Browsing Doctoral dissertations 1953-1998 by Title
Now showing items 106-125 of 128
Stability, collective choice and separable welfare
(Doctoral thesis, 1985) -
Stortingssalen som markedsplass : analyse av statens grunnlagsinvesteringer 1840-1914
(Doctoral thesis, 1980) -
Strategic issue diagnosis : the roles of organizational scanning, information processing structure of top management teams, and managers' cognitive complexity
(Doctoral thesis, 1998)Managers in organizations are continuously confronted by an array of ambiguous data and -vaguely felt stimuli which they must somehow order, explicate and imbue with meaning before they decide on how to respond. This ... -
Strategic mergers & acquisitions : value creation and the market for corporate control
(Doctoral thesis, 1991) -
Studier i arbeidslønnsteorien
(Doctoral thesis, 1956) -
Studies in capital budgeting
(Doctoral thesis, 1975) -
Studies in risk and bond values
(Doctoral thesis, 1974) -
Studies in the foreign direct investment and divestment behavior of Norwegian manufacturing companies
(Doctoral thesis, 1995) -
Studies in the theory of incomplete markets
(Doctoral thesis, 1979) -
Taxation and regulation of petroleum companies under asymmetric information: a monograph
(Doctoral thesis, 1994) -
Teknologieksport til u-land : bedrifters valg av lokalisering
(Doctoral thesis, 1989) -
Teoretisk versus subjektiv beslutningsinnflytelse : en ekperimentell studie
(Doctoral thesis, 1990) -
Terminhandel : effektivitet, kryssikring og trading
(Doctoral thesis, 1989) -
The Economic Geography of Regional Differentiation - Studies in Sogn og Fjordane, Norway
(Doctoral thesis, 1975)The central concern of this thesis is with the degree of freedom of action which peripheral areas retain in directing their own development. The evolution of regional policy in Norway is described in detail, with close ... -
Tropical agriculture and deforestation : economic theories and a study from Indonesia
(Doctoral thesis, 1997) -
Vertikal integrasjon i oljeindustrien : teoretiske og empiriske vurderinger
(Doctoral thesis, 1990)