The acquisition of Roxar by Emerson : the good child of the good parent?
The aim of the master thesis is to analyze the case of Roxar‘s acquisition by Emerson and to perform the discussion about how a change of ownership has transformed the company and whether this transformation has created value for Roxar. As the case discussed in this paper addresses the changes in the company caused by the acquisition, the analysis is build around the Parenting advantage theory, supplemented by other models and theories. The analysis is performed using the data collected from semi-structured interviews and document analysis. First, the potential benefits of acquisition are concerned by analyzing internal characteristics of both companies in addition to the external environment. Second, the post-acquisition realized benefits are discussed in details. The analysis provides a clear insight on the acquisition and it is concluded that Emerson managed to create value for Roxar through parenting advantage. Findings of the paper could present some guidance on how MNCs can affect smaller companies via acquisitions