Explicitness of 10-K reporting on CSR-related topics and board composition.
This paper examines the relationship between board composition characteristics, particularly
board gender diversity, size, and independence level on one side, and the level of explicitness
in reporting related to corporate social responsibility (CSR) on the other. For a sample of 2398
10-K forms of US firms, we conduct a textual analysis on annual reports published between
April 1st, 2020, and March 31st, 2021. We identify important CSR-related topics and establish
dictionaries of most indicative words for them. We then process texts with the reports to
construct the measure that defines the level of explicitness. Our results confirm that companies
with more women on the board tend to disclose more explicitly on CSR-related topics in general
annual reports. However, board size is not significant in predicting the same measure. When
controlling for additional factors, we confirm that independence level of the board has no
correlation with explicitness level. Finally, we suggest some important avenues for future
research in this field.