The Effect of Company Quality in Explaining IPO Returns: An Empirical Study on Oslo Stock Exchange from 1998 to 2018
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the effect company quality has in explaining
IPO returns. To conduct this analysis, we use a data set that consists of annual accounting
data and monthly stock price data from publicly listed firms on the Oslo Stock Exchange
from 1998 to 2018. By following the methodology of Asness, Frazzini, and Pedersen (2018),
we define company quality by ranking all firms after a composite quality measure. We find
that stocks with a high quality score on average have higher prices throughout the whole
time period we analyze. Moreover, we find that the price of quality was higher prior to the
Global Financial Crisis. When we evaluate the short-run performance of IPO companies,
our analysis show that the junk companies have the best initial first day returns, while
quality IPOs have the best returns for the first month. For the IPO returns over a longer
time horizon, our results indicate that investors don't obtain a positive abnormal return
by investing in IPO portfolios. In addition, the analysis suggests that quality IPOs explain
a majority of the long-run returns of the IPO portfolios we have constructed. Finally, we
find that there is a significant difference in factor loadings between quality and junk IPOs.