Browsing Geografi i Bergen by Title
Now showing items 5-24 of 35
Eksternt eid næringsliv og regional utvikling i Nordkapp
(Geografi i Bergen, Research report, 2000)I denne artikkelen diskuterer vi nye strategier for regional vekst i geografiske utkantområder. Både hindringer for vekst, og de lokale forutsetningene for vekst danner hovedgrunnlaget for forskningsproblemet som stilles. ... -
Fishery communities in change
(Geografi i Bergen, Research report, 2000)This article discusses relations between globalisation and local capitalism. Despite the increasing globalization in the international economy, firms continue to be spatially situated. We develop a methodological framework ... -
The future of marginal regions as perceived by those who are expected to shape it
(Geografi i Bergen, Research report, 2001)The paper’s point of departure is the government’s vision of the future of marginal regions, as expressed in its report on regional policy, endorsed by Parliament in June 2001. The political vision is then confronted with ... -
Future perspectives on integrated coastal zone management
(Geografi i Bergen, Research report, 2001)The paper gives a brief overview of the motives for and essential features of integrated coastal zone management and planning (ICZM&P). Challenges facing management and planning are divided into two interrelated groups: ... -
Geographical approaches to micronutrient deficiencies in Himalaya
(Geografi i Bergen, Research report, 2002)Research carried out under the NUFU (Norwegian Committee for Development Research and Education) programme has shown that micronutrient deficiencies in Himalayan soils are widespread, and also that there are links from ... -
Governance, territoriality and local production systems in Norwegian fisheries
(Geografi i Bergen, Research report, 1999)This paper focuses upon the informal and institutional governance structures which are embedded within local production systems in Norwegian fisheries. Important issues concern the regional distribution of fish catches ... -
Gunnar Myrdal og loven om kumulativ kausalitet
(Geografi i Bergen, Research report, 2002)The paper discusses the law on cumulative causation by Gunnar Myrdal from 1957. The law is central in a theory of economic development and underdevelopment, and focuses especially upon regional growth, recession and the ... -
Hvilken fiskeripolitikk er norsk fiskeindustri best tjent med?
(Geografi i Bergen, Research report, 1999)Denne utgaven av geografi i Bergen er en samling debattinnlegg om norsk fiskeripolitikk bestående av to kronikker, en anmeldelse og et motsvar med utgangspunkt i SNF-rapport 57/98Endrede rammebetingelser for norsk ... -
Implementing functions for spatial statistical analysis using the R language
(Geografi i Bergen, Research report, 1998)R is a language similar to S for statistical data analysis, based on modern programming concepts and released under the GNU General Public License. It permits the integration of program scripts with compiled dynamically ... -
Innovasjoner i norsk saltfiskindustri i 1990-årene, noen eksempler
(Geografi i Bergen, Research report, 2000)Rapporten diskuterer i hovedsak prosess- og produktinnovasjoner i norsk saltfiskindustri i 1990-årene. Rapporten dokumenterer veksten i den norske saltfisknæringen i disse årene, noen av de strategiene som produsentene har ... -
Integrating GRASS 5.0 and R: GIS and modern statistics for data analysis
(Geografi i Bergen, Research report, 1999)With the release of the open-source GIS GRASS 5.0 in early 1999, opportunities are presented for integration with the open-sourcestatistical data analysis programming environment. After reviewing these two software ... -
Kulturell forankring og markedsstrategi : en dybdestudie av fiskeindustrien i Måløy i Vågsøy kommune.
(Geografi i Bergen, Research report, 2001)The paper discusses relations between globalisation and local capitalism. The discussion focus on how firms in the Norwegian fish processing industry have adapted to increasing international competition and national political ... -
Micronutrient strategies for marginal areas
(Geografi i Bergen, Research report, 2003)Micronutrient deficiencies in human nutrition, especially of iron and zinc, occur often in marginal mountain regions. The main cause is poverty, resulting in low nutrient diets. Poor nutrition is one of the main causes ... -
Migrasjon og romlege representasjonar : ein eksempelstudie av migrasjonspraksisar og -prosessar eit spansk kystsamfunn
(Geografi i Bergen, Research report, 2002)This paper argues that migration must be understood as social and spatial practices. This understanding emphasises both the migrant’s and places’ biography, which means that migration must be related to the narrative of ... -
Muros : et fiskerisamfunn i endring
(Geografi i Bergen, Research report, 1999)I dette paperet diskuterer vi samspillet mellom globale og lokale prosesser med utgangspunkt i fiskerisamfunnet Muros i Galicia. Ingen steder kan betraktes som uforanderlige. Steder konstrueres, rekonstrueres og endres ... -
Networking firms in a global economy : Impact of agglomeration economies and networking on international operation in small and medium-sized firms
(Geografi i Bergen, Research report, 1999)The main topic analysed in this article is the clustering of economic activities and its relation to human agency; social and business networking. The article develops arguments on agglomeration economies, production of ... -
Nordkapp : økonomisk praksis i et fiskeriavhengig lokalsamfunn
(Geografi i Bergen, Research report, 2000)Artikkelen diskuterer forholdet mellom globalisering og kontekst med utgangspunkt i økonomiske aktiviteter i lokalsamfunnet Nordkapp. Er det slik at økonomisk praksis blir deterritorialisert i en tid preget av økt ... -
The Norwegian fish processing industry : regional adaptation and national policy implications
(Geografi i Bergen, Research report, 1999)This article focuses on the regional pattern of the fish processing industry in Norway and how this pattern can be included in the national fishery policy in an effort to develop more efficient and market oriented ... -
Open Source software and the knowledge economy: virtually free and virtually immeasurable
(230, Research report, 1999)One of the most striking innovations to emerge with full vigour in the late 1990's, but building on earlier precedent, is Open Source software. While there are good technical reasons for releasing the source code of computer ... -
Oppfatninger om flyttinger i Norge : Jamstillingskomitéens innstilling 1951.
(Geografi i Bergen, Research report, 2002)Notatet er en tekstanalyse av en offentlig utredning fra 1951. Formålet er å avdekke hvilke oppfatninger om flyttinger fra landsbygda som gjorde seg gjeldende blant politikere og forskere. Disse oppfatningene, spesielt ...