What drives the devil’s machine? : an empirical study on dividend withholding taxes, settlement changes, and legislative changes’ effect on trading around the ex-dividend date in European markets.
This thesis explores the dividend withholding tax (DWT) schemes related to changes in
the general DWT rate, the effect of imposing a DWT on investors, settlement cycles, and
legislative measures to limit the DWT schemes.
Through our analyses of 14 different countries from 2004 to 2020, we have found no
significant effect on abnormal volume caused by the changes in the general DWT rate.
This contrasts our hypothesis; that higher general DWT rates will lead to a higher level
of abnormal volume caused by DWT schemes. However, we find significant increases in
excess volume when a DWT is imposed on the investors.
We also included two supplementary research problems: The effect on abnormal volume
caused by a transition from T+3 to T+2 standard settlement cycle is inconclusive. Our
analysis provides no new insights into DWT schemes when analysing excess volume before
and after the transition.
The countries that have between 2004 and 2020 implemented legislative measures to
combat DWT schemes generally seem to have achieved the desired effect. All countries
except Denmark, Norway and Switzerland show a significant decrease in abnormal volume
following the new regulatory framework.