dc.description.abstract | This report investigates the sustainable agricultural performance of coffee farms in the south-eastern states of Brazil under integrated landscape management strategies. 651 municipalities were analysed across Paraná, Sao Paulo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and Espirito Santo between 2002 and 2016 to study the socioeconomic and environmental impacts of Nespresso’s AAA Sustainable Quality Program and the 2012 Brazil Investment Plan for Sustainable Land Use and Forest Management in the Cerrado biome. Using a Difference in Difference model with fixed effects estimations, I identified that both programs have facilitated significant improvements across income, yields and crop value. The research provides insights into the strategic opportunities for value chain investors, governments, financial institutions and farmers to improve environmental practices in coffee farming with economic incentives. Ultimately, my research provides compelling insights on the efficacy of integrated landscape management approaches for meeting the growing consumption demand as well as the commitments of Brazil’s ecosystem conservation and restoration initiatives.
“You cannot tackle hunger, disease, and poverty unless you can also provide people with a healthy ecosystem in which their economies can grow.”
— Gro Harlem Brundtland | nb_NO |