Aftermarket liquidity and performance of initial public offerings : evidence from Oslo Stock Exchange
This thesis investigates abnormal returns in initial public offerings (IPOs) at the Oslo Stock
Exchange during the time period of 2007 to 2018. By utilising four liquidity measures, we aim
to identify the relationships between aftermarket liquidity and abnormal returns, both initially
and long-run.
Through our sample of 125 observations, we confirm the existence of the underpricing
phenomenon and the long-run underperformance of IPOs in the Norwegian market. We find
aftermarket liquidity to be positively related to underpricing. When sorting the issues by
sentiment, based on the previous two-month returns, the positive relationship solidifies for hot
sentiment markets. Hence, underpricing positively affecting aftermarket liquidity seems to be
amplified during bullish trends.
We find indications of a positive relationship between liquidity and long-run abnormal returns,
the more illiquid the stock, the worse the performance, and vice versa. This contradicts the riskreturn
trade-off, which states illiquidity as an attribute of risk. Therefore, we further examine
the long-run issue returns by separating between marketplaces. Thus, we discover Oslo Axess,
the junior exchange, to be the driver of the counter-intuitive results. We suggest this is a
consequence of the speculative nature of Oslo Axess. For the Oslo Stock Exchange, the
relationship subsides.