Fashion blogs: a study on how consumers’ attitude to fashion is influenced through fashion blog usage.
This thesis study:
How consumers’ attitudes to fashion are influenced by fashion blog usage. Identifying some
characteristics of the a-list fashion bloggers.
The variables that are assumed to influence the domain of fashion blogs are expertise, authenticity,
authority, social identity, private- and social self image.
Fashion blogs was found to be an important source of influence, for some taking over the role of
fashion magazines. All the variables studied were found to influence users’ attitudes through fashion
blog usage. The common features of the best (a-list) fashion bloggers is that they have more
expertise, a unique style, are honest in that they have less product recommendations and authority
in being identificational and aspirational, and respected. There was also found additional factors that
might have an influence; users’ motivation behind use and factors connected to the layout and
content of the blog.