Energy key performance indicators : a european benchmark and assessment of meaningful indicators for the use of energy in large corporations
This study aims to identify and analyze energy key performance indicators among large
European companies. Energy usage has become a very meaningful topic for both internal
management as well as external stakeholders of a company. A review of current literature
suggests that while environmental indicators in general have found broad attention and plenty
of theories concerning good and meaningful indicators are published, no study investigating
actually applied energy indicators exists. Therefore, this study gives an overview of
predominant indicators on energy consumption and efficiency in three different energyintensive
industries. Through the application of content analysis to energy indicators
published online, in separate reports or in the company’s annual report, the content and
quality of indicators was assessed and compared. The findings of this cross-sectional study
suggest, that reporting on energy key performance indicators in general takes place at a high
quality level, with disclosures being qualitative as well as quantitative and oftentimes
comparable over time. Frequently applied indicators are those suggested by the GRI
framework as well as very general energy indicators. Several less wide spread and industryspecific
indicators are found to have a large potential as meaningful and informative energy
key performance indicators. Concerning the nature as well as the quality of energy indicators,
differences exist across industries as well as across countries. Overall, this study is able to
provide guidance concerning the choice and composition of energy key performance
indicators and adds to the existing knowledge base on environmental indicators.