindler, Dirk; Schjelderup, Guttorm (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2008-08)In a recent article, Huizinga, Laeven and Nicodème (2008) present a novel model that motivates an extensive empirical analysis of international debt shifting. We point out that the model fails to account for internal ... -
Capital taxation and imperfect competition : ACE vs. CBIT
Brekke, Kurt R.; Pires, Armando José Garcia; Schindler, Dirk; Schjelderup, Guttorm (Discussion paper;32/14, Working paper, 2014-11)This paper studies the market and welfare effects of two main tax reforms – the Corporate Business Income Tax (CBIT) and the Allowance for Corporate Equity tax (ACE). Using an imperfect-competition model for a small open ... -
Capital Taxation and Imperfect Competition: ACE vs. CBIT
Brekke, Kurt; Pires, Armando José Garcia; Schindler, Dirk; Schjelderup, Guttorm (Discussion paper;37/14, Working paper, 2014-11)This paper studies the market and welfare effects of two main tax reforms – the Corporate Business Income Tax (CBIT) and the Allowance for Corporate Equity tax (ACE). Using an imperfect-competition model for a small open ... -
Centralized vs. de-centralized multinationals and taxes
Nielsen, Søren Bo; Raimondos-Møller, Pascalis; Schjelderup, Guttorm (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2005-03)The paper examines how country tax differences affect a multinational enterprise’s choice to centralize or de-centralize its decision structure. Within a simple model that emphasizes the multiple conflicting roles of ... -
Charities and foundations in Norway : a legal and financial framework with focus on the Olav Thon Foundationa
Sandaa-Johansen, Torstein; Kairova, Madina (Master thesis, 2017)This paper seeks to examine the history and usage of charities and foundations in Norway. The number of large foundations has been on the rise, along with the interest in the charitable sector. In its purity a philanthropic ... -
Code Red For Stock Markets? An Empirical Analysis of the Norwegian Stock Market Reactions to Reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Randen, Marit; Jacobsen, Tonje (Master thesis, 2021)To raise awareness of the financial implications of reports published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, this thesis examines the Norwegian stock market reactions surrounding these publications. In addition, ... -
Commodity taxation and international trade in imperfect markets
Haufler, Andreas; Schjelderup, Guttorm; Stähler, Frank (Report, Research report, 2000-12)This paper studies non-cooperative commodity taxation in a trade model with imperfect competition and trade costs. Nationally optimal tax policy simultaneously tries to correct the domestic distortion from imperfect ... -
Company tax reform in Europe and its effect on collusive behavior
Schindler, Dirk; Schjelderup, Guttorm (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2006-05)We study how harmonization of corporate tax systems affects the stability of international cartels. We show that tax base harmonization reinforces collusive agreements, while harmonization of corporate tax rates may ... -
Company taxation and tax spillovers: Separate accounting versus formula apportionment
Nielsen, Søren Bo; Raimondos-Møller, Pascalis; Schjelderup, Guttorm (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)It is observed in the real world that taxes matter for location decisions and that multinationals shift profits by transfer pricing. The US and Canada use so-called formula apportionment (FA) to tax corporate income, and ... -
The comparison between ad valorem and specific taxation under two-part tariffs
Schjelderup, Guttorm; Jensen, Sissel (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2009-06)In this paper, we compare ad valorem and specific taxation under heterogeneous demand when a monopolist offers a menu of two-part tariffs. An increase in either tax rate leads to a higher usage fee for all consumers, whereas ... -
Competing for capital in a "lumpy" world
Kind, Hans Jarle; Midelfart, Karen Helene; Schjelderup, Guttorm (Discussion paper, Working paper, 1999-04) -
Competing for foreign direct investments : a real options approach
Panteghini, Paolo M.; Schjelderup, Guttorm (Report, Research report, 2003-10)This paper uses the Bad News Principle to study how the ability of multinationals to shift profits by transfer pricing affects both the timing of foreign direct investment decisions and government tax policy. A main finding ... -
Corporate tax systems and cross country profit shifting : formula apportionment vs. separate accounting
Schjelderup, Guttorm; Eggert, Wolfgang (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2004-09)This paper shows in a symmetric tax competition model that a formula apportionment system can attain the first best welfare optimum without any political pre-agreed harmonization or coordination of tax bases and tax ...