Autentisk ledelse, tillit og følelser under organisatorisk endring: En replikasjonsstudie om norske HR-lederes oppfatning av autentisk ledelse, tillit til leder og følelser under organisatorisk endring
This paper is a replication study of Vik & Skeies’ (2021) study “The Impact of Authentic
Leadership during Organisational Change Processes”. The paper is a contribution to the
research of authentic leadership, trust and emotions in the context of organisational change,
and aims to replicate results from Vik & Skeies’ (2021) study. Using explorative study and
inductive approach, the study is founded empirically on qualitative research interviews with
twelve HRM’s from different businesses in Norway. The results indicate that authentic
leadership can lead to increased levels of trust as well as positive emotions for followers
during organisational change. The findings also reveal that high levels of trust can prevent
negative emotions, whilst low levels of trust can contribute to negative emotions. The
findings coincide with most of Vik & Skeies’ (2021) findings and conclusions. The findings
may be of particular interest for leaders in Norwegian organisations, and both the theoretical
elements as well as the empirical findings, may nurture inspiration for future research within
the field.