Kostnader ved sykehusinfeksjoner : et bedriftsøkonomisk perspektiv på kostnadene av sykehusinfeksjoner etter innsettelse av totalhofteprotese
About 500,000 people are admitted to Norwegian hospitals every year. According to the
Norwegian Institute of Public Health, 4.1% of these patients get a hospital infection during their
stay. Hospital infections are among the leading causes of deaths in Norwegian hospitals and
may cause severe trauma to the patient. Several international studies claim that hospital
infections result in high costs for hospitals. This dissertation focuses on the financial
consequences of hospital infections and addresses the following issue:
"What is the cost of a hospital infection for Norwegian hospitals?"
In the present study, we have focused on postoperative infections that occur after the insertion
of the total hip prosthesis as approximately 10,000 Norwegians undergo such an intervention
every year. We have interviewed health professionals to map the course of treatment, to identify
activities and resources at Norwegian hospitals. In order to estimate cost due to this type of
infection, we have used time-driven ABC cost calculation.
Our results show that a hospital infection after the insertion of a total hip prosthesis costs on an
average 73,052 NOK per patient, which represents a cost of 27 million NOK for Norwegian
hospitals during the year 2018. This estimate gives an indication to the relevant costs but due
to uncertainties in the cost estimate it may not give a complete picture of all the costs. An
assessment must therefore be made of the relevance of cost estimates, and economists with their
insight into the field of expertise will be able to contribute with such a subjective assessment.