Blar i NHH Brage på forfatter "Vallentyne, Peter"
Liberal Resourcism: Problems and Possibilities
Tungodden, Bertil; Vallentyne, Peter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)A basic question for egalitarians is the “equality of what?” question. This is an instance of the more general “distribution of what?” question for distributive justice. The question is of great importance both for ... -
On the possibility of Paretian egalitarianism
Tungodden, Bertil; Vallentyne, Peter (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2004-07)Paretian egalitarianism holds that equality should be promoted, but only when this does not conflict with certain (Pareto) efficiency considerations. Like leximin, it has the attractive feature of never favoring leveling ... -
Person-affecting paretian egalitarianism with variable population size
Tungodden, Bertil; Vallentyne, Peter (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2005-08)Where there is a fixed population (i.e., who exists does not depend on what choice an agent makes), the deontic version of anonymous Paretian egalitarianism holds that an option is just if and only if (1) it is anonymously ... -
Who are the least advantaged?
Tungodden, Bertil; Vallentyne, Peter (Discussion paper, Working paper, 2005-01)The difference principle, introduced by Rawls (1971, 1993), is generally interpreted as leximin, but this is not how he intended it. Rawls explicitly states that the difference principle requires that aggregate benefits ...